• vb.net读取EXCEL


    Sub TrnSAAccDataImExcel()
            Dim sDept As String = ""
            Dim sCode As String = ""
                Dim connectionString As String = ""
                Dim strSQL As String = ""
                Dim BInfoQ_str As String = ""
                Dim rDepartment_id As String = ""
                Dim i As Integer = 0
                Dim j As Integer = 0
                Dim sInsertSQL As String = ""
                Dim BInfoQConn As Status.PowerKernel.Connection = New Status.PowerKernel.Connection
                Dim BInfoQRs As ADODB.Recordset = New ADODB.Recordset
                Dim BInfoQCount As Integer = 0
                Dim sm As String = "0"
                Dim monthisnull As String = ""
                Dim smnum As String = "" '金额
                Dim strBudgetCode As String = "" '科目代码
                'connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Me.ViewState("SourcePath") + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
                'connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Me.ViewState("SourcePath") & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""
                connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OleDb.12.0;" + "data source=" + Me.ViewState("SourcePath") + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0; HDR=Yes; IMEX=1'"
                Dim excelConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connectionString)
                strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"
                Dim dbCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, excelConnection)
                Dim dataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(dbCommand)
                Dim dTable As DataTable = New DataTable()
                Dim stryear As String = "" '要导入的文档第一行的年
                Dim strdeptcode As String = "" '要导入的文档第一行的部门代码
                stryear = dTable.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString().Trim() '取到的年份
                strdeptcode = dTable.Rows(0).Item(1).ToString().Trim() ' 取到的部门代码,默认是去0的,再补0够10位
                Dim strdeptcodeLength As Integer = strdeptcode.Length '部门代码的长度
                Dim strendcode As String = "" '存放部门不足10位时候的0的个数
                If strdeptcodeLength < 10 Then
                    For i = 0 To 10 - strdeptcodeLength - 1
                        strendcode += "0"
                End If
                strdeptcode = strendcode & strdeptcode '最终拼接成的10位部门 代码
                BInfoQConn = New Status.PowerKernel.Connection
                BInfoQRs = Nothing
                BInfoQCount = 0
                BInfoQ_str = ""
                BInfoQ_str = "select department_id from department where dept_code = '" & strdeptcode & "'; "
                BInfoQRs = BInfoQConn.OpenRs(BInfoQ_str, "2")
                BInfoQCount = 0
                BInfoQCount = BInfoQRs.RecordCount
                If BInfoQCount > 0 Then
                    rDepartment_id = BInfoQRs.Fields.Item("department_id").Value
                End If
                Dim nowyear As String '当前年
                Dim nowmonth As String '当前月
                nowyear = DateTime.Today.Year()
                nowmonth = DateTime.Today.Month()
                i = 0
                For i = 0 To dTable.Rows.Count() - 1
                    strBudgetCode = dTable.Rows(i).Item(1).ToString().Trim() '取每行第二列的科目代码
                    If rDepartment_id <> "" And strBudgetCode <> "" Then
                        Dim linsimonth As String = IIf(nowmonth.ToString().Length = 1, "0" & nowmonth.ToString(), nowmonth.ToString()) '检查临时当前月份是一位数,则在前面补0
                        If dTable.Rows.Count() > 4 Then '先删除当前月及以以后月的预算数据。再循环增加
                            Dim delbudgetsql As String = "delete  from budget where annual='" & nowyear & "' and month>='" & linsimonth & "'  AND Department_id ='" & rDepartment_id & "' AND  Budget_Code  = '" & strBudgetCode & "'  "
                            BInfoQConn.Commit(delbudgetsql, 0)
                        End If
                    End If
                    monthisnull = dTable.Rows(i).Item(1).ToString().Trim() '这里判断科目代码是否为空格,是空格则此行都不存入数据库
                    If monthisnull = "" Then '如果此行是空,则不操作
                        If rDepartment_id <> "" Then
                            If i > 1 Then '从第三行开遍历
                                For j = 2 To 13 '循环每行的12个月的列
                                    recordMonth = IIf((j - 1).ToString().Length = 1, "0" & (j - 1).ToString(), (j - 1).ToString()) '检查如果Excel里的月份是一位数,则在前面补0
                                    Dim isindb As String = "0"
                                    If (stryear = nowyear And Convert.ToInt32(recordMonth) >= Convert.ToInt32(nowmonth)) Or (stryear > nowyear) Then '如果Excel里当前列的月份大于当前月,才存入数据库,否则不存入数据库
                                        isindb = "1"
                                    End If
                                    If isindb = "1" Then
                                        smnum = dTable.Rows(i).Item(j).ToString().Trim()
                                        'sm = IIf(smnum = "", "0", smnum) '预算金额
                                        If smnum = "" Then
                                        Else '如果金额有填写。才存入数据库
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL + " if not exists (select * from Budget where Annual='" & stryear & "' and Month='" & recordMonth & "' and Department_id='" & rDepartment_id & "' and Budget_Code='" & strBudgetCode & "' ) begin "
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " Insert Into Budget ( Annual,Month,Department_id,Budget_Code,Budget_Amount,Modify_Employ,Modify_Date ) Values ("
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " '" & stryear & "','" & recordMonth & "','" & rDepartment_id & "','" & strBudgetCode & "'," & smnum & ",'" & Session("Login_Employ_No") & "',getdate() )"
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " end "
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " else "
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " begin "
                                            'sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " update Budget SET Budget_Amount='" & sm & "',Modify_Employ='" & Session("Login_Employ_No") & "',Modify_Date=getdate() where Annual='" & stryear & "' and Month='" & recordMonth & "' and Department_id='" & rDepartment_id & "' and Budget_Code='" & strBudgetCode & "' "
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " update Budget SET Budget_Amount=" & smnum & "+(select Budget_Amount  from  budget where Annual='" & stryear & "' and Month='" & recordMonth & "' and Department_id='" & rDepartment_id & "' and Budget_Code='" & strBudgetCode & "' ),Modify_Employ='" & Session("Login_Employ_No") & "',Modify_Date=getdate() where Annual='" & stryear & "' and Month='" & recordMonth & "' and Department_id='" & rDepartment_id & "' and Budget_Code='" & strBudgetCode & "' "
                                            sInsertSQL = sInsertSQL & " end; "
                                        End If
                                    End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                'Response.Write("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>window.open(" & sInsertSQL & "); </script>")
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("D:a1.txt", sInsertSQL, True)
                objImportSQL(sInsertSQL) '调用执行批量SQL的方法
            Catch ex As Exception
                Response.Write("<script>alert('无资料转入,'" & ex.Message & "',请重新執行!!');</script>")
            End Try
        End Sub

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    Working with the RadioButton and CheclBox controls
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    Data Binding in Silverlight 4.0
    Building a Simple DataGrid in Silverlight 4.0
    EXCEL数据导入SQL Server数据库中
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wybshyy/p/13783731.html
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