kafka 消息保证是老生常谈的事情, 总结都做了n遍, 现在结合源码(kakfa版本v2.6.2)再来一遍,可靠性是由3个部分来进行保证的
- 消费者保证
- 生产者保证
- broker保证
- **org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer 包 **
autoCommit vs 手动commit
- enable.auto.commit = true
// 设置自动提交参数 的自定义, 如果没有设置就为false boolean maybeOverrideEnableAutoCommit() { // 获取group id Optional<String> groupId = Optional.ofNullable(getString(CommonClientConfigs.GROUP_ID_CONFIG)); // 获取系统中设置的自动提交参数 boolean enableAutoCommit = getBoolean(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG); if (!groupId.isPresent()) { // overwrite in case of default group id where the config is not explicitly provided // 默认false if (!originals().containsKey(ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG)) { enableAutoCommit = false; } else if (enableAutoCommit) { // 没有设置groupId 不能自动提交 throw new InvalidConfigurationException(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG + " cannot be set to true when default group id (null) is used."); } } return enableAutoCommit; }
- auto.commit.interval.ms
//默认值为5000 .define(AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, Type.INT, 5000, atLeast(0), Importance.LOW, AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_DOC) //
- 偏移量提交
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer#poll(org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Timer, boolean)
private ConsumerRecords<K, V> poll(final Timer timer, final boolean includeMetadataInTimeout) { // 控制是当前线程消费的,非当前线程消费直接抛出异常 acquireAndEnsureOpen(); try { // 消费者记录下消息消费的开始时间 this.kafkaConsumerMetrics.recordPollStart(timer.currentTimeMs()); if (this.subscriptions.hasNoSubscriptionOrUserAssignment()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Consumer is not subscribed to any topics or assigned any partitions"); } do { // 消费者触发唤醒,看有没有唤醒,没有直接抛出异常 client.maybeTriggerWakeup(); if (includeMetadataInTimeout) { // try to update assignment metadata BUT do not need to block on the timer for join group updateAssignmentMetadataIfNeeded(timer, false); } else { // 同步消费者元数据,这里要通过coordinator 去同步出去 // 要是没有就 rebalance 加到这个group里面去 while (!updateAssignmentMetadataIfNeeded(time.timer(Long.MAX_VALUE), true)) { log.warn("Still waiting for metadata"); } } final Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> records = pollForFetches(timer); if (!records.isEmpty()) { // before returning the fetched records, we can send off the next round of fetches // and avoid block waiting for their responses to enable pipelining while the user // is handling the fetched records. // // NOTE: since the consumed position has already been updated, we must not allow // wakeups or any other errors to be triggered prior to returning the fetched records. if (fetcher.sendFetches() > 0 || client.hasPendingRequests()) { client.transmitSends(); } return this.interceptors.onConsume(new ConsumerRecords<>(records)); } } while (timer.notExpired()); return ConsumerRecords.empty(); } finally { release(); this.kafkaConsumerMetrics.recordPollEnd(timer.currentTimeMs()); } } // coordinator.poll调用 public boolean poll(Timer timer, boolean waitForJoinGroup) { ... // 先不管上面的逻辑 // 在这里就回自动提交当前的消费的offset //。具体就是掉send maybeAutoCommitOffsetsAsync(timer.currentTimeMs()); return true; } // 异步提交偏移量 private void doAutoCommitOffsetsAsync() { // 偏移量提交 Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> allConsumedOffsets = subscriptions.allConsumed(); log.debug("Sending asynchronous auto-commit of offsets {}", allConsumedOffsets); commitOffsetsAsync(allConsumedOffsets, (offsets, exception) -> { if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof RetriableCommitFailedException) { log.debug("Asynchronous auto-commit of offsets {} failed due to retriable error: {}", offsets, exception); nextAutoCommitTimer.updateAndReset(rebalanceConfig.retryBackoffMs); } else { log.warn("Asynchronous auto-commit of offsets {} failed: {}", offsets, exception.getMessage()); } } else { log.debug("Completed asynchronous auto-commit of offsets {}", offsets); } }); }
Kafka提供了一个角色:coordinator来执行对于consumer group的管理。坦率说kafka对于coordinator的设计与修改是一个很长的故事。最新版本的coordinator也与最初的设计有了很大的不同。这里我只想提及两次比较大的改变。
首先是0.8版本的coordinator,那时候的coordinator是依赖zookeeper来实现对于consumer group的管理的。Coordinator监听zookeeper的
下注册。很明显,这种方案要依赖于zookeeper的帮助,而且每个consumer是单独做决定的,没有那种“大家属于一个组,要协商做事情”的精神。// 老版本和测试代码可以看到对应的定义,可见是在zookeeper上注册offsets def getConsumersOffsetsZkPath(consumerGroup: String, topic: String, partition: Int): String = { s"/consumers/$consumerGroup/offsets/$topic/$partition" }
