1、执行脚本:python3 install_mysql.py 端口号
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # autor: wuxun import subprocess import os import sys import re mysql_port = sys.argv[1] base_dir = '/usr/local/mysql5.7' def run_command(command): p = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True,close_fds=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout,stderr = p.communicate() return (p.returncode,stdout.strip().decode('utf-8'),stderr.strip().decode('utf-8')) def check_mysql_rpm(): ''' 检查环境中是否存在mysql和mariadb插件 如果存在,卸载该插件 ''' print('检查环境中是否存在mysql rpm包!') command= 'rpm -qa | grep -i "mysql"' for i in run_command(command)[1].split('\n'): rpm_e_command = 'rpm -e --nodeps '+ i run_command(rpm_e_command) if run_command(command)[0] == 1 : print('已无mysql/mariadb依赖包。') else: print('卸载mysql rpm包失败1!!手动检查!') sys.exit() def check_user(): ''' 检查是否存在mysql用户 :return: ''' print('检查是否存在mysql用户') if run_command('id mysql')[0] == 0: print('存在mysql用户!') print(run_command(' id mysql')[1]) else: print('不存在mysql用户,创建mysql用户!') run_command('groupadd mysql') run_command('useradd -g mysql -M -s /sbin/login mysql') def mkdir_basedis(port): ''' 创建mysql目录 :return: ''' print('创建mysql根目录!') if os.path.isfile(base_dir+'/bin/mysqld'): print('存在{}目录'.format(base_dir)) pass else: run_command('rm -rf {}'.format(base_dir)) run_command('mkdir -p '+base_dir) print('解压mysql!') run_command('mkdir /tmp/mysql') tar_cmd = 'tar -zxvf mysql-5.7.37-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz -C /tmp/mysql ' if run_command(tar_cmd)[0] == 0: run_command('mv /tmp/mysql/mysql-5.7.37-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/* '+base_dir) run_command('chown -R mysql:mysql ' + base_dir) run_command('rm -rf /tmp/mysql') else: print('uncompress wrong!') sys.exit() print('创建mysql数据目录.') if os.path.isdir('/mysql/'): if os.path.isdir('/mysql/'+port): run_command('rm -rf /mysql/'+port) run_command('mkdir -p /mysql/' + port + '/{data,logs,tmp}') else: run_command('mkdir -p /mysql/' + port + '/{data,logs,tmp}') else: run_command('mkdir -p /mysql/' + port + '/{data,logs,tmp}') run_command('chown -R mysql:mysql /mysql') def alter_file(file,old_info,new_info): ''' 替换文件内容 :param file: 源文件 :param old_info: 需要替换的内容 :param new_info: 替换后的内容 :return: ''' with open(file,'r',encoding="utf-8") as old , open("{}.bak".format(file),'w',encoding="utf-8") as new: for line in old: new.write(re.sub(old_info,new_info,line)) os.remove(file) os.rename("{}.bak".format(file),file) def add_config(port): print('配置mysql配置文件!') if os.path.isfile('/etc/my{}.cnf'.format(port)): run_command('mv /etc/my{}.cnf /etc/my{}.cnf.bak.`date +%Y%m%d`'.format(port,port)) run_command('cp $PWD/my.cnf /etc/my{}.cnf'.format(port)) else: run_command('cp $PWD/my.cnf /etc/my'+port+'.cnf') config_path = '/etc/my'+port+'.cnf' alter_file(config_path,'99999999',port) def add_envpath(): print('检查环境变量!') env_path = 'export PATH={}/bin:$PATH'.format(base_dir) with open('/etc/profile', 'rt') as profile: if env_path in profile.readlines(): print('存在环境变量!') else: print('不存在环境变量,插入环境变量!') with open('/etc/profile', 'a+') as profile_path: profile_path.write('\n'+env_path) run_command('source /etc/profile') def init_mysql(port): ''' 1、初始化mysql 2、启动mysql 3、修改mysql root密码为Admin123 ''' # mysql_init = '{}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my{}.cnf --initialize-insecure --user=mysql --basedir={} --datadir=/mysql/{}/data'.format(base_dir,port,base_dir,port) mysql_init = '{}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my{}.cnf --initialize --user=mysql --basedir={} --datadir=/mysql/{}/data'.format(base_dir, port, base_dir, port) try: mysql_init_result = run_command(mysql_init) print('初始化mysqld!') if mysql_init_result[0] == 0: with open('/mysql/'+port+'/logs/mysql-error.log') as mysql_error: for line in mysql_error: if 'root@localhost:' in line: old_password = line.split(': ')[1].split('\n')[0] print(old_password) print('初始化mysql成功,开始启动mysql。') except Exception as e: raise e start_cmd = '{}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my{}.cnf --user=mysql &'.format(base_dir, port) try: if run_command(start_cmd)[0] == 0: print('启动成功!修改root密码为Admin123') change_password_cmd = "mysql --connect-expired-password -uroot -p'{}' -S /mysql/{}/tmp/mysql_{}.sock -e ".format(old_password,port,port)+'"'+"set password="+"'"+"Admin123"+"'"+'"' if run_command(change_password_cmd)==0: print('密码修改成功!\n 修改后root密码:Admin123') else: print('密码修改失败!