• 【Substrate Collectables教程】【第2章Kitties】4 拥有多个 Kitties

    拥有多个 Kitties

    4.1 使用 Tuples 去模拟高阶数组


    幸运的是,根据我们的需求,使用一个由 AccountId 和 Index 组成的 tuple 几乎就可以解决我们的问题了。

    以下是我们如何使用这样的结构构造每个人独有的 "friends list":

    MyFriendsArray get(my_friends_array): map (T::AccountId, u32) => T::AccountId;
    MyFriendsCount get(my_friends_count): map T::AccountId => u32;


    MyFriendsArray[AccountId][Index] -> AccountId



     4.2 相对索引

    与以前一样,我们可以通过索引项目的位置来优化 runtime 需要执行的计算工作。一般的方法是反转 MyFriendsArray 的映射,并创建一个这样的存储项:

    MyFriendsIndex: map (T::AccountId, T::AccountId) => u32;

    如果 AccountId 代表用户和他们的朋友, 那么返回值将是 MyFriendsArray 的索引,即该朋友在该用户的朋友列表中的存储位置。

    但是,由于我们的 kitty 都具有唯一标识符作为 Hash,并且不能被多个用户所拥有,所以我们实际上可以简化此结构

    MyKittiesIndex: map T::Hash => u32;

    这个索引告诉了我们对于一个给定的 kitty,可以在哪里查看该项的 所有者 数组。

    4.3 示例

    use support::{decl_storage, decl_module, StorageValue, StorageMap,
        dispatch::Result, ensure, decl_event};
    use system::ensure_signed;
    use runtime_primitives::traits::{As, Hash};
    use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode};
    #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
    pub struct Kitty<Hash, Balance> {
        id: Hash,
        dna: Hash,
        price: Balance,
        gen: u64,
    pub trait Trait: balances::Trait {
        type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
        pub enum Event<T>
            <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
            <T as system::Trait>::Hash
            Created(AccountId, Hash),
    decl_storage! {
        trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as KittyStorage {
            Kitties get(kitty): map T::Hash => Kitty<T::Hash, T::Balance>;
            KittyOwner get(owner_of): map T::Hash => Option<T::AccountId>;
            AllKittiesArray get(kitty_by_index): map u64 => T::Hash;
            AllKittiesCount get(all_kitties_count): u64;
            AllKittiesIndex: map T::Hash => u64;
            OwnedKittiesArray get(kitty_of_owner_by_index): map (T::AccountId, u64) => T::Hash;
            OwnedKittiesCount get(owned_kitty_count): map T::AccountId => u64;
            OwnedKittiesIndex: map T::Hash => u64;
            Nonce: u64;
    decl_module! {
        pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
            fn deposit_event<T>() = default;
            fn create_kitty(origin) -> Result {
                let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
                let owned_kitty_count = Self::owned_kitty_count(&sender);
                let new_owned_kitty_count = owned_kitty_count.checked_add(1)
                    .ok_or("Overflow adding a new kitty to account balance")?;
                let all_kitties_count = Self::all_kitties_count();
                let new_all_kitties_count = all_kitties_count.checked_add(1)
                    .ok_or("Overflow adding a new kitty to total supply")?;
                let nonce = <Nonce<T>>::get();
                let random_hash = (<system::Module<T>>::random_seed(), &sender, nonce)
                    .using_encoded(<T as system::Trait>::Hashing::hash);
                ensure!(!<KittyOwner<T>>::exists(random_hash), "Kitty already exists");
                let new_kitty = Kitty {
                    id: random_hash,
                    dna: random_hash,
                    price: <T::Balance as As<u64>>::sa(0),
                    gen: 0,
                <Kitties<T>>::insert(random_hash, new_kitty);
                <KittyOwner<T>>::insert(random_hash, &sender);
                <AllKittiesArray<T>>::insert(all_kitties_count, random_hash);
                <AllKittiesIndex<T>>::insert(random_hash, all_kitties_count);
                <OwnedKittiesArray<T>>::insert((sender.clone(), owned_kitty_count), random_hash);
                <OwnedKittiesCount<T>>::insert(&sender, new_owned_kitty_count);
                <OwnedKittiesIndex<T>>::insert(random_hash, owned_kitty_count);
                <Nonce<T>>::mutate(|n| *n += 1);
                Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Created(sender, random_hash));
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiangshigang/p/16268443.html
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