• 16路舵机控制器USB访问


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using UsbLibrary;
    using MotorControl;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace MCtl
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            private byte OfflineCnt;
            public byte OnlineBoard;
            private UsbHidPort usb;
            public ushort usOnboardID = 0xffff;
            private ushort usRxCnt;
            private ushort usTotalLength = 5;
            private MotorControl.MSG stcMSG;
            public byte byteID;
            private byte[] RxBuffer = new byte[0x3e8];
            private delegate void DecodeDataHandler(byte[] byteTemp, ushort usLength);
            public Form1()
                this.usb = new UsbHidPort();
                this.usb.ProductId = 0x100;
                this.usb.VendorId = 0x1920;
                this.usb.OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived);
                this.usb.OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved);
                this.usb.OnDeviceArrived += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnDeviceArrived);
                this.usb.OnDeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnDeviceRemoved);
                this.usb.OnDataRecieved += new DataRecievedEventHandler(this.usb_OnDataRecieved);
            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            private string GetLocalText(string ChString, string EnString)
                if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name == "zh-CN") return ChString;
                return EnString;
            #region USB
            private void MyLog(byte[] bytes)
                if (bytes[1] == 0) return;
            public void Send(byte cmd, byte ch, int data)
                byte[] byteSend = new byte[5];
                short num = (short)data;
                byteSend[0] = 0xff;
                byteSend[1] = cmd;
                byteSend[2] = ch;
                byteSend[3] = (byte)(num & 0xff);
                byteSend[4] = (byte)(num >> 8);
                    this.SendUSBMsg(3, byteSend, (byte)byteSend.Length);
                   // if (this.spSerialPort.IsOpen) this.spSerialPort.Write(byteSend, 0, 5);
                    if (cmd != 0)
                        if (this.OnlineBoard == 0)
                            this.Status1.Text = this.GetLocalText("端口未打开!待发送数据:", "Port not open, datas to send are:") + byteSend[0].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[1].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[2].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[3].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[4].ToString("x") + " ";
                            this.Status1.Text = this.GetLocalText("已发送:", "Send:") + byteSend[0].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[1].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[2].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[3].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[4].ToString("x") + " ";
                catch (Exception)
            public void SendMessage(byte cmd, byte ch, int data)
                this.stcMSG.cmd = ((CMD)cmd) | ((CMD)(this.byteID << 4));
                this.stcMSG.ch = ch;
                this.stcMSG.data = data;
                this.Send((byte)this.stcMSG.cmd, this.stcMSG.ch, this.stcMSG.data);
            private sbyte SendUSBMsg(byte ucType, byte[] byteSend, byte ucLength)
                    if (this.usb.SpecifiedDevice != null)
                        byte[] array = new byte[0x43];
                        array[1] = ucLength;
                        array[2] = ucType;
                        byteSend.CopyTo(array, 3);
                catch (Exception exception)
                return 0;
            private void usb_OnDataRecieved(object sender, DataRecievedEventArgs args)
                if (base.InvokeRequired)
                        base.Invoke(new DataRecievedEventHandler(this.usb_OnDataRecieved), new object[] { sender, args });
                    catch (Exception)
                    byte usLength = args.data[1];
                    switch (args.data[2])
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                            for (int i = 0; i < usLength; i++)
                                args.data[i] = args.data[i + 3];
                            this.DecodeData(args.data, usLength);
            private void usb_OnDeviceArrived(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "Find USB Device!";
            private void usb_OnDeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "USB Device Removed!";
            private void usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "My Device Connected!";
                this.OnlineBoard = (byte)(this.OnlineBoard | 2);
            private void usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "My Device DisConnected!";
                this.OnlineBoard = (byte)(this.OnlineBoard & 0xfd);
            private bool CheckHead(byte[] byteData, byte[] byteHeadTemp, int byteHeadLength)
                for (byte i = 0; i < byteHeadLength; i = (byte)(i + 1))
                    if (byteData[i] != byteHeadTemp[i]) return false;
                return true;
            private void ByteCopy(byte[] byteFrom, byte[] byteTo, ushort usFromIndex, ushort usToIndex, ushort usLength)
