• APICloud学习笔记之菜单切换

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head>
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      5     <meta name="viewport" content="maximum-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=0,width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
      6     <title>端API</title>
      7     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/api.css"/>
      8     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css"/>
      9     <style>
     10         header{
     11             height:30px;
     12         }
     13         .order{ 
     14             position:absolute;
     15             bottom:0px;
     16             left:0px;
     17             width:60px;
     18             height:20px;
     19             padding-top:10px;
     20             text-align:center; 
     22             }
     23         nav{ 
     24             display: -webkit-box;
     25             display: -webkit-flex;
     26             display: box;                                                            
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     29             flex-flow: row;
     30             position:relative;
     31             width:100%;
     32             height:56px;
     33             background-color:#ffffff;                
     34             }
     35         .nav-item{
     36             padding-top:20px;
     37             -webkit-box-flex: 1;        
     38             -webkit-flex: 1;
     39             flex: 1;    
     40             border-bottom: 1px solid #f3f3f3;    
     41             text-align:center;
     42             color:#afafaf;    
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     44         .active{ color: #000000; }
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     46             height:5px;
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     48             margin:0 auto;
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     51         .nav-item-text{
     52             text-align: center;
     53             margin-bottom: 14px;
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     56         .bar-active{
     57             background-color:#ffd442;
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     61 <body>
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     63         <header>
     64             <div class="order">订单</div>
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     66         <nav id="nav">
     67             <div tapmode="hover" name="nav-item" class="nav-item active" onclick="randomSwitchBtn( this );">
     68                 <div class="nav-item-text ">全部订单</div>
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     71             <div tapmode="hover" name="nav-item" class="nav-item" onclick="randomSwitchBtn( this );">
     72                 <div class="nav-item-text">待评价</div>
     73                 <div class="nav-item-bar"></div>
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     80 <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/api.js"></script>
     81 <script type="text/javascript">
     82     function randomSwitchBtn( tag ) {
     84             if( tag == $api.dom('.nav-item.active') )return;
     85             var eLis = $api.domAll('.nav-item'),            
     86                 index = 0;
     87             for (var i = 0,len = eLis.length; i < len; i++) {
     88                 if( tag == eLis[i] ){
     89                     index = i;
     90                 }else{
     91                     $api.removeCls(eLis[i], 'active'); 
     92                     $api.removeCls(eLis[i].childNodes[3], 'bar-active');              
     93                 }
     94             }
     95             $api.addCls( eLis[index], 'active');
     96             $api.addCls(eLis[index].childNodes[3], 'bar-active'); 
     97             //api.setFrameGroupIndex({
     98               //  name: 'group',
     99                 //index: index
    100             //});
    101         }
    102 </script>
    103 </html>

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