• lua闭包

    tsecer@harry: cat lua-closure.lua 
    function genfun(x,y) 
    local lf = function (lx, ly)
    return ly * 10
    local z;
    z = lf(x, x *x + x * x)
    if (x == 1)
    return function (xx, yy) return  z + x, z - x, z * x end 
    return function (xxx, yyy) return z + xxx end
    local inst11 = genfun(1, 1)
    local inst22 = genfun(2, 2)
    local i1, i2, i3;
    i1, g1, i2, i3 = inst11(3, 3)
    print(i2, g1, i1)
    print(inst22(4, 4))
    We call it an external local variable, or an upvalue. (The term "upvalue" is a little misleading, because grades is a variable, not a value. However, this term has historical roots in Lua and it is shorter than "external local variable".)
    the concept of upvalues, which allowed nested functions to access the values of external variables, but not the variables themselves
    static void singlevaraux (FuncState *fs, TString *n, expdesc *var, int base) {
      if (fs == NULL)  /* no more levels? */
        init_exp(var, VVOID, 0);  /* default is global */
      else {
        int v = searchvar(fs, n);  /* look up locals at current level */
        if (v >= 0) {  /* found? */
          init_exp(var, VLOCAL, v);  /* variable is local */
          if (!base)
            markupval(fs, v);  /* local will be used as an upval */
        else {  /* not found as local at current level; try upvalues */
          int idx = searchupvalue(fs, n);  /* try existing upvalues */
          if (idx < 0) {  /* not found? */
            singlevaraux(fs->prev, n, var, 0);  /* try upper levels */
            if (var->k == VVOID)  /* not found? */
              return;  /* it is a global */
            /* else was LOCAL or UPVAL */
            idx  = newupvalue(fs, n, var);  /* will be a new upvalue */
          init_exp(var, VUPVAL, idx);  /* new or old upvalue */
            if (var->k == VVOID)  /* not found? */
              return;  /* it is a global */
            /* else was LOCAL or UPVAL */
            idx  = newupvalue(fs, n, var);  /* will be a new upvalue */
    tsecer@harry: cat -n lua-bridge.lua
         1 function f(x)
         2 return function ()
         3 return function () return x * x end
         4 end
         5 end
    tsecer@harry:   /home/tsecer/Download/lua-5.3.4/src/luac -l -l  lua-bridge.i
    main <./lua-bridge.lua:0,0> (3 instructions at 0x8efdf40)
    0+ params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 0 locals, 1 constant, 1 function
    1 [5] CLOSURE   0 0 ; 0x8efe018
    2 [1] SETTABUP  0 -1 0 ; _ENV "f"
    3 [5] RETURN    0 1
    constants (1) for 0x8efdf40:
    1 "f"
    locals (0) for 0x8efdf40:
    upvalues (1) for 0x8efdf40:
    0 _ENV 1 0
    function <./lua-bridge.lua:1,5> (3 instructions at 0x8efe018)
    1 param, 2 slots, 0 upvalues, 1 local, 0 constants, 1 function
    1 [4] CLOSURE   1 0 ; 0x8efe090
    2 [4] RETURN    1 2
    3 [5] RETURN    0 1
    constants (0) for 0x8efe018:
    locals (1) for 0x8efe018:
    0 x 1 4
    upvalues (0) for 0x8efe018:
    function <./lua-bridge.lua:2,4> (3 instructions at 0x8efe090)
    0 params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 0 locals, 0 constants, 1 function
    1 [3] CLOSURE   0 0 ; 0x8efe118
    2 [3] RETURN    0 2
    3 [4] RETURN    0 1
    constants (0) for 0x8efe090:
    locals (0) for 0x8efe090:
    upvalues (1) for 0x8efe090:
    0 x 1 0
    function <./lua-bridge.lua:3,3> (5 instructions at 0x8efe118)
    0 params, 2 slots, 1 upvalue, 0 locals, 0 constants, 0 functions
    1 [3] GETUPVAL  0 0 ; x
    2 [3] GETUPVAL  1 0 ; x
    3 [3] MUL       0 0 1
    4 [3] RETURN    0 2
    5 [3] RETURN    0 1
    constants (0) for 0x8efe118:
    locals (0) for 0x8efe118:
    upvalues (1) for 0x8efe118:
    0 x 0 0