                for (int i = 0; i < usLength; i++)
                    byteTo[usToIndex + i] = byteFrom[usFromIndex + i];
            public void DecodeData(byte[] byteTemp, ushort usLength)
                if (base.InvokeRequired)
                        base.Invoke(new DecodeDataHandler(this.DecodeData), new object[] { byteTemp, usLength });
                    catch (Exception)
                    this.ByteCopy(byteTemp, this.RxBuffer, 0, this.usRxCnt, usLength);
                    this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt + usLength);
                    while (this.usRxCnt >= this.usTotalLength)
                        if (!this.CheckHead(this.RxBuffer, new byte[] { 0xff, 240 }, 2))
                            this.ByteCopy(this.RxBuffer, this.RxBuffer, 1, 0, this.usRxCnt);
                            this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - 1);
                           // if (this.formConfig != null) this.formConfig.DecodeData(this.RxBuffer);
                            if (this.RxBuffer[1] == 240)
                                short num = BitConverter.ToInt16(this.RxBuffer, 3);
                                if (num == 0 | (num & 0xff) == 0xff) this.usOnboardID = 0;
                            this.ByteCopy(this.RxBuffer, this.RxBuffer, this.usTotalLength, 0, (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - this.usTotalLength));
                            this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - this.usTotalLength);
            protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
                catch (Exception)
            protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
                    this.usb.ParseMessages(ref m);
                    base.WndProc(ref m);
                catch (Exception)
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                var v = rnd.Next(500, 2500);
                SendMessage(2, 0, v);
                Console.WriteLine("转:" + v);
    View Code
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using UsbLibrary;
    using MotorControl;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace MCtl
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            private byte OfflineCnt;
            public byte OnlineBoard;
            private UsbHidPort usb;
            public ushort usOnboardID = 0xffff;
            private ushort usRxCnt;
            private ushort usTotalLength = 5;
            private bool bCheckID = true;
            private MotorControl.MSG stcMSG;
            public byte byteID;
            private byte[] RxBuffer = new byte[0x3e8];
            private delegate void DecodeDataHandler(byte[] byteTemp, ushort usLength);
            public Form1()
                this.usb = new UsbHidPort();
                this.usb.ProductId = 0x100;
                this.usb.VendorId = 0x1920;
                this.usb.OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived);
                this.usb.OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved);
                this.usb.OnDeviceArrived += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnDeviceArrived);
                this.usb.OnDeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(this.usb_OnDeviceRemoved);
                this.usb.OnDataRecieved += new DataRecievedEventHandler(this.usb_OnDataRecieved);
            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            private string GetLocalText(string ChString, string EnString)
                if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name == "zh-CN") return ChString;
                return EnString;
            #region USB
            private void MyLog(byte[] bytes)
                //if (bytes[1] == 0) return;
            public void Send(byte cmd, byte ch, int data)
                byte[] byteSend = new byte[5];
                short num = (short)data;
                byteSend[0] = 0xff;
                byteSend[1] = cmd;
                byteSend[2] = ch;
                byteSend[3] = (byte)(num & 0xff);
                byteSend[4] = (byte)(num >> 8);
                    this.SendUSBMsg(3, byteSend, (byte)byteSend.Length);
                   // if (this.spSerialPort.IsOpen) this.spSerialPort.Write(byteSend, 0, 5);
                    if (cmd != 0)
                        if (this.OnlineBoard == 0)
                            this.Status1.Text = this.GetLocalText("端口未打开!待发送数据:", "Port not open, datas to send are:") + byteSend[0].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[1].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[2].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[3].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[4].ToString("x") + " ";
                            this.Status1.Text = this.GetLocalText("已发送:", "Send:") + byteSend[0].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[1].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[2].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[3].ToString("x") + " " + byteSend[4].ToString("x") + " ";
                catch (Exception)
            public void SendMessage(byte cmd, byte ch, int data)
                this.stcMSG.cmd = ((CMD)cmd) | ((CMD)(this.byteID << 4));
                this.stcMSG.ch = ch;
                this.stcMSG.data = data;
                this.Send((byte)this.stcMSG.cmd, this.stcMSG.ch, this.stcMSG.data);
