package com.wanczy.dao;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import com.wanczy.pojo.CustomerResourcePOJO;
public interface CustomerResourceDAO {
* @param sName学校名称
* @param cLevel合作等级
* @param cState合作状态
* @param pageSize一页显示数据的笔数
* @param pageCurrent显示的页数
* @return
public List<CustomerResourcePOJO> findByNameLevelState (String sName,int cLevel,int cState,int pageSize,int pageCurrent);
public int findCountByNameLevelState(String sName,int cLevel,int cState);
public CustomerResourcePOJO findByCId(BigDecimal cID);
public boolean doUpd(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo);
public boolean doIns(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo);
public boolean doDel(BigDecimal cID);
package com.wanczy.dao.impl; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.wanczy.dao.CustomerResourceDAO; import com.wanczy.pojo.CustomerResourcePOJO; public class CustomerResourceDAOImpl implements CustomerResourceDAO { Connection conn ; public CustomerResourceDAOImpl(Connection conn){ this.conn = conn; } public boolean doDel(BigDecimal cID) { boolean flag = false; PreparedStatement pstate = null; try { this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "delete from customer_resource where c_id = ?"; pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstate.setBigDecimal(1, cID); pstate.execute();//执行 this.conn.commit(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { this.conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } } return flag; } public boolean doIns(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo) { boolean flag = false; PreparedStatement pstate = null; try { this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "insert into customer_resource (c_id, s_name, s_add, " + "s_link_man, s_link_tel, c_level, c_state ,s_leader, s_leader_tel)" + "values(scott_squence.nextval,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstate.setString(1,pojo.getSname()); pstate.setString(2,pojo.getSadd()); pstate.setString(3,pojo.getSlinkMan()); pstate.setString(4,pojo.getSlinkTel()); pstate.setInt(5,pojo.getClevel()); pstate.setInt(6,pojo.getCstate()); pstate.setString(7,pojo.getSleader()); pstate.setString(8,pojo.getSleaderTel()); pstate.execute();//执行 this.conn.commit(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { this.conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } } return flag; } public boolean doUpd(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo) { boolean flag = false; PreparedStatement pstate = null; try { this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "update customer_resource set s_name=?, s_add=?, " + " s_link_man=?, s_link_tel=?, c_level=?, c_state=? ,s_leader=?, s_leader_tel=? where" + " c_id = ?"; pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstate.setString(1,pojo.getSname()); pstate.setString(2,pojo.getSadd()); pstate.setString(3,pojo.getSlinkMan()); pstate.setString(4,pojo.getSlinkTel()); pstate.setInt(5,pojo.getClevel()); pstate.setInt(6,pojo.getCstate()); pstate.setString(7,pojo.getSleader()); pstate.setString(8,pojo.getSleaderTel()); pstate.setBigDecimal(9, pojo.getCid()); pstate.execute();//执行 this.conn.commit(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { this.conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } } return flag; } public CustomerResourcePOJO findByCId(BigDecimal cID) { CustomerResourcePOJO pojo = null; PreparedStatement pstate = null; ResultSet res = null; try { String sql = "select s_name, s_add, " + "s_link_man, s_link_tel, c_level, c_state ,s_leader, s_leader_tel from customer_resource where c_id = ?"; pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstate.setBigDecimal(1, cID); res = pstate.executeQuery(); while(res.next()){ pojo = new CustomerResourcePOJO(cID,res.getString(1),res.getString(2), res.getString(3),res.getString(4),res.getInt(5),res.getInt(6), res.getString(7),res.getString(8)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { res.close(); pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } return pojo; } public