1. Python作业
HAproxy配置文件操作 -> 完成
def fetch(backend): result = [] with open('ha.conf', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: flag = False for line in f: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True continue if flag and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False break if flag and line.strip(): result.append(line.strip()) return result def add(backend, record): record_list = fetch(backend) #print(record_list) if not record_list: # backend不存在 with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: for line in old: new.write(line) new.write(' backend ' + backend + ' ') new.write(' ' * 8 + record + ' ') else: # backend存在 if record in record_list: # record已经存在 import shutil shutil.copy('ha.conf', 'new.conf') else: # backend存在,record不存在 rd_list = record.split() ip_str = ' '.join(rd_list[1:3]) #print(ip_str) record_str = ''.join(record_list) #print(record_str) if ip_str not in record_str: # backend存在,record中sever中ip不存在: #print(record_list) record_list.append(record) with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True new.write(' ' + line) for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) else: # backend存在,record中sever中ip存在: #print(record_list) for i in record_list: if ip_str in i: record_list.remove(i) record_list.append(record) with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True new.write(' ' + line) for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) import shutil shutil.copy('new.conf','ha.conf') def modify_1(backend, new_backend): # 仅更改backend record_list = fetch(backend) if not record_list: print('backend not exist') else: with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True new.write(' backend ' + new_backend + ' ') for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) shutil.copy('new.conf', 'ha.conf') def modify_2(backend, record, new_backend, new_record): # 更改backend下的record record_list = fetch(backend) if not record_list: print('backend not exist') elif record not in record_list: print('record not exist') else: for i in record_list: if record == i: record_list.remove(i) record_list.append(new_record) with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True new.write(' backend ' + new_backend + ' ') for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) shutil.copy('new.conf', 'ha.conf') def delete(backend, record): record_list = fetch(backend) if not record_list: print('backend not exist') elif record not in record_list: print('record not exist') else: with open('ha.conf', 'r') as old, open('new.conf', 'w') as new: if len(record_list) > 1: # 不删backend,只删一项record for i in record_list: if i == record: record_list.remove(i) flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True new.write(' ' + line) for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) else: # backend和record都删 for i in record_list: if i == record: record_list.remove(i) flag = False for line in old: if line.strip().startswith('backend') and line.strip() == 'backend ' + backend: flag = True #new.write(' ' + line) for new_line in record_list: new.write(' ' * 8 + new_line + ' ') new.write(' ') continue if flag == True and line.strip().startswith('backend'): flag = False new.write(line) continue if not flag and line.strip(): new.write(line) shutil.copy('new.conf', 'ha.conf') # bk = 'www.oldboy.org' # bk2 = 'test.oldboy.org' # rd = 'server weight 20 maxconn 3000' # rd2 = 'server weight 10 maxconn 1000' # # modify_2(bk,rd,bk2,rd2) while(1): import time import shutil shutil.copy('ha.conf', 'ha.backup' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) choice = int(input(''' HAproxy配置文件操作: 1、输入backend,显示对应server信息 2、添加backend和server信息 3、修改backend和server信息 4、删除backend和server信息 *************************************** 请输入需要选择的操作编号:''')) if choice == 1: bk = input('请输入需查询的backend:') for i in fetch(bk): print(i) elif choice == 2: bk = input('请输入需添加的backend:') rd = input('请输入需添加的server:') add(bk,rd) elif choice == 3: choice2 = input(''' 1、仅修改backend 2、修改backend和server 请选择: ''') if choice2 == 1: bk = input('请输入修改前的backend:') bk2 = input('请输入修改后的backend:') modify_1(bk, bk2) elif choice2 == 2: bk = input('请输入修改前的backend:') bk2 = input('请输入修改后的backend:') rd = input('请输入修改前的server:') rd2 = input('请输入修改后的server:') modify_2(bk, rd, bk2, rd2) else: print('编号输入错误') elif choice == 4: bk = input('请输入要删除的backend:') rd = input('请输入要删除的server:') delete(bk, rd) else: print('编号输入错误')
2. MOOC - 程序设计基础
第3周:程序设计方法基础-2 -> 完成
- The Rapid Algorithmic Prototyping Tool for Ordered Reasoning --用于有 序推理的快速算法原型工具
3. MOOC课表
4. Python视频