            private sbyte SendUSBMsg(byte ucType, byte[] byteSend, byte ucLength)
                    if (this.usb.SpecifiedDevice != null)
                        byte[] array = new byte[0x43];
                        array[1] = ucLength;
                        array[2] = ucType;
                        byteSend.CopyTo(array, 3);
                catch (Exception exception)
                return 0;
            private void usb_OnDataRecieved(object sender, DataRecievedEventArgs args)
                if (base.InvokeRequired)
                        base.Invoke(new DataRecievedEventHandler(this.usb_OnDataRecieved), new object[] { sender, args });
                    catch (Exception)
                    byte usLength = args.data[1];
                    switch (args.data[2])
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                            for (int i = 0; i < usLength; i++)
                                args.data[i] = args.data[i + 3];
                            this.DecodeData(args.data, usLength);
            private void usb_OnDeviceArrived(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "Find USB Device!";
            private void usb_OnDeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "USB Device Removed!";
            private void usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceArrived(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "My Device Connected!";
                this.OnlineBoard = (byte)(this.OnlineBoard | 2);
            private void usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Status1.Text = "My Device DisConnected!";
                this.OnlineBoard = (byte)(this.OnlineBoard & 0xfd);
            private bool CheckHead(byte[] byteData, byte[] byteHeadTemp, int byteHeadLength)
                for (byte i = 0; i < byteHeadLength; i = (byte)(i + 1))
                    if (byteData[i] != byteHeadTemp[i]) return false;
                return true;
            private void ByteCopy(byte[] byteFrom, byte[] byteTo, ushort usFromIndex, ushort usToIndex, ushort usLength)
                for (int i = 0; i < usLength; i++)
                    byteTo[usToIndex + i] = byteFrom[usFromIndex + i];
            public void DecodeData(byte[] byteTemp, ushort usLength)
                if (base.InvokeRequired)
                        base.Invoke(new DecodeDataHandler(this.DecodeData), new object[] { byteTemp, usLength });
                    catch (Exception)
                    this.ByteCopy(byteTemp, this.RxBuffer, 0, this.usRxCnt, usLength);
                    this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt + usLength);
                    while (this.usRxCnt >= this.usTotalLength)
                        if (!this.CheckHead(this.RxBuffer, new byte[] { 0xff, 240 }, 2))
                            this.ByteCopy(this.RxBuffer, this.RxBuffer, 1, 0, this.usRxCnt);
                            this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - 1);
                           // if (this.formConfig != null) this.formConfig.DecodeData(this.RxBuffer);
                            if (this.RxBuffer[1] == 240)
                                short num = BitConverter.ToInt16(this.RxBuffer, 3);
                                if (num == 0 | (num & 0xff) == 0xff) this.usOnboardID = 0;
                            this.ByteCopy(this.RxBuffer, this.RxBuffer, this.usTotalLength, 0, (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - this.usTotalLength));
                            this.usRxCnt = (ushort)(this.usRxCnt - this.usTotalLength);
            protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
                catch (Exception)
            protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
                    this.usb.ParseMessages(ref m);
                    base.WndProc(ref m);
                catch (Exception)
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var rnd = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                var v = rnd.Next(500, 2500);
                SendMessage(2, 0, v);
                Console.WriteLine("转:" + v);
            private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (this.OnlineBoard == 0)
                    this.textBoxBoard.Text = this.GetLocalText("离线", "Offline");
                    this.textBoxBoard.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                else if (this.bCheckID)
                    this.bCheckID = false;
                    this.usOnboardID = 0xffff;
                    this.Send(0, 0x12, 0);
                    this.bCheckID = true;
                    if (this.usOnboardID == 0xffff)
                        this.OfflineCnt = (byte)(this.OfflineCnt + 1);
                        this.OfflineCnt = 0;
                    if (this.usOnboardID == 0xffff)
                        this.textBoxBoard.Text = this.GetLocalText("离线", "Offline");
                        this.textBoxBoard.Text = this.GetLocalText("在线", "Online");
                    if (this.textBoxBoard.Text == this.GetLocalText("离线", "Offline"))
                        this.textBoxBoard.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                    else if ((this.usOnboardID & ((int)1) << this.byteID) == 0) this.textBoxBoard.BackColor = Color.Lime;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wdfrog/p/14841812.html
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