<html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("Hello World) </script> </body> </html>
Examples 14-4 to 14-7 are non-runnable illustrations of error messages
<script> function product(a, b) { return a*b } </script>
<script> n = '838102050' // Set 'n' to a string document.write('n = ' + n + ', and is a ' + typeof n + '<br>') n = 12345 * 67890; // Set 'n' to a number document.write('n = ' + n + ', and is a ' + typeof n + '<br>') n += ' plus some text' // Change 'n' from a number to a string document.write('n = ' + n + ', and is a ' + typeof n + '<br>') </script>
<script> function product(a, b) { return a*b } </script>
<script> function test() { a = 123 // Global scope var b = 456 // Local scope if (a == 123) var c = 789 // Local scope } </script>
<script> test() if (typeof a != 'undefined') document.write('a = "' + a + '"<br />') if (typeof b != 'undefined') document.write('b = "' + b + '"<br />') if (typeof c != 'undefined') document.write('c = "' + c + '"<br />') function test() { a = 123 var b = 456 if (a == 123) var c = 789 } </script>
<html> <head> <title>Link Test</title> </head> <body> <a id="mylink" href="http://mysite.com">Click me</a><br /> <script> url = document.links.mylink.href document.write('The URL is ' + url) </script> </body> </html>
<script> function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id) } </script>
<html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("Hello World") </script> <noscript> Your browser doesn't support or has disabled JavaScript </noscript> </body> </html>
<html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write("Hello World") // --> </script> </body> </html>