基于这些潜在的弊端,0.9版本的kafka改进了coordinator的设计,提出了group coordinator——每个consumer group都会被分配一个这样的coordinator用于组管理和位移管理。这个group coordinator比原来承担了更多的责任,比如组成员管理、位移提交保护机制等。当新版本consumer group的第一个consumer启动的时候,它会去和kafka server确定谁是它们组的coordinator。之后该group内的所有成员都会和该coordinator进行协调通信。显而易见,这种coordinator设计不再需要zookeeper了,性能上可以得到很大的提升。后面的所有部分我们都将讨论最新版本的coordinator设计。
new ConsumerCoordinator(groupRebalanceConfig, logContext, this.client, assignors, this.metadata, this.subscriptions, metrics, metricGrpPrefix, this.time, enableAutoCommit, config.getInt(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG), this.interceptors, config.getBoolean(ConsumerConfig.THROW_ON_FETCH_STABLE_OFFSET_UNSUPPORTED)); // 这里注重看下groupRebalanceConfig 这个属性 public GroupRebalanceConfig(AbstractConfig config, ProtocolType protocolType) { //。 this.sessionTimeoutMs = config.getInt(CommonClientConfigs.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG); // Consumer and Connect use different config names for defining rebalance timeout // 消费者和连接的使用的不同的rebalance timeout if (protocolType == ProtocolType.CONSUMER) { // 使用的是max.poll.interval.ms 默认是5分钟 this.rebalanceTimeoutMs = config.getInt(CommonClientConfigs.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG); } else { // this.rebalanceTimeoutMs = config.getInt(CommonClientConfigs.REBALANCE_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG); } ... }
rebalance 触发条件一共有3种
- 组成员发生变更(新consumer加入组、已有consumer主动离开组或已有consumer崩溃了)
- 订阅主题数发生变更——这当然是可能的,如果你使用了正则表达式的方式进行订阅,那么新建匹配正则表达式的topic就会触发rebalance
- 订阅主题的分区数发生变更
@Override protected void onJoinPrepare(int generation, String memberId) { log.debug("Executing onJoinPrepare with generation {} and memberId {}", generation, memberId); // commit offsets prior to rebalance if auto-commit enabled // 该处的timeout 就是在上面设置好的 max.poll.interval.ms // 如果还是在这个时间有效期内, 就一步自动提交一次offset // 校验 超时时间 maybeAutoCommitOffsetsSync(time.timer(rebalanceConfig.rebalanceTimeoutMs)); //出现错误或心跳超时时;在这种情况下,无论以前是什么 //拥有的分区将丢失,我们应该触发回调并清理分配; //否则我们可以正常进行并根据协议撤销分区, //在这种情况下,我们应该仅在触发撤销回调后更改分配 //因此用户仍然可以访问先前拥有的分区来提交偏移等。 // the generation / member-id can possibly be reset by the heartbeat thread // upon getting errors or heartbeat timeouts; in this case whatever is previously // owned partitions would be lost, we should trigger the callback and cleanup the assignment; // otherwise we can proceed normally and revoke the partitions depending on the protocol, // and in that case we should only change the assignment AFTER the revoke callback is triggered // so that users can still access the previously owned partitions to commit offsets etc. Exception exception = null; final Set<TopicPartition> revokedPartitions; if (generation == Generation.NO_GENERATION.generationId && memberId.equals(Generation.NO_GENERATION.memberId)) { revokedPartitions = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.assignedPartitions()); if (!revokedPartitions.isEmpty()) { log.info("Giving away all assigned partitions as lost since generation has been reset," + "indicating that consumer is no longer part of the group"); exception = invokePartitionsLost(revokedPartitions); subscriptions.assignFromSubscribed(Collections.emptySet()); } } else { //在eager 的情况下直接重分配所有的分区 switch (protocol) { case EAGER: // revoke all partitions revokedPartitions = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.assignedPartitions()); exception = invokePartitionsRevoked(revokedPartitions); subscriptions.assignFromSubscribed(Collections.emptySet()); break; case COOPERATIVE: //在这种情况下,只处理不再订阅的分区 // only revoke those partitions that are not in the subscription any more. Set<TopicPartition> ownedPartitions = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.assignedPartitions()); revokedPartitions = ownedPartitions.stream() .filter(tp -> !subscriptions.subscription().contains(tp.topic())) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!revokedPartitions.isEmpty()) { exception = invokePartitionsRevoked(revokedPartitions); ownedPartitions.removeAll(revokedPartitions); subscriptions.assignFromSubscribed(ownedPartitions); } break; } } isLeader = false; subscriptions.resetGroupSubscription(); if (exception != null) { throw new KafkaException("User rebalance callback throws an error", exception); } } @Override protected void onJoinComplete(int generation, String memberId, String