List<CustomerResourcePOJO> findByNameLevelState(String sName, int cLevel, int cState, int pageSize, int pageCurrent) { List<CustomerResourcePOJO> list = new ArrayList<CustomerResourcePOJO>(); PreparedStatement pstate = null; ResultSet res = null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select c_id,s_name, s_add, s_link_man, "+ " s_link_tel, c_level, c_state ,s_leader, "+ " s_leader_tel from (select c_id,s_name, s_add, s_link_man, "+ " s_link_tel, c_level, c_state ,s_leader, "+ " s_leader_tel ,rownum abc "+ " from customer_resource where s_name like ? "); if(cLevel != 0){ sql.append(" and c_level = "+cLevel); } if(cState != 0){ sql.append(" and c_state = "+cState); } sql.append(" ) where abc>? and abc<=? order by c_level,c_state"); pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); pstate.setString(1, "%"+sName+"%"); pstate.setInt(2, (pageCurrent-1)*pageSize); pstate.setInt(3, pageCurrent*pageSize); res = pstate.executeQuery(); while(res.next()){ CustomerResourcePOJO pojo = new CustomerResourcePOJO(res.getBigDecimal(1),res.getString(2),res.getString(3), res.getString(4),res.getString(5),res.getInt(6),res.getInt(7), res.getString(8),res.getString(9)); list.add(pojo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { res.close(); pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } return list; } //查询单笔数据 public int findCountByNameLevelState(String sName, int cLevel, int cState) { int count = 0; PreparedStatement pstate = null; ResultSet res = null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select count(c_id) from customer_resource where s_name like ? "); if(cLevel != 0){ sql.append(" and c_level = "+cLevel); } if(cState != 0){ sql.append(" and c_state = "+cState); } pstate = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); pstate.setString(1, "%"+sName+"%"); res = pstate.executeQuery(); while(res.next()){ count = res.getInt(1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } finally{ try { res.close(); pstate.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } return count; } }
package com.wanczy.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class CustomerResourcePOJO implements Serializable { private BigDecimal cid; private String sname; private String sadd; private String slinkMan; private String slinkTel; private int clevel; private int cstate; private String sleader; private String sleaderTel; public BigDecimal getCid() { return cid; } public void setCid(BigDecimal cid) { this.cid = cid; } public String getSname() { return sname; } public void setSname(String sname) { this.sname = sname; } public String getSadd() { return sadd; } public void setSadd(String sadd) { this.sadd = sadd; } public String getSlinkMan() { return slinkMan; } public void setSlinkMan(String slinkMan) { this.slinkMan = slinkMan; } public String getSlinkTel() { return slinkTel; } public void setSlinkTel(String slinkTel) { this.slinkTel = slinkTel; } public int getClevel() { return clevel; } public void setClevel(int clevel) { this.clevel = clevel; } public int getCstate() { return cstate; } public void setCstate(int cstate) { this.cstate = cstate; } public String getSleader() { return sleader; } public void setSleader(String sleader) { this.sleader = sleader; } public String getSleaderTel() { return sleaderTel; } public void setSleaderTel(String sleaderTel) { this.sleaderTel = sleaderTel; } //一般构造方法都要写一个带id和一个不带id的,还有一个无参的,方便后面的增删改查以及方法的调用 public CustomerResourcePOJO(BigDecimal cid, String sname, String sadd, String slinkMan, String slinkTel, int clevel, int cstate, String sleader, String sleaderTel) { super(); this.cid = cid; this.sname = sname; this.sadd = sadd; this.slinkMan = slinkMan; this.slinkTel = slinkTel; this.clevel = clevel; this.cstate = cstate; this.sleader = sleader; this.sleaderTel = sleaderTel; } public CustomerResourcePOJO( String sname, String sadd, String slinkMan, String slinkTel, int clevel, int cstate, String sleader, String sleaderTel) { super(); this.sname = sname; this.sadd = sadd; this.slinkMan = slinkMan; this.slinkTel = slinkTel; this.clevel = clevel; this.cstate = cstate; this.sleader = sleader; this.sleaderTel = sleaderTel; } public CustomerResourcePOJO() { super(); } }
