所有容器提供的都是“value语意”而非“reference语意”。容器内进行元素的安插操作时,内部实施的是拷贝操作,置于容器内。因此STL容器 的每一个元素都必须能够拷贝。---<<C++标准程序库>> 侯捷、孟岩译 p144页原文
以vector为例,往Vector中(实际上所有STL容器都是这样)放元素,Vector会调用元素类的拷贝构造函数生成的副本,当 Vector走出生存期时(),会自动调用其中每个元素的析构函数。比如,如果 vector<myclass> a,然后a.push_back(b);push_back其实是调用myclass的拷贝构造函数将参数b拷贝进去的。由于vector是自动管理的, 出了a的作用域外,a会自动消失释放内存。之前push_back到a里面的数据b通过调用b.~myclass()释放内存。
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- class CDemo{
- public:
- CDemo():str(NULL){}
- ~CDemo(){if(str) delete [] str;}
- char *str;
- };
- int main()
- {
- CDemo d1;
- d1.str = new char[32];
- strcpy(d1.str, "trend micro");
- vector <CDemo> *a1 = new vector <CDemo>();
- a1 -> push_back(d1);
- delete a1;
- return 0;
- }
1. vector <CDemo> *a1 = new vector <CDemo>(); a1是new出来的,所以必须要手工delete.这是对a1本身而言,而与a1内存储的数据无关。
2. a1 -> push_back(d1);
3. delete a1; a1中存有d1_1,所以会删除d1_1,自然会调用d1_1的析构函数。
4. 在main中return 0, d1被自动删除,此时调用d1的析构函数。
5. 因为class
为你的一个成员是char *str;
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- ofstream out("test.out");
- class CDemo{
- public:
- CDemo():str(NULL){
- out << "constructor is called" << endl;
- }
- CDemo(const CDemo &cd)
- {
- out << "copy constructor is called" << endl;
- this->str = new char[strlen(cd.str)+1];
- strcpy(str, cd.str);
- }
- ~CDemo(){
- if(str){
- out << "destructor is called" << endl;
- delete[] str;
- }
- }
- char *str;
- };
- int main()
- {
- vector <CDemo> *a1 = new vector <CDemo>();
- a1 -> reserve(1);
- out << a1 -> capacity() << endl;
- CDemo d1;
- d1.str = new char[32];
- strcpy(d1.str, "trend micro1");
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- a1->push_back(d1);
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- CDemo d2;
- d2.str = new char[32];
- strcpy(d2.str, "trend micro2");
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- a1->push_back(d2);
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- delete a1;
- return 0;
- }
constructor is called
copy constructor is called
constructor is called
copy constructor is called
copy constructor is called //搬运之前的元素
destructor is called //之前的元素被析构
destructor is called //析构容器中所有对象
destructor is called
destructor is called //析构CDemo d1
destructor is called //析构CDemo d2
可以看到,再加入第二个对象的时候,拷贝构造函数被调用的两次,这是因为,在第一次push_back时,vector的capacity是1,是 正常调用一次拷贝构造;而第二次push_back时,会发现容量不够了,stl会重新分配一个old_size的两倍的空间,除了新push进来的数据 会放在这个新空间,调用一次拷贝构造,原来已经有的数据也要搬过来的,就又要调用拷贝构造。如果把a1 -> reserve(1);修改为a1 -> reserve(2);保证第二次时也有足够的空间,那么程序的运行结果为:
constructor is called
copy constructor is called
constructor is called
copy constructor is called
destructor is called
destructor is called
destructor is called
destructor is called
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- ofstream out("test.out");
- class CDemo{
- public:
- CDemo():str(NULL){
- out << "constructor is called" << endl;
- }
- CDemo(const CDemo &cd)
- {
- out << "copy constructor is called" << endl;
- this->str = new char[strlen(cd.str)+1];
- strcpy(str, cd.str);
- }
- ~CDemo(){
- if(str){
- out << "destructor is called" << endl;
- delete[] str;
- }
- }
- char *str;
- };
- int main()
- {
- vector <CDemo> *a1 = new vector <CDemo>();
- a1 -> reserve(1);
- for(int i = 1; i < 5; i ++){
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- out << i << endl;
- CDemo d;
- d.str = new char[32];
- strcpy(d.str, "trend micro1" + i);
- out << "begin to push_back" << endl;
- out << "the vector capacity is " << a1 -> capacity() << endl;
- a1->push_back(d);
- }
- out << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
- delete a1;
- return 0;
- }
constructor is called
begin to push_back
the vector capacity is 1
copy constructor is called
destructor is called
constructor is called
begin to push_back
the vector capacity is 1
copy constructor is called
copy constructor is called //搬运之前的元素1
destructor is called //之前的元素被析构
destructor is called //CDemo d临时对象
constructor is called
begin to push_back
the vector capacity is 2
copy constructor is called
copy constructor is called //搬运之前的元素1
copy constructor is called //搬运之前的元素2
destructor is called //之前的元素1被析构
destructor is called //之前的元素2被析构
destructor is called //CDemo d临时对象
constructor is called
begin to push_back
the vector capacity is 4
copy constructor is called //不需要搬运,第三次时容量已经变成4
destructor is called //CDemo d临时对象
destructor is called //析构容器中所有对象
destructor is called
destructor is called
destructor is called