assignmentStrategy, ByteBuffer assignmentBuffer) { log.debug("Executing onJoinComplete with generation {} and memberId {}", generation, memberId); // Only the leader is responsible for monitoring for metadata changes (i.e. partition changes) // 只有leader 才可以修改元数据 if (!isLeader) assignmentSnapshot = null; // 查询Coordinator给消费者的分配策略 就是几个分区怎么分给几个消费者的 // 如果没有,则提示策略异常 ConsumerPartitionAssignor assignor = lookupAssignor(assignmentStrategy); if (assignor == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Coordinator selected invalid assignment protocol: " + assignmentStrategy); // Give the assignor a chance to update internal state based on the received assignment // 获取消费者组内最新的元数据(包含几个消费者 offset到哪里了) groupMetadata = new ConsumerGroupMetadata(rebalanceConfig.groupId, generation, memberId, rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId); // 这个消费者订阅的分区set Set<TopicPartition> ownedPartitions = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.assignedPartitions()); // should at least encode the short version // 内容长度一看就不对 if (assignmentBuffer.remaining() < 2) throw new IllegalStateException("There are insufficient bytes available to read assignment from the sync-group response (" + "actual byte size " + assignmentBuffer.remaining() + ") , this is not expected; " + "it is possible that the leader's assign function is buggy and did not return any assignment for this member, " + "or because static member is configured and the protocol is buggy hence did not get the assignment for this member"); // 内容buffer转成对应实体 Assignment assignment = ConsumerProtocol.deserializeAssignment(assignmentBuffer); //coordinator传过来的 订阅的分区set Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = new HashSet<>(assignment.partitions()); // 对比下 发现现在的订阅的分区 和 传过来的对不上, 就重新加入消费者组 if (!subscriptions.checkAssignmentMatchedSubscription(assignedPartitions)) { log.warn("We received an assignment {} that doesn't match our current subscription {}; it is likely " + "that the subscription has changed since we joined the group. Will try re-join the group with current subscription", assignment.partitions(), subscriptions.prettyString()); // 重新加入- 这里只是改值,后续有个 requestRejoin(); // 终止 return; } final AtomicReference<Exception> firstException = new AtomicReference<>(null); Set<TopicPartition> addedPartitions = new HashSet<>(assignedPartitions); addedPartitions.removeAll(ownedPartitions); // rebalance 协议 // EAGER 完全重新分配分区 // COOPERATIVE 消费者在下次rebalance之前保留其当前拥有的分区 if (protocol == RebalanceProtocol.COOPERATIVE) { Set<TopicPartition> revokedPartitions = new HashSet<>(ownedPartitions); revokedPartitions.removeAll(assignedPartitions); log.info("Updating assignment with\n" + "\tAssigned partitions: {}\n" + "\tCurrent owned partitions: {}\n" + "\tAdded partitions (assigned - owned): {}\n" + "\tRevoked partitions (owned - assigned): {}\n", assignedPartitions, ownedPartitions, addedPartitions, revokedPartitions ); if (!revokedPartitions.isEmpty()) { // Revoke partitions that were previously owned but no longer assigned; // note that we should only change the assignment (or update the assignor's state) // AFTER we've triggered the revoke callback firstException.compareAndSet(null, invokePartitionsRevoked(revokedPartitions)); // If revoked any partitions, need to re-join the group afterwards log.debug("Need to revoke partitions {} and re-join the group", revokedPartitions); // 重新加入消费组 requestRejoin(); } } // The leader may have assigned partitions which match our subscription pattern, but which // were not explicitly requested, so we update the joined subscription here. //在这边又同步下本地存的订阅信息 maybeUpdateJoinedSubscription(assignedPartitions); // Catch any exception here to make sure we could complete the user callback. // 更新指定的信息 firstException.compareAndSet(null, invokeOnAssignment(assignor, assignment)); // Reschedule the auto commit starting from now // 自动提交 下次的自动提交时间 if (autoCommitEnabled) this.nextAutoCommitTimer.updateAndReset(autoCommitIntervalMs); subscriptions.assignFromSubscribed(assignedPartitions); // Add partitions that were not previously owned but are now assigned firstException.compareAndSet(null, invokePartitionsAssigned(addedPartitions)); // 期间有报错没 if (firstException.get() != null) { if (firstException.get() instanceof KafkaException) { throw (KafkaException) firstException.get(); } else { throw new KafkaException("User rebalance callback throws an error", firstException.get()); } } }