package com.wanczy.dao.proxy; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.List; import com.wanczy.dao.CustomerResourceDAO; import com.wanczy.dao.impl.CustomerResourceDAOImpl; import com.wanczy.pojo.CustomerResourcePOJO; import com.wanczy.pub.GetConnection; public class CustomerResourceDAOProxy implements CustomerResourceDAO { Connection conn = null; CustomerResourceDAOImpl impl = null; public CustomerResourceDAOProxy(){ try { this.conn = GetConnection.getConn(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.impl = new CustomerResourceDAOImpl(this.conn); } public boolean doDel(BigDecimal cID) { boolean flag = this.impl.doDel(cID); this.close(); return flag; } public boolean doIns(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo) { boolean flag = this.impl.doIns(pojo); this.close(); return flag; } public boolean doUpd(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo) { boolean flag = this.impl.doUpd(pojo); this.close(); return flag; } public CustomerResourcePOJO findByCId(BigDecimal cID) { CustomerResourcePOJO pojo = this.impl.findByCId(cID); this.close(); return pojo; } public List<CustomerResourcePOJO> findByNameLevelState(String sName, int cLevel, int cState, int pageSize, int pageCurrent) { List<CustomerResourcePOJO> list = this.impl.findByNameLevelState(sName, cLevel, cState, pageSize, pageCurrent); this.close(); return list; } public int findCountByNameLevelState(String sName, int cLevel, int cState) { int count = this.impl.findCountByNameLevelState(sName, cLevel, cState); this.close(); return count; } public void close(){ try { this.conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
6.servlet package com.wanczy.servlet.customerResource; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.wanczy.dao.factory.CustomerResourceDAOFactory; import com.wanczy.pojo.CustomerResourcePOJO; public class CustomerResourceQuery extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); String sName = request.getParameter("sName"); int cLevel = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cLevel")); int cState = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cState")); int pageSize = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageSize")); int pageCurrent = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageCurrent")); List<CustomerResourcePOJO> list = CustomerResourceDAOFactory.getDAOInstance().findByNameLevelState(sName, cLevel, cState, pageSize, pageCurrent); int count = CustomerResourceDAOFactory.getDAOInstance().findCountByNameLevelState(sName, cLevel, cState); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<input type='hidden' id='count' value='"+count+"'/>"); sb.append("<table id='sample_1' class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-checkable order-column'><tr><th>学校名称</th><th>学校地址</th><th>联系人</th><th>联系人电话</th><th>客户等级</th><th>合作状态</th><th>院校领导</th><th>领导电话</th><th>操作</th></tr>"); for(CustomerResourcePOJO pojo : list){ String cLevelCode = ""; if(pojo.getClevel() == 1){ cLevelCode = "高"; }else if(pojo.getClevel() == 2){ cLevelCode = "中"; }else{ cLevelCode = "低"; } String cStateCode = ""; if(pojo.getCstate() == 1){ cStateCode = "常年合作"; }else if(pojo.getCstate() == 2){ cStateCode = "合作少"; }else{ cStateCode = "近年无合作"; } sb.append("<tr>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSname()+"</td>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSadd()+"</td>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSlinkMan()+"</td>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSlinkTel()+"</td>" + "<td>"+cLevelCode+"</td>" + "<td>"+cStateCode+"</td>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSleader()+"</td>" + "<td>"+pojo.getSleaderTel()+"</td>" + "<td><a href='#' onclick='goUpdate("+pojo.getCid()+")'>修改</a> " + "<a href='#' onclick='goDelete("+pojo.getCid()+")'>删除</a></td>" + "</tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); out.print(sb.toString()); out.close(); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { this.doGet(request, response); } }
