• POJ 1459

    POJ 1459


    解:就是读入恶心死人,本来代码都没错的检查了老久, 最后发现是seekeof和eof的读入差距, 我总是读多一个0。



    View Code
      1 const
    2 maxn=1111;
    3 maxm=1111111 << 1;
    4 bilibili=maxlongint >> 1;
    5 legal = ['0'..'9', '(', ',', ')'];
    6 type
    7 data=record
    8 cost, dest, next, op: longint;
    9 end;
    10 var
    11 tot, st, ed, n, np, nc, m, ans: longint;
    12 edge: array[1..maxm]of data;
    13 vect, dist: array[0..maxn]of longint;
    14 visit: array[0..maxn]of boolean;
    15 procedure add(x, y, z: longint);
    16 begin
    17 inc(tot);
    18 with edge[tot] do begin
    19 dest := y;
    20 cost := z;
    21 next := vect[x];
    22 vect[x] := tot;
    23 op := tot + 1;
    24 end;
    25 inc(tot);
    26 with edge[tot] do begin
    27 dest := x;
    28 cost := 0;
    29 next := vect[y];
    30 vect[y] := tot;
    31 op := tot - 1;
    32 end;
    33 end;
    35 procedure rea(var x, y, z: longint);
    36 var
    37 c: char;
    38 tmp, st: string;
    39 begin
    40 read(c);
    41 while c<>'(' do read(c);
    42 st := ''; read(c);
    43 while c<>',' do begin
    44 if c in ['0'..'9'] then st := st + c;
    45 read(c);
    46 end;
    47 val(st, x);
    48 st := ''; read(c);
    49 while c<>')' do begin
    50 if c in ['0'..'9'] then st := st + c;
    51 read(c);
    52 end;
    53 val(st, y);
    54 read(z);
    55 end;
    57 procedure re(var x, z: longint);
    58 var
    59 c : char;
    60 st : string;
    61 begin
    62 read(c);
    63 while c<>'(' do read(c);
    64 st := ''; read(c);
    65 while c<>')' do begin
    66 if c in ['0'..'9'] then st := st + c;
    67 read(c);
    68 end;
    69 val(st, x);
    70 read(z);
    71 end;
    73 function cin: string;
    74 var
    75 s: string;
    76 c: char;
    77 begin
    78 read(c);
    79 s := '';
    80 repeat
    81 if c in legal then s := s + c;
    82 read(c);
    83 until c=')';
    84 exit(copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1));
    85 end;
    87 procedure init;
    88 var
    89 i, j, x, y, z: longint;
    90 s: string;
    91 begin
    92 tot := 0; ans := 0;
    93 fillchar(vect, sizeof(vect), 0);
    94 read(n, np, nc, m);
    95 st := n+1; ed := n+2;
    96 for i := 1 to m do begin
    97 rea(x, y, z);
    98 add(x, y, z);
    99 end;
    100 for i := 1 to np do begin
    101 re(x, z);
    102 add(st, x, z);
    103 end;
    104 for i := 1 to nc do begin
    105 re(x, z);
    106 add(x, ed, z);
    107 end;
    108 end;
    110 procedure print;
    111 begin
    112 writeln(ans);
    113 end;
    115 function bfs: boolean;
    116 var
    117 q: array[1..maxn]of longint;
    118 head, tail, u, i: longint;
    119 begin
    120 filldword(dist, sizeof(dist)>> 2, bilibili);
    121 fillchar(visit, sizeof(visit), 0);
    122 tail := 1; head := 0;
    123 q[tail] := st; dist[st] := 1;
    124 repeat
    125 head := head mod maxn +1;
    126 u := q[head];
    127 i := vect[u];
    128 while i<>0 do
    129 with edge[i] do begin
    130 if (cost>0)and(dist[u] + 1 < dist[dest]) then begin
    131 dist[dest] := dist[u] + 1;
    132 tail := tail mod maxn +1;
    133 q[tail] := dest;
    134 end;
    135 i := next;
    136 end;
    137 if dist[ed]<bilibili then break;
    138 until head=tail;
    139 exit(dist[ed]<>bilibili);
    140 end;
    142 function min(a, b: longint): longint;
    143 begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b); end;
    145 function dfs(u, flow: longint): longint;
    146 var
    147 i, tmp: longint;
    148 begin
    149 if u=ed then exit(flow);
    150 dfs := 0; tmp := 0;
    151 i := vect[u];
    152 while i<>0 do
    153 with edge[i] do begin
    154 if (not visit[dest])and(cost>0)and(dist[u]+1=dist[dest]) then begin
    155 tmp := dfs(dest, min(flow, cost));
    156 cost := cost - tmp;
    157 dfs := dfs + tmp;
    158 flow := flow - tmp;
    159 edge[op].cost := edge[op].cost + tmp;
    160 if flow = 0 then break;
    161 end;
    162 i := next;
    163 end;
    164 if dfs = 0 then visit[u] := true;
    165 end;
    167 procedure main;
    168 begin
    169 while bfs do
    170 ans := ans + dfs(st, maxlongint);
    171 end;
    173 begin
    174 assign(input,'aaa.in'); reset(input);
    175 // assign(output,'aaa.out'); rewrite(output);
    176 while {not(eof)!!!!!}not seekeof do
    177 begin
    178 init;
    179 main;
    180 print;
    181 end;
    182 close(input); close(output);
    183 end.

  • 相关阅读:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wmzisfoolish/p/2435169.html
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