• 273. Integer to English Words

    Convert a non-negative integer to its english words representation. Given input is guaranteed to be less than 231 - 1.

    Example 1:

    Input: 123
    Output: "One Hundred Twenty Three"

    Example 2:

    Input: 12345
    Output: "Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five"

    Example 3:

    Input: 1234567
    Output: "One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven"

    Example 4:

    Input: 1234567891
    Output: "One Billion Two Hundred Thirty Four Million Five Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety One"
    class Solution {
        private final String[] LESS_THAN_20 = {"", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve",   "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"};
        private final String[] TENS = {"", "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"};
        private final String[] THOUSANDS = {"", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion"};
        public String numberToWords(int num) {
            if(num == 0) return "Zero";
            int i = 0;
            String words = "";
            while(num > 0){
                if(num % 1000 != 0) words = helper(num % 1000) + THOUSANDS[i] + " " + words;
                num /= 1000;
            return words.trim();
        public String helper(int num){
            if(num == 0) return "";
            else if(num < 20) return LESS_THAN_20[num] + " ";
            else if(num < 100) return TENS[num / 10] + " " + helper(num % 10);
            else return LESS_THAN_20[num / 100] + " Hundred " + helper(num % 100);


    上面的while循环时计算thousands的,包括thousand,million,billion,1000 1000算的,对应数组的位置

    下面的helper计算小于1000,最复杂的就是ninety hundred ninety nine之类的,所以按20,100区分,对应数组位置,递归调用

    class Solution {
      public String numberToWords(int num) {
            if(num==0) {
                return "Zero";
            return helper(num);
        public String helper(int num) {
            String[] words = new String[] {"", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine",
            "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", 
            "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"};
            StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
            if(num>=1000000000) {
                res.append(helper(num/1000000000)).append(" Billion ").append(helper(num%1000000000));
            } else if(num>=1000000) {
                res.append(helper(num/1000000)).append(" Million ").append(helper(num%1000000));
            } else if(num>=1000) {
                res.append(helper(num/1000)).append(" Thousand ").append(helper(num%1000));
            } else if(num>=100) {
                res.append(helper(num/100)).append(" Hundred ").append(helper(num%100));
            } else if(num>=20) {
                res.append(words[(num-20)/10+20]).append(" ").append(words[num%10]);
            } else {
            return res.toString().trim();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wentiliangkaihua/p/12239529.html
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