1)在cxmt631_statechange 中的statechange.before_menu 下,置入程序:
#add-point:menu前 name="statechange.before_menu" CASE g_xmabuc_m.xmabucstus WHEN "X" CALL cl_set_act_visible("report,factory,Load,pass,valid",FALSE) WHEN "01" CALL cl_set_act_visible("Loading,pass",FALSE) WHEN "02" CALL cl_set_act_visible("pass",FALSE) WHEN "03" CALL cl_set_act_visible("report",FALSE) WHEN "04" CALL cl_set_act_visible("factory,report",FALSE) END CASE #end add-point
2)每一个状态更改时都同时更新数据表的相关字段,同样是在cxmt631_statechange 下:
ON ACTION invalid IF cl_auth_chk_act("invalid") THEN LET lc_state = "X" #add-point:action控制 name="statechange.invalid" update xmabuc_t set xmabuc004 = lc_state where xmabucdocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabucdocno and xmabucent = g_enterprise if not cl_null(g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009) then update xmen_t set xmenua003 = lc_state where xmenent = g_enterprise and xmendocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009 end if #end add-point END IF EXIT MENU ON ACTION report IF cl_auth_chk_act("report") THEN LET lc_state = "01" #add-point:action控制 name="statechange.report" update xmabuc_t set xmabuc004 = lc_state where xmabucdocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabucdocno and xmabucent = g_enterprise if not cl_null(g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009) then update xmen_t set xmenua003 = lc_state where xmenent = g_enterprise and xmendocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009 end if #end add-point END IF EXIT MENU ON ACTION factory IF cl_auth_chk_act("factory") THEN LET lc_state = "02" #add-point:action控制 name="statechange.factory" update xmabuc_t set xmabuc004 = lc_state where xmabucdocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabucdocno and xmabucent = g_enterprise if not cl_null(g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009) then update xmen_t set xmenua003 = lc_state where xmenent = g_enterprise and xmendocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009 end if #end add-point END IF EXIT MENU ON ACTION loading IF cl_auth_chk_act("loading") THEN LET lc_state = "03" #add-point:action控制 name="statechange.loading" update xmabuc_t set xmabuc004 = lc_state where xmabucdocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabucdocno and xmabucent = g_enterprise if not cl_null(g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009) then update xmen_t set xmenua003 = lc_state where xmenent = g_enterprise and xmendocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009 end if #end add-point END IF EXIT MENU ON ACTION pass IF cl_auth_chk_act("pass") THEN LET lc_state = "04" #add-point:action控制 name="statechange.pass" update xmabuc_t set xmabuc004 = lc_state where xmabucdocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabucdocno and xmabucent = g_enterprise if not cl_null(g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009) then update xmen_t set xmenua003 = lc_state where xmenent = g_enterprise and xmendocno = g_xmabuc_m.xmabuc009 end if #end add-point END IF EXIT MENU