• NOIP2011





     1 program carpet;
     2 var
     3   l,w:array[0..10000,1..2] of longint;
     4   n,i,a,b,g,k,x,y:longint;
     5   flag:boolean;
     6 begin
     7 assign(input,'carpet.in');
     8 reset(input);
     9 assign(output,'carpet.out');
    10 rewrite(output);
    11   readln(n);
    12   for i:=1 to n do
    13    begin
    14      readln(a,b,g,k);
    15      l[i,1]:=a;
    16      l[i,2]:=a+g;
    17      w[i,1]:=b;
    18      w[i,2]:=b+k;
    19    end;
    20   readln(x,y);
    21   flag:=true;
    22   for i:=n downto 1 do
    23    if (l[i,1]<=x)and(x<=l[i,1]) and (w[i,1]<=y)and(y<=w[i,2]) then
    24     begin writeln(i); flag:=false; break; end;
    25   if flag then writeln(-1);
    26 close(input);
    27 close(output);
    28 end.
     1 var
     2   n,i,g,k,x,y:longint;
     3   a,b,c,d:array[1..10000] of longint;
     4 begin
     5 assign(input,'carpet.in');
     6 reset(input);
     7 assign(output,'carpet.out');
     8 rewrite(output);
     9   readln(n);
    10   for i:=1 to n do
    11    begin
    12      readln(a[i],b[i],g,k);
    13      c[i]:=a[i]+g;
    14      d[i]:=b[i]+k;
    15    end;
    16   readln(x,y);
    17   for i:=n downto 1 do
    18    if (x>=a[i]) and (x<=c[i]) and (y>=b[i]) and (y<=d[i])
    19     then begin writeln(i); close(input); close(output); halt; end;
    20   writeln(-1);
    21 close(input);
    22 close(output);
    23 end.
    25 program P620;
    26 var
    27   x,y,n,a1,b1,i,j,s:longint;
    28   a,b,c,d:array[1..10000] of longint;
    29 begin
    30 assign(input,'carpet.in');
    31 reset(input);
    32 assign(output,'carpet.out');
    33 rewrite(output);
    34   readln(n);
    35   for i:=1 to  n do
    36   begin
    37     readln(a[i],b[i],a1,b1);
    38     c[i]:=a[i]+a1;
    39     d[i]:=b[i]+b1;
    40   end;
    41   readln(x,y);
    42   s:=-1;
    43    for i:=1 to n do
    44     if (a[i]<=x)and(b[i]<=y)and(c[i]>=x)and(d[i]>=y) then s:=i;
    45    writeln(s);
    46 end.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vacation/p/6048985.html
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