修改就行, 但是那样太麻烦,我们知道在Win下批处理是个简单易用的工具,因此可以用bat文件来实现这个功能。下面贴一段我自己
@echo off ::color 3f ::mode con cols=40 lines=15 title Auto IP Config :start cls echo. echo ****************************************** echo Wellcome to Auto IP Config Tool echo. echo 1.Change to Office IP echo. echo 2.Change to local IP echo. echo 0.Exit echo. echo ******************************************* echo. set /p choice=Enter your choice: if "%choice%"=="1" goto office if "%choice%"=="2" goto Home if "%choice%"=="0" exit echo Incorrect choice,Please input again....... pause>nul goto start :office cls echo. echo Setting Office IP,Please waitting...... echo. set net_interface="本地连接" echo Setting IP..... netsh interface ip set address "%net_interface%" source=static addr= mask= echo IP config success echo. echo Config GetWay...... netsh interface ip set address name="%net_interface%" gateway= gwmetric=1 echo Getway confing success echo. echo Setting DNS...... netsh interface ip set dns "%net_interface%" static echo Preferred DNS confing success echo. netsh interface ip add dns "%net_interface%" index=2 echo Backup DNS config success echo. echo DNS confing success... echo. echo IP confing successfully,press any key to quit...... pause>nul exit goto start :home cls echo. echo Setting Local IP,Please waitting...... echo. set net_interface="本地连接" echo Setting IP..... netsh interface ip set address "%net_interface%" source=static addr= mask= echo IP config success...... Config GetWay...... netsh interface ip set address name="%net_interface%" gateway= gwmetric=1 echo Getway confing success...Setting DNS...... netsh interface ip set dns "%net_interface%" static netsh interface ip add dns "%net_interface%" index=2 echo IP confing successfully,press any key to quit...... pause>nul exit goto start