#!/bin/bash # project_id, find it here: https://gitlab.com/[organization name]/[repository name]/edit inside the "General project settings" tab project_id="3034900" # token, find it here: https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens token="Lifg_azxDyRp8eyNFRfg" server="gitlab.com" # go to https://gitlab.com/[organization name]/[repository name]/-/jobs # then open JavaScript console # copy/paste => copy(_.uniq($('.ci-status').map((x, e) => /([0-9]+)/.exec(e.href)).toArray()).join(' ')) # press enter, and then copy the result here : # repeat for every page you want
#job_ids=`seq 250 333` job_ids=(48875658 48874137 48873496 48872419) for job_id in ${job_ids[@]}; do URL="https://$server/api/v4/projects/$project_id/jobs/$job_id/erase" echo "$URL" curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:${token}" "$URL" echo " " done