• leetcode bitmap系列问题整理



    编写一个函数,输入是一个无符号整数,返回其二进制表达式中数字位数为 ‘1’ 的个数(也被称为汉明重量)。

    示例 :

    输入: 11
    输出: 3
    解释: 整数 11 的二进制表示为 00000000000000000000000000001011

    示例 2:

    输入: 11
    输出: 3
    解释: 整数 11 的二进制表示为 00000000000000000000000000001011 

    class Solution {
        int hammingWeight(uint32_t n) {
            int count=0;
                n = n&(n-1);
            return count;

    2、Power of Four

    Given an integer (signed 32 bits), write a function to check whether it is a power of 4.

    Example 1:

    Input: 16
    Output: true

    Example 2:

    Input: 5
    Output: false

    Follow up: Could you solve it without loops/recursion?

    4的次方数有个特点,首先必须大于0; 4的次方数的二进制中,1在奇数位置。而且4的次方数的二进制中只有1个1。例如
    1 == 001      4的0次方
    4 == 100
    16 == 10000
    64 == 16<<2 == 1000000
    class Solution {
        bool isPowerOfFour(int num) {
            //首先  num&(num-1) 必须是0并且1在奇数位置 01010101  01010101   01010101  01010101
            return num>0 && !(num&(num-1)) && (num&(0x55555555));

    3、Sum of Two Integers

    Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator + and -.

    Example 1:

    Input: a = 1, b = 2
    Output: 3

    Example 2:

    Input: a = -2, b = 3
    Output: 1
    class Solution {
        // 0010= 2
        // 1010= 12
        // 1(1)10=14
        //要知道 a&b的结果中1的位置就是求和会产生进位的位置,例如 (2+3)
        //11     10&11=10,只有第二位会产生进位。
        //(-1&1)   -1: 10000001
        int getSum(int a, int b) {
            while(b != 0){
        //进位的结果LeetCode 自己的编译器比较严,不能对负数进行左移,就是说最高位符号位必须要为0,才能左移
                unsigned carry = (a&b);
                a = a^b;
                b = carry<<1;
            return a;

    4、Missing Number

    Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers in the range [0, n], return the only number in the range that is missing from the array.

    Follow up: Could you implement a solution using only O(1) extra space complexity and O(n) runtime complexity?

    Example 1:

    Input: nums = [3,0,1]
    Output: 2
    Explanation: n = 3 since there are 3 numbers, so all numbers are in the range [0,3]. 2 is the missing number in the range since it does not appear in nums.

    Example 2:

    Input: nums = [0,1]
    Output: 2
    Explanation: n = 2 since there are 2 numbers, so all numbers are in the range [0,2]. 2 is the missing number in the range since it does not appear in nums.

    Example 3:

    Input: nums = [9,6,4,2,3,5,7,0,1]
    Output: 8
    Explanation: n = 9 since there are 9 numbers, so all numbers are in the range [0,9]. 8 is the missing number in the range since it does not appear in nums.

    Example 4:

    Input: nums = [0]
    Output: 1
    Explanation: n = 1 since there is 1 number, so all numbers are in the range [0,1]. 1 is the missing number in the range since it does not appear in nums.


    • n == nums.length
    • 1 <= n <= 104
    • 0 <= nums[i] <= n
    • All the numbers of nums are unique.
    class Solution {
        //异或。a^a = 0
        int missingNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
            int res=nums.size();
            for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++){
                res ^= i;
                res ^= nums[i];
            return res;

    5、Largest Power of 2 That Is Less Than the Given Number

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wsw-seu/p/13939957.html
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