• Python Cookbook 13.1. Passing Messages with Socket Datagrams

    Credit: Jeff Bauer



    You want to communicate small messages between machines on a network in a lightweight fashion, without needing absolute assurance of reliability.




    This task is just what the UDP protocol is for, and Python makes it easy for you to access UDP via datagram sockets. You can write a UDP server script (server.py) as follows:


    You can write a corresponding UDP client script (client.py) as follows:

    1import socket
    2port = 8081
    3host = "localhost"
    4= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    5s.sendto("Holy Guido! It's working.", (host, port))



    Sending short text messages with socket datagrams is simple to implement and provides a lightweight message-passing idiom. Socket datagrams should not be used, however, when reliable delivery of data must be guaranteed. If the server isn't available, your message is lost. However, in many situations, you won't care whether the message gets lost, or, at least, you do not want to abort a program just because a message can't be delivered.


    Note that the sender of a UDP datagram (the "client" in this example