    其中中间函数对应的指令 function <./lua-bridge.lua:2,4> (3 instructions at 0x8efe090) 中包含了把x作为upvalue的指令。
    static void codeclosure (LexState *ls, expdesc *v) {
      FuncState *fs = ls->fs->prev;
      init_exp(v, VRELOCABLE, luaK_codeABx(fs, OP_CLOSURE, 0, fs->np - 1));
      luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, v);  /* fix it at the last register */
          vmcase(OP_CLOSURE) {
            Proto *p = cl->p->p[GETARG_Bx(i)];
            LClosure *ncl = getcached(p, cl->upvals, base);  /* cached closure */
            if (ncl == NULL)  /* no match? */
              pushclosure(L, p, cl->upvals, base, ra);  /* create a new one */
              setclLvalue(L, ra, ncl);  /* push cashed closure */
            checkGC(L, ra + 1);
    static void pushclosure (lua_State *L, Proto *p, UpVal **encup, StkId base,
                             StkId ra) {
      int nup = p->sizeupvalues;
      Upvaldesc *uv = p->upvalues;
      int i;
      LClosure *ncl = luaF_newLclosure(L, nup);
      ncl->p = p;
      setclLvalue(L, ra, ncl);  /* anchor new closure in stack */
      for (i = 0; i < nup; i++) {  /* fill in its upvalues */
        if (uv[i].instack)  /* upvalue refers to local variable? */
          ncl->upvals[i] = luaF_findupval(L, base + uv[i].idx);
        else  /* get upvalue from enclosing function */
          ncl->upvals[i] = encup[uv[i].idx];
        /* new closure is white, so we do not need a barrier here */
      if (!isblack(p))  /* cache will not break GC invariant? */
        p->cache = ncl;  /* save it on cache for reuse */
    创建Closure的时候,判断如果这个upvalue是自己定义的(instack)则创建,否则建立到自己上层栈帧中的引用(由于singlevaraux保证了这个链表一定是存在的,所以只要和自己的紧邻上层栈帧建立链接即可,这相当于把问题divide and conquer到各个栈帧中)。
    tsecer@harry: cat lua-close.lua
    local a = {} -- an empty array
    local x = 10
    for i = 1, 2 do
    local j = i
    a[i] = function () return x + j end
    x = 20
    tsecer@harry:   /home/tsecer/Download/lua-5.3.4/src/lua lua-close.lua
    四、C Closure
    CClosure也可以使用自己的upvalues,它其实可以和Lua Closure的理解一样,起始就是一个函数附属的运行时变量,它们依附在Closure中,和Closure绑定,从而让Closure有一些运行时状态。同样是用Lua官方的例子说明
        /* forward declaration */
        static int counter (lua_State *L);
        int newCounter (lua_State *L) {
          lua_pushnumber(L, 0);
          lua_pushcclosure(L, &counter, 1);
          return 1;
    然后在具体的C函数中就可以通过lua_tonumber(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))来访问自带的upvalue(由于lua_upvalueindex的特殊处理,lua_tonumber会知道从CClosure的upvalue中取值、其它的存取方式还包括有从相对栈底偏移,相对栈顶偏移、注册表偏移)
       static int counter (lua_State *L) {
          double val = lua_tonumber(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
          lua_pushnumber(L, ++val);  /* new value */
          lua_pushvalue(L, -1);  /* duplicate it */
          lua_replace(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));  /* update upvalue */
          return 1;  /* return new value */
    tsecer@harry: cat -n lua-code.lua
         1 function genfun(x,y) 
         3 local lf = function (lx, ly)
         4 return ly * 10
         5 end
         7 local z;
         8 z = lf(x, x *x + x * x)
        10 if (x == 1)
        11 then
        12 return function (xx, yy) return  z + x, z - x, z * x end 
        13 else
        14 return function (xxx, yyy) return z + xxx end
        15 end
        16 end
        18 local inst11 = genfun(1, 1)
        19 local inst22 = genfun(2, 2)
        20 local i1, i2, i3;
        21 i1, g1, i2, i3 = inst11(3, 3)
        22 print(i2, g1, i1)
        23 print(inst22(4, 4))
    tsecer@harry:   /home/tsecer/Download/lua-5.3.4/src/lua lua-code.lua
    20 19 21
    tsecer@harry:   /home/tsecer/Download/lua-5.3.4/src/luac -o lua-code.i lua-code.lua
