nfsv4 && nfsv3 on macos
发生在 想lookup时,发现文件已经被remove了 No such file or directory. The file or directory name specified does not exist.
反应在上层是: [Errno 70] Stale NFS file handle
[CRITICAL] 2020-05-25 00:43:44,755 Group-1 [CRITICAL_ERROR]: append failure happen for file testfile29289 at 1590392624697, error is [Errno 70] Stale NFS file handle: 'testfile29289'
2187 lookup call 获得了如下:
nfs.status3 == 2
Status: NFS3ERR_NOENT (2) ---> No such file or directory. The file or directory name specified does not exist.
因为在2135 -- 2175之间,rename - remove 了这个file,导致2187lookup的时候 2190 replyNFS3ERR_NOENT
nfsv4 也是如此: