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    propagate vt./vi

    1. VERB If people propagate an idea or piece of information, they spread it and try to make people believe it or support it.
    2. VERB If you peopagate plants, you grow more of them from the original ones.

    pumpkin n.

    1. N-VAR A pumpkin is a large, round, orange vegetable with a thick skin.

    entrepreneur n.

    1. N-COUNT An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals.

    sedate adj./vt.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone or something as sedate, you mean that they are quiet and rather dignified, though perhaps a bit dull.
    2. ADJ-GRADED If you move along at a sedate place, you move slowly, in a controlled way.
    3. VERB If someone is sedated, they are given a drug to calm them or to make them sleep.

    patriarchal adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED A patriarchal society, family, or system is one in which the men have all or most of the power and importance.

    constellation n.

    1. N-COUNT A constellation is a group of stars which from a pattern and have a name.
    2. N-COUNT A constellation of similar things is a group of them.

    impertinent adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If someone talks or behaves in a rather impolite and disrespectful way, you can say that they are being impertinent.

    demur vi./n.

    1. VERB If you demur, you say that you do not agree with something or will not do something that you have been asked to do.
    2. PHARSE If you do something without demur, you do it immediately and without making any protest.


    culpable adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened.

    culpable a.

    inculpate v.

    exculpate v.

    squabble v./n.

    1. V-RECIP When people squable, they quarrel about something that is not really imporant.

    maneuver n./vt./vi.

    homogeneous adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED Homogeneous is used to describe a group or thing which has members or parts that are all the same.



    malevolent adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED A malevolent person deliberately tries to cause harm or evil.


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