<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %> <% String path=request.getContextPath(); %> <html> <head> <title>分页操作</title> </head> <body> <form name = "f"> <fieldset title="查询"> <legend> <span width="12%" height="25" class="STYLE1" style="color: black;">查询条件</span> </legend> 学校名称:<input type="text" name="sName"/> 合作等级:<select name="cLevel"> <option value="0" selected="selected">全部</option> <option value="1">高</option> <option value="2">中</option> <option value="3">低</option> </select> 合作状态:<select name="cState"> <option value="0" selected="selected">全部</option> <option value="1">常年合作</option> <option value="2">合作少</option> <option value="3">近年无合作</option> </select> <input type="button" value="查询" onclick="query(0)"/> <input type="button" value="新增" onclick="goAdd()"/> </fieldset> </form> <hr/> <div id="showTable"></div> <div align="right"> <input type="button" id="first" value="|<" onclick="query(1)"/> <input type="button" id="up" value="<" onclick="query(2)"/> <input type="button" id="next" value=">" onclick="query(3)"/> <input type="button" id="end" value=">|" onclick="query(4)"/> <select id="selectPageCurrent" onchange="query(5)"> <option value="3" selected="selected">显示3笔</option> <option value="5">显示5笔</option> <option value="10">显示10笔</option> </select> <span id="showPageMessage"></span> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageSize = 3;//一页显示的数据笔数 var pageCurrent = 1;//显示的页数 var allCount = 0;//总共的数据笔数 var allPage = 0;//总共数据页数 query(0); function query(num){ var sName = f.sName.value; var cLevel = f.cLevel.value; var cState = f.cState.value; if(num == 1){ pageCurrent = 1; }else if(num == 2){ pageCurrent = pageCurrent -1; }else if(num == 3){ pageCurrent = pageCurrent + 1; }else if(num == 4){ pageCurrent = allPage; }else if(num == 5){ pageCurrent = 1; pageSize = $("#selectPageCurrent").val();//取得每页显示的数据笔数 } $(document).ready(function(){ //设置提交的路径,和参数 $.post("<%=path %>/CustomerResourceQuery",{"sName":sName,"cLevel":cLevel,"cState":cState,"pageSize":pageSize,"pageCurrent":pageCurrent}, function(data){//Servlet执行完之后执行方法,data表示的servlet返回数据内容 $("#showTable").html(data);//显示Servlet返回的内容 controlButton(); }); }); } function controlButton(){ allCount = $("#count").val(); if(allCount%pageSize == 0){ allPage = allCount/pageSize }else{ allPage = Math.floor(allCount/pageSize) +1; } document.getElementById("first").disabled = false; document.getElementById("up").disabled = false; document.getElementById("next").disabled = false; document.getElementById("end").disabled = false; if(allPage == 1){ document.getElementById("first").disabled = true; document.getElementById("up").disabled = true; document.getElementById("next").disabled = true; document.getElementById("end").disabled = true; }else if(pageCurrent == 1){ document.getElementById("first").disabled = true; document.getElementById("up").disabled = true; }else if(pageCurrent == allPage){ document.getElementById("next").disabled = true; document.getElementById("end").disabled = true; } $("#showPageMessage").html("总共"+allCount+"笔数据,当前显示"+pageCurrent+"页,共"+ allPage+"页"); } function goAdd(){ var width = window.screen.width ; var height = window.screen.height ; window.open("add.jsp","新增客户",'height=400,width=300,top='+(height-450)/2+',left='+(width-300)/2+',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no,location=no, status=no'); } function goUpdate(cID){ var width = window.screen.width ; var height = window.screen.height ; window.open("<%=path%>/CustomerResourceFindByCID?cID="+cID,"修改客户",'height=400,width=300,top='+(height-450)/2+',left='+(width-300)/2+',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no,location=no, status=no'); } function goDelete(cID){ if(confirm("确认删除?")){ $(document).ready(function(){ //设置提交的路径,和参数 $.post("<%=path %>/CustomerResourceDel",{"cId":cID}, function(data){//Servlet执行完之后执行方法,data表示的servlet返回数据内容 if(data == "true"){ alert("删除成功"); query(0); }else{ alert("删除失败,请联系系统管理员"); } }); }); } } </script> </body> </html>