密码为{}'.format(old_password)) print('添加mysql启动模式:') run_command('cp $PWD/my /bin/') print("mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n" "启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\n" "mysql快捷进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号\n") except Exception as e: raise e def main(): check_mysql_rpm() check_user() mkdir_basedis(mysql_port) add_config(mysql_port) add_envpath() init_mysql(mysql_port) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env bash case $1 in start) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ -z $3 ]] ;then for port in $(ls /mysql) do if [ $port -eq $2 ];then /usr/local/mysql5.7/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my$2.cnf & fi done else echo -e "\n输入错误,请输入正确格式:" echo -e "mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\nmysql特殊进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号" exit fi ;; stop) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ -z $3 ]] ;then for port in $(ls /mysql) do if [ $port -eq $2 ];then mysqladmin -uroot -pAdmin123 -S /mysql/$2/tmp/mysql_$2.sock shutdown fi done else echo -e "\n输入错误,请输入正确格式:" echo -e "mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\nmysql特殊进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号" exit fi ;; status) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ -z $3 ]] ;then for port in $(ls /mysql) do if [ $port -eq $2 ];then mysqladmin -uroot -pAdmin123 -S /mysql/$2/tmp/mysql_$2.sock ping fi done else echo -e "\n输入错误,请输入正确格式:" echo -e "mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\nmysql特殊进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号" exit fi ;; all) case $2 in start) for port in $(ls /mysql) do /usr/local/mysql5.7/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my$port.cnf & done ;; stop) for port in $(ls /mysql) do mysqladmin -uroot -pAdmin123 -S /mysql/$port/tmp/mysql_$port.sock shutdown done ;; status) for port in $(ls /mysql) do mysqladmin -uroot -pAdmin123 -S /mysql/$port/tmp/mysql_$port.sock ping done ;; *) echo -e "\n输入错误,请输入正确格式:" echo -e "mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\nmysql特殊进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号" ;; esac ;; *) if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ -z $2 ]] ;then mysql -S /mysql/$1/tmp/mysql_$1.sock -uroot -pAdmin123 else echo -e "\n输入错误,请输入正确格式:" echo -e "mysql启动/停止/查看状态:my start/stop/status 端口号;\n启动/停止/查看所有的mysql:my all start/stop/status;\nmysql特殊进入方式(相当于:mysql -uroot -p):my 端口号" exit fi ;; esac
[mysqld] user = mysql basedir = /usr/local/mysql/ datadir = /mysql/99999999/data tmpdir = /mysql/99999999/tmp port = 99999999 socket = /mysql/99999999/tmp/mysql_99999999.sock event_scheduler = 0 #timeout interactive_timeout = 300 wait_timeout = 300 #character set character-set-server = utf8 open_files_limit = 65535 max_connections = 100 max_connect_errors = 100000 skip-name-resolve = 1 #lower_case_table_names=1 #logs log-output=file slow_query_log = 1 slow_query_log_file = /mysql/99999999/logs/slow.log log-error = /mysql/99999999/logs/mysql-error.log log_warnings = 2 pid-file = /mysql/99999999/tmp/mysql_99999999.pid long_query_time = 1 #log-slow-admin-statements = 1 #log-queries-not-using-indexes = 1 log-slow-slave-statements = 1 #binlog binlog_format = mixed server-id = 2022 log-bin = mybinlog binlog_cache_size = 4M max_binlog_size = 1G max_binlog_cache_size = 2G sync_binlog = 0 expire_logs_days = 10 #relay log skip_slave_start = 1 max_relay_log_size = 1G relay_log_purge = 1 relay_log_recovery = 1 log_slave_updates #slave-skip-errors=1032,1053,1062 explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=1 #buffers & cache table_open_cache = 2048 table_definition_cache = 2048 table_open_cache = 2048 max_heap_table_size = 96M sort_buffer_size = 2M join_buffer_size = 2M thread_cache_size = 256 query_cache_size = 0 query_cache_type = 0 query_cache_limit = 256K query_cache_min_res_unit = 512 thread_stack = 192K tmp_table_size = 96M key_buffer_size = 8M read_buffer_size = 2M read_rnd_buffer_size = 16M bulk_insert_buffer_size = 32M #myisam myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G myisam_repair_threads = 1 #innodb innodb_buffer_pool_size = 100M innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 1 #innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1G:autoextend innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 innodb_log_buffer_size = 64M innodb_log_file_size = 100M innodb_log_files_in_group = 3 innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 50 innodb_file_per_table = 1 innodb_rollback_on_timeout innodb_status_file = 1 innodb_io_capacity = 2000 transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT [mysql] socket=/mysql/99999999/tmp/mysql_99999999.sock [client] socket=/mysql/99999999/tmp/mysql_99999999.sock