<template> <div class="demo"> <div class="top"> <ul> <li @click="one">回到顶级</li> <li v-for="item of parents" :key="item.value" @click="jump(item)">{{item.text}}</li> </ul> <van-button type="primary" @click="submit" size="mini">确定</van-button> </div> <van-radio-group v-model="radio"> <div v-for="item of list" :key='item.value'> <van-radio :name="item.value"></van-radio><span @click="next(item)">{{item.text}}</span> </div> </van-radio-group> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { radio: '', tree: [ { value: '一级 1', text: '一级 1', children: [ { value: '二级 1-1', text: '二级 1-1', children: [ { value: '三级 1-1-1', text: '三级 1-1-1', children: [ { value: '四级 1-1-1-1', text: '四级 1-1-1-1' }, { value: '四级 1-1-1-2', text: '四级 1-1-1-2' } ] }, { value: '三级 1-1-2', text: '三级 1-1-2' } ] }, { value: '二级 1-2', text: '二级 1-2', children: [ { value: '三级 1-2-1', text: '三级 1-2-1' }, { value: '三级 1-2-2', text: '三级 1-2-2' } ] } ] }, { value: '一级 2', text: '一级 2', children: [ { value: '二级 2-1', text: '二级 2-1', children: [ { value: '三级 2-1-1', text: '三级 2-1-1' }, { value: '三级 2-1-2', text: '三级 2-1-2' } ] }, { value: '二级 2-2', text: '二级 2-2' } ] }, { value: '一级 3', text: '一级 3', children: [ { value: '二级 3-1', text: '二级 3-1' }, { value: '二级 3-2', text: '二级 3-2' } ] } ], list: [], // 本级节点 parents: [] // 所有的父级节点 } }, created() { this.list = this.tree }, methods: { submit() { console.log('选中的节点', this.radio) }, one() { this.list = this.tree this.parents = [] this.radio = '' }, jump(item) { console.log(item.children, this.list) if (JSON.stringify(item.children) !== JSON.stringify(this.list)) { this.radio = '' this.list = item.children // 设置面包屑导航 const parents = this.getParents(this.tree, item.value) this.parents = parents.reverse() } else { alert('当前已经是' + item.text) } }, next(item) { if (item.children) { this.radio = '' this.list = item.children const parents = this.getParents(this.tree, item.value) this.parents = parents.reverse() } else { alert('已经是最后一级') } }, // 找到所有父级 getParents(tree, value) { for (const item of tree) { if (item.value === value) return [item] if (item.children) { const node = this.getParents(item.children, value) if (node !== undefined) return node.concat(item) } } } } } </script> <style lang="less"> .demo { .top { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; > ul { display: flex; li { font-size: 10px; margin-right: 10px; } } } .van-radio-group { > div { > .van-radio { display: inline-block; } } } } </style>