• 004

    select ename sal from emp_coco
    where sal>(select sal from emp_coco where ename='SMITH')
    select ename,JOB from emp_coco
    where job=(select job from emp_coco where ename='SMITH')
    select ename,sal from emp_coco
    where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp_coco)
    create table emp_cococo
    select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc
    from emp_coco e,dept_coco d
    where e.deptno=d.deptno(+)
    select * from emp_coco
    --将SMITH 部门所有员工工资提高%10:
    update emp_coco
    set sal=sal*1.1
    where deptno=(select deptno from emp_coco
                  where ename='SMITH')
    select ename,job,deptno from emp_coco
    where deptno in (select deptno from emp_coco
                    where job='SALESMAN')AND job<>'SALESMAN'
    --查看比职位时CLERK 和 SALESMAN工资都高的员工,可用all或 max
    select ename,sal from emp_coco
    where sal>ALL((select sal from emp_coco
              where job IN('CLERK','SALESMAN')))
    --EXISTS返回真,NOT EXISTS这是相反的操作
    select deptno,dname from dept_coco d
    where exists (
                  select * from emp_coco e
                  where d.deptno=e.deptno)
    select deptno,min(sal) from emp_coco
    group by deptno
    having min(sal)>(select min(sal) from emp_coco
                     where deptno=30)
    --select avg(sal),deptno --不指名 报错
    --from  emp_coco
    --group by deptno (当作一张表看待)
    select ename,sal,e.deptno
    from emp_coco e,(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno --指定别名
                     from  emp_coco
                     group by deptno) t
    where e.deptno=t.deptno and e.sal>t.avg_sal
    --SELECT 子句中也可以使用子查询
    select e.ename,e.sal,
           (select d.dname from dept_coco d
           where d.deptno=e.deptno) dname
    from emp_coco e  --显示null
    select e.ename,d.dname from dept_coco d,emp_coco e
    where d.deptno=e.deptno--不显示null
    select e.ename,d.dname
    from emp_coco e
    left outer join 
    dept_coco d
    on e.deptno=d.deptno
    --分页再不同的数据库中的 SQL语句是不一样的(方言)
    --ORACLE 中的分页是依靠伪列:ROWNUM实现的
    --只要可以从查询出一条记录,那么 ROWNUM字段的值就是该记录的行号,从1开始 divlebo
    --在使用ROWNUM 对结果集进行编号的过程中不要使用rownum做>1以上的过滤判断,
    select * from(
                 select rownum r,ename,sal,deptno from emp_coco)
    where r between 6and 10          
    select * 
    from( select rownum r,t.* 
          select ename,sal from emp_coco
          order by sal desc) t
        where rownum<=10)--加上次句效率高,不写r,因为where 比select先执行
    where r between 6 and 10--若不写r,会默认为最外层
    --pageSize:5 每页显示的条目数
    --page:1    页数
    select ename,sal,job,
    from emp_coco             
    --和decode 功能相似的有case语句 类似与if else的操作
    select ename,job,sal,
            case job when 'MANAGER' THEN SAL*1.2
                     WHEN 'ANALYST' THEN SAL*1.1
                     WHEN 'SALESMAN' THEN SAL*1.05
                     ELSE SAL END
    from emp_coco                 
    select count(*),decode(job,
                    'OTHER') D
    from emp_coco
    group by decode(job,
    select deptno,dname,loc from dept_coco
    order by
                   'ASLES',3)--没写的为null 最大
    select ename,sal,deptno,
           row_number() over(
           partition by deptno
           order by sal desc
    from emp_coco
    select ename,sal,deptno,
          rank() over(
           partition by deptno
           order by sal desc
    from emp_coco
    select ename,sal,deptno,
          dense_rank() over(
            partition by deptno
            order by sal desc
    from emp_coco        
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where job='MANAGER'
    union all
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where sal>=2500
    --INTERSECT 交集
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where job='MANAGER'
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where sal>=2500
    --MINUS 差集 上面有,下没有,也就是结果集1减去结果集2的结果
    --职位是MANAGER 但薪水低于2500的员工记录
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where job='MANAGER'
    select ename,job,sal from emp_coco
    where sal>=2500
    --相比我们按照不同分组方式分别统计结果后再使用UNION ALL并在一起,书写起来要简便的多
    create table sales_coco(
    year_id number not null,
    month_id number not null,
    day_id number not null,
    sales_value number(10,2) not null          
    insert into sales_coco
    select trunc(dbms_random.value(2010,2012))as year_id,
           trunc(dbms_random.value(1,13))as month_id,
           trunc(dbms_random.value(1,32))as day_id,
           round(dbms_random.value(1,100),2)as sales_value
           from dual
           connect by level<=1000
    select * from sales_coco
    select year_id,month_id,day_id,sum(sales_value) from sales_coco
    group by rollup(year_id,month_id,day_id)
    order by year_id,month_id,day_id
    --CUBE(a,b,c) 全方位统计
    select year_id,month_id,day_id,sum(sales_value) from sales_coco
    group by cube(year_id,month_id,day_id)
    order by year_id,month_id,day_id
    select year_id,month_id,day_id,sum(sales_value) from sales_coco
    group by grouping sets(
    order by year_id,month_id,day_id            
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangyuyanhello/p/8940908.html
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