• 遍历二叉树实例

    1.#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "BTree.h"
    #include "LinkQueue.h"

    /* 主方法 */

    struct Node
        BTreeNode header;
        char v;

    void printf_data(BTreeNode* node)
        if( node != NULL )
            printf("%c", ((struct Node*)node)->v);
    void pre_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root)
        if( root != NULL )
            printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v);
    void middle_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root)
        if( root != NULL )
            printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v);
    void post_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root)
        if( root != NULL )
            printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v);
    void level_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root)
        if( root != NULL )
           LinkQueue* queue = LinkQueue_Create();
           if( queue != NULL )
                LinkQueue_Append(queue, root);
                while( LinkQueue_Length(queue) > 0 )
                    struct Node* node = (struct Node*)LinkQueue_Retrieve(queue);
                    printf("%c, ", node->v);
                    LinkQueue_Append(queue, node->header.left);
                    LinkQueue_Append(queue, node->header.right);

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        BTree* tree = BTree_Create();
        struct Node n1 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'A'};
        struct Node n2 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'B'};
        struct Node n3 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'C'};
        struct Node n4 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'D'};
        struct Node n5 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'E'};
        struct Node n6 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'F'};
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n1, 0, 0, 0);
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n2, 0x00, 1, 0);
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n3, 0x01, 1, 0);
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n4, 0x00, 2, 0);
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n5, 0x02, 2, 0);
        BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n6, 0x02, 3, 0);
        printf("Full Tree: ");
        BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-');
        printf("Pre Order Traversal: ");
        printf(" ");
        printf("Middle Order Traversal: ");
        printf(" ");
        printf("Post Order Traversal: ");
        printf(" ");
        printf("Level Order Traversal: ");
        printf(" ");
        return 0;

    2.#include <stdio.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #include "BTree.h"

    typedef struct _tag_BTree TBTree;
    struct _tag_BTree
        int count;
        BTreeNode* root;

    static void recursive_display(BTreeNode* node, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int format, int gap, char div) // O(n)
        int i = 0;
        if( (node != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) )
            for(i=0; i<format; i++)
                printf("%c", div);
            printf(" ");
            if( (node->left != NULL) || (node->right != NULL) )
                recursive_display(node->left, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div);
                recursive_display(node->right, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div);
            for(i=0; i<format; i++)
                printf("%c", div);
            printf(" ");

    static int recursive_count(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
        int ret = 0;
        if( root != NULL )
            ret = recursive_count(root->left) + 1 + recursive_count(root->right);
        return ret;

    static int recursive_height(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
        int ret = 0;
        if( root != NULL )
            int lh = recursive_height(root->left);
            int rh = recursive_height(root->right);
            ret = ((lh > rh) ? lh : rh) + 1;
        return ret;

    static int recursive_degree(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
        int ret = 0;
        if( root != NULL )
            if( root->left != NULL )
            if( root->right != NULL )
            if( ret == 1 )
                int ld = recursive_degree(root->left);
                int rd = recursive_degree(root->right);
                if( ret < ld )
                    ret = ld;
                if( ret < rd )
                    ret = rd;
        return ret;

    BTree* BTree_Create() // O(1)
        TBTree* ret = (TBTree*)malloc(sizeof(TBTree));
        if( ret != NULL )
            ret->count = 0;
            ret->root = NULL;
        return ret;

    void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree) // O(1)

    void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree) // O(1)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        if( btree != NULL )
            btree->count = 0;
            btree->root = NULL;

    int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        int ret = (btree != NULL) && (node != NULL) && ((flag == BT_LEFT) || (flag == BT_RIGHT));
        int bit = 0;
        if( ret )
            BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
            BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
            node->left = NULL;
            node->right = NULL;
            while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
                bit = pos & 1;
                pos = pos >> 1;
                parent = current;
                if( bit == BT_LEFT )
                    current = current->left;
                else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
                    current = current->right;
            if( flag == BT_LEFT )
                node->left = current;
            else if( flag == BT_RIGHT )
                node->right = current;
            if( parent != NULL )
                if( bit == BT_LEFT )
                    parent->left = node;
                else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
                    parent->right = node;
                btree->root = node;
        return ret;

    BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
        int bit = 0;
        if( btree != NULL )
            BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
            BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
            while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
                bit = pos & 1;
                pos = pos >> 1;
                parent = current;
                if( bit == BT_LEFT )
                    current = current->left;
                else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
                    current = current->right;
            if( parent != NULL )
                if( bit == BT_LEFT )
                    parent->left = NULL;
                else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
                    parent->right = NULL;
                btree->root = NULL;
            ret = current;
            btree->count = btree->count - recursive_count(ret);
        return ret;

    BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
        int bit = 0;
        if( btree != NULL )
            BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
            while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
                bit = pos & 1;
                pos = pos >> 1;
                if( bit == BT_LEFT )
                    current = current->left;
                else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
                    current = current->right;
            ret = current;
        return ret;

    BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree) // O(1)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
        if( btree != NULL )
            ret = btree->root;
        return ret;

    int BTree_Height(BTree* tree) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        int ret = 0;
        if( btree != NULL )
            ret = recursive_height(btree->root);
        return ret;

    int BTree_Count(BTree* tree) // O(1)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        int ret = 0;
        if( btree != NULL )
            ret = btree->count;
        return ret;

    int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        int ret = 0;
        if( btree != NULL )
            ret = recursive_degree(btree->root);
        return ret;

    void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div) // O(n)
        TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
        if( btree != NULL )
            recursive_display(btree->root, pFunc, 0, gap, div);

    3.#ifndef _BTREE_H_
    #define _BTREE_H_

    #define BT_LEFT 0
    #define BT_RIGHT 1

    typedef void BTree;
    typedef unsigned long long BTPos;

    typedef struct _tag_BTreeNode BTreeNode;
    struct _tag_BTreeNode
        BTreeNode* left;
        BTreeNode* right;

    typedef void (BTree_Printf)(BTreeNode*);

    BTree* BTree_Create();

    void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree);

    void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree);

    int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag);

    BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count);

    BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count);

    BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree);

    int BTree_Height(BTree* tree);

    int BTree_Count(BTree* tree);

    int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree);

    void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div);


    4.#include <malloc.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "LinkQueue.h"

    typedef struct _tag_LinkQueueNode TLinkQueueNode;
    struct _tag_LinkQueueNode
        TLinkQueueNode* next;
        void* item;

    typedef struct _tag_LinkQueue
        TLinkQueueNode* front;
        TLinkQueueNode* rear;
        int length;
    } TLinkQueue;

    LinkQueue* LinkQueue_Create() // O(1)
        TLinkQueue* ret = (TLinkQueue*)malloc(sizeof(TLinkQueue));
        if( ret != NULL )
            ret->front = NULL;
            ret->rear = NULL;
            ret->length = 0;
        return ret;

    void LinkQueue_Destroy(LinkQueue* queue) // O(n)

    void LinkQueue_Clear(LinkQueue* queue) // O(n)
        while( LinkQueue_Length(queue) > 0 )

    int LinkQueue_Append(LinkQueue* queue, void* item) // O(1)
        TLinkQueue* sQueue = (TLinkQueue*)queue;
        TLinkQueueNode* node = (TLinkQueueNode*)malloc(sizeof(TLinkQueueNode));
        int ret = (sQueue != NULL ) && (item != NULL) && (node != NULL);
        if( ret )
            node->item = item;
            if( sQueue->length > 0 )
                sQueue->rear->next = node;
                sQueue->rear = node;
                node->next = NULL;
                sQueue->front = node;
                sQueue->rear = node;
                node->next = NULL;
        if( !ret )
        return ret;

    void* LinkQueue_Retrieve(LinkQueue* queue) // O(1)
        TLinkQueue* sQueue = (TLinkQueue*)queue;
        TLinkQueueNode* node = NULL;
        void* ret = NULL;
        if( (sQueue != NULL) && (sQueue->length > 0) )
            node = sQueue->front;
            sQueue->front = node->next;
            ret = node->item;
            if( sQueue->length == 0 )
                sQueue->front = NULL;
                sQueue->rear = NULL;
        return ret;

    void* LinkQueue_Header(LinkQueue* queue) // O(1)
        TLinkQueue* sQueue = (TLinkQueue*)queue;
        void* ret = NULL;
        if( (sQueue != NULL) && (sQueue->length > 0) )
            ret = sQueue->front->item;
        return ret;

    int LinkQueue_Length(LinkQueue* queue) // O(1)
        TLinkQueue* sQueue = (TLinkQueue*)queue;
        int ret = -1;
        if( sQueue != NULL )
            ret = sQueue->length;
        return ret;

    5.#ifndef _LINKQUEUE_H_
    #define _LINKQUEUE_H_

    typedef void LinkQueue;

    LinkQueue* LinkQueue_Create();

    void LinkQueue_Destroy(LinkQueue* queue);

    void LinkQueue_Clear(LinkQueue* queue);

    int LinkQueue_Append(LinkQueue* queue, void* item);

    void* LinkQueue_Retrieve(LinkQueue* queue);

    void* LinkQueue_Header(LinkQueue* queue);

    int LinkQueue_Length(LinkQueue* queue);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wxb20/p/6156053.html
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