    tsecer@harry:   /home/tsecer/Download/lua-5.3.4/src/luac -l -l  lua-code.i
    main <lua-code.lua:0,0> (31 instructions at 0x9a16f30)
    0+ params, 9 slots, 1 upvalue, 5 locals, 7 constants, 1 function
    1 [16] CLOSURE   0 0 ; 0x9a17100
    2 [1] SETTABUP  0 -1 0 ; _ENV "genfun"
    3 [18] GETTABUP  0 0 -1 ; _ENV "genfun"
    4 [18] LOADK     1 -2 ; 1
    5 [18] LOADK     2 -2 ; 1
    6 [18] CALL      0 3 2
    7 [19] GETTABUP  1 0 -1 ; _ENV "genfun"
    8 [19] LOADK     2 -3 ; 2
    9 [19] LOADK     3 -3 ; 2
    10 [19] CALL      1 3 2
    11 [20] LOADNIL   2 2
    12 [21] MOVE      5 0
    13 [21] LOADK     6 -5 ; 3
    14 [21] LOADK     7 -5 ; 3
    15 [21] CALL      5 3 5
    16 [21] MOVE      4 8
    17 [21] MOVE      3 7
    18 [21] SETTABUP  0 -4 6 ; _ENV "g1"
    19 [21] MOVE      2 5
    20 [22] GETTABUP  5 0 -6 ; _ENV "print"
    21 [22] MOVE      6 3
    22 [22] GETTABUP  7 0 -4 ; _ENV "g1"
    23 [22] MOVE      8 2
    24 [22] CALL      5 4 1
    25 [23] GETTABUP  5 0 -6 ; _ENV "print"
    26 [23] MOVE      6 1
    27 [23] LOADK     7 -7 ; 4
    28 [23] LOADK     8 -7 ; 4
    29 [23] CALL      6 3 0
    30 [23] CALL      5 0 1
    31 [23] RETURN    0 1
    constants (7) for 0x9a16f30:
    1 "genfun"
    2 1
    3 2
    4 "g1"
    5 3
    6 "print"
    7 4
    locals (5) for 0x9a16f30:
    0 inst11 7 32
    1 inst22 11 32
    2 i1 12 32
    3 i2 12 32
    4 i3 12 32
    upvalues (1) for 0x9a16f30:
    0 _ENV 1 0
    function <lua-code.lua:1,16> (17 instructions at 0x9a17100)
    2 params, 8 slots, 0 upvalues, 4 locals, 1 constant, 3 functions
    1 [5] CLOSURE   2 0 ; 0x9a171c0
    2 [7] LOADNIL   3 0
    3 [8] MOVE      4 2
    4 [8] MOVE      5 0
    5 [8] MUL       6 0 0
    6 [8] MUL       7 0 0
    7 [8] ADD       6 6 7
    8 [8] CALL      4 3 2
    9 [8] MOVE      3 4
    10 [10] EQ        0 0 -1 ; - 1
    11 [10] JMP       0 3 ; to 15
    12 [12] CLOSURE   4 1 ; 0x9a17298
    13 [12] RETURN    4 2
    14 [12] JMP       0 2 ; to 17
    15 [14] CLOSURE   4 2 ; 0x9a173e8
    16 [14] RETURN    4 2
    17 [16] RETURN    0 1
    constants (1) for 0x9a17100:
    1 1
    locals (4) for 0x9a17100:
    0 x 1 18
    1 y 1 18
    2 lf 2 18
    3 z 3 18
    upvalues (0) for 0x9a17100:
    function <lua-code.lua:3,5> (3 instructions at 0x9a171c0)
    2 params, 3 slots, 0 upvalues, 2 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
    1 [4] MUL       2 1 -1 ; - 10
    2 [4] RETURN    2 2
    3 [5] RETURN    0 1
    constants (1) for 0x9a171c0:
    1 10
    locals (2) for 0x9a171c0:
    0 lx 1 4
    1 ly 1 4
    upvalues (0) for 0x9a171c0:
    function <lua-code.lua:12,12> (11 instructions at 0x9a17298)
    2 params, 6 slots, 2 upvalues, 2 locals, 0 constants, 0 functions
    1 [12] GETUPVAL  2 0 ; z
    2 [12] GETUPVAL  3 1 ; x
    3 [12] ADD       2 2 3
    4 [12] GETUPVAL  3 0 ; z
    5 [12] GETUPVAL  4 1 ; x
    6 [12] SUB       3 3 4
    7 [12] GETUPVAL  4 0 ; z
    8 [12] GETUPVAL  5 1 ; x
    9 [12] MUL       4 4 5
    10 [12] RETURN    2 4
    11 [12] RETURN    0 1
    constants (0) for 0x9a17298:
    locals (2) for 0x9a17298:
    0 xx 1 12
    1 yy 1 12
    upvalues (2) for 0x9a17298:
    0 z 1 3
    1 x 1 0
    function <lua-code.lua:14,14> (4 instructions at 0x9a173e8)
    2 params, 3 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 0 constants, 0 functions
    1 [14] GETUPVAL  2 0 ; z
    2 [14] ADD       2 2 0
    3 [14] RETURN    2 2
    4 [14] RETURN    0 1
    constants (0) for 0x9a173e8:
    locals (2) for 0x9a173e8:
    0 xxx 1 5
    1 yyy 1 5
    upvalues (1) for 0x9a173e8:
    0 z 1 3
  • 相关阅读:
    2017-9-17-Java Exception小结
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tsecer/p/10487982.html
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