const letter=['0'..'9']+['a'..'f']; inf=''; ouf='encode.out'; var a:array [1..9,1..32] of longint; f:array [1..33,0..100] of longint; pa:array [1..33,0..100] of longint; ans,m:string; procedure getstr(var s:string); var ch:char; begin repeat read(ch); until ch in letter; s:=''; repeat case ch of '0':s:=s+'0000'; '1':s:=s+'0001'; '2':s:=s+'0010'; '3':s:=s+'0011'; '4':s:=s+'0100'; '5':s:=s+'0101'; '6':s:=s+'0110'; '7':s:=s+'0111'; '8':s:=s+'1000'; '9':s:=s+'1001'; 'a':s:=s+'1010'; 'b':s:=s+'1011'; 'c':s:=s+'1100'; 'd':s:=s+'1101'; 'e':s:=s+'1110'; 'f':s:=s+'1111'; end; if eoln then break; read(ch); until not (ch in letter); end; procedure init; var p,q:longint; st:string; begin assign(input,inf); reset(input); for p:=1 to 9 do begin getstr(st); while length(st)<32 do st:='0'+st; for q:=1 to 32 do a[p,q]:=ord(st[33-q])-ord('0'); end; close(input); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),$ff); end; function getsum(x,y,num:longint):longint; var tmp,u :longint; begin tmp:=y; for u:=1 to 8 do tmp:=tmp+(a[u,x] xor num); getsum:=tmp; end; procedure getvalue(x,y:longint); var now,num:longint; begin if f[x,y]<>-1 then exit; if x>32 then begin f[x,y]:=1; exit; end; f[x,y]:=0; for num:=0 to 1 do begin now:=getsum(x,y,num); if now and 1<>a[9,x] xor num then continue; getvalue(x+1,now shr 1); if f[x+1,now shr 1]=1 then begin f[x,y]:=1; pa[x,y]:=num; break; end; end; end; procedure getans; var p,q:longint; begin ans:=''; p:=1; q:=0; while p<=32 do begin ans:=chr(48+pa[p,q])+ans; q:=getsum(p,q,pa[p,q]) shr 1; inc(p); end; end; procedure main; var tmp:string; begin getvalue(1,0); getans; m:=''; while ans<>'' do begin tmp:=copy(ans,1,4); if tmp='0000' then m:=m+'0' else if tmp='0001' then m:=m+'1' else if tmp='0010' then m:=m+'2' else if tmp='0011' then m:=m+'3' else if tmp='0100' then m:=m+'4' else if tmp='0101' then m:=m+'5' else if tmp='0110' then m:=m+'6' else if tmp='0111' then m:=m+'7' else if tmp='1000' then m:=m+'8' else if tmp='1001' then m:=m+'9' else if tmp='1010' then m:=m+'a' else if tmp='1011' then m:=m+'b' else if tmp='1100' then m:=m+'c' else if tmp='1101' then m:=m+'d' else if tmp='1110' then m:=m+'e' else if tmp='1111' then m:=m+'f'; delete(ans,1,4); end; while (length(m)>1) and (m[1]='0') do delete(m,1,1); assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); writeln(m); close(output); end; begin init; main; end.
const maxn=1000; maxt=1100; inf=''; ouf='work.out'; var t,a,b :array [0..maxn] of longint; f:array [0..maxt+1] of longint; n,start:longint; procedure init; var p:longint; begin start:=maxt; assign(input,inf); reset(input); readln(n); for p:=1 to n do begin readln(t[p],a[p],b[p]); if a[p]<start then start:=a[p]; end; close(input); end; procedure main; var i,j:longint; find:boolean; begin fillchar(f,sizeof(f),$ff); f[start]:=0; for i:=start to maxt do if f[i]<>-1 then begin find:=false; for j:=1 to n do if (a[j]<=i) and (i+t[j]<=b[j]) then begin find:=true; if (f[i+t[j]]=-1) or (f[i+t[j]]>f[i]+t[j]) then f[i+t[j]]:=f[i]+t[j]; end; if not find then if (f[i+1]=-1) or (f[i+1]>f[i]) then f[i+1]:=f[i]; end; assign(output,ouf); rewrite(output); writeln(f[maxt]); close(output); end; begin init; main; end.