• 多表关联查询



            <select id="goodsAndcategory" resultType="java.util.LinkedHashMap">
                SELECT g.*,c.category_name FROM t_goods AS g , t_category AS c
                    WHERE g.category_id = c.category_id limit 5
        public void selectGoodsAndCategory() throws Exception {
            SqlSession sqlSession = null;
            try {
                sqlSession = MybatisUtils.openSession();
                List<Map> list = sqlSession.selectList("goods.goodsAndcategory");
                for (Map map:list){
                Connection conn = MybatisUtils.getConnection(sqlSession);
            }catch (Exception e){
                throw e;
            }finally {

    字段一一映射javabean 多表查询

            <resultMap id="goodsResultMap" type="com.imooc.mybatis.dto.GoodsDto">
                <id property="good.goodsId" column="goods_id"/>
                <result property="good.title" column="title"/>
                <result property="good.categoryId" column="category_id"/>
                <result property="good.subTitle" column="sub_title"/>
                <result property="good.originalCost" column="original_cost"/>
                <result property="good.currentPrice" column="current_price"/>
                <result property="good.discount" column="discount"/>
                <result property="good.isFreeDelivery" column="is_free_delivery"/>
                <result property="category.categoryId" column="category_id"/>
                <result property="category.categoryName" column="category_name"/>
                <result property="category.categoryLevel" column="category_level"/>
            <select id="jointQuery" resultMap="goodsResultMap">
                select g.goods_id,g.title,g.sub_title,g.original_cost,g.current_price,g.discount,g.is_free_delivery,
                c.category_name,c.category_level from t_goods as g, t_category as c where g.category_id = c.category_id
                limit 5
        public void selectGoodsDto() throws Exception {
            SqlSession sqlSession = null;
            try {
                sqlSession = MybatisUtils.openSession();
                List<GoodsDto> list = sqlSession.selectList("goods.jointQuery");
                for (GoodsDto goodsDto:list){
                Connection conn = MybatisUtils.getConnection(sqlSession);
            }catch (Exception e){
                throw e;
            }finally {
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuheng-123/p/13831515.html
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