开源nvr linux版本:MotionEye、shinobi、zoneminder、xeoma,其中motionEye is a web-based frontend for motion。
MJPEG does not carry Audio 输入源格式为mjpeg时只含视频不含声音
vedio编码:RTSP cameras will generally take copy. MJPEG cameras will take libx264.
audio编码:RTSP cameras will generally take aac. MJPEG cameras must be set to No Audio.
HLS Segment Length 2;HLS List Size 3 ;HLS Preset(一般这里我设置为空,目前还不知道这个选项的意义)
参考网上 HLS直播的那些坑 https://www.jianshu.com/p/50feb760cc50?utm_campaign=maleskine&utm_content=note&utm_medium=seo_notes&utm_source=recommendation
-hls_time n: 设置每片的长度,默认值为2。单位为秒
-hls_list_size n:设置播放列表保存的最多条目,设置为0会保存有所片信息,默认值为5
-hls_wrap n:设置多少片之后开始覆盖,如果设置为0则不会覆盖,默认值为0.这个选项能够避免在磁盘上存储过多的片,而且能够限制写入磁盘的最多的片的数量
-hls_start_number n:设置播放列表中sequence number的值为number,默认值为0
再次拜读经典参考文章:How to use Additional Input Feeds https://hub.shinobi.video/articles/view/w8azEAI2peYeNul
关于ffmpeg硬件解码的相关说明:QSV https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/69192869?from=singlemessage
shinobi的onvif scanner针对zenitch onvif端口为8000,有时需要设定用户密码为admin和admin(默认),有时需要设定为admin xxx(xxx代表web登陆页面密码),注意这个因为摄像头固件版本的不同所导致的。
admin用户:During the Shinobi installation process the user can decide to create an Admin account. If you missed the generated details you can find or delete them in the Superuser panel. You can change the login address once logged in as the account in the Settings menu in the Dashboard.
Default : Let Shinobi choose.
Auto : Let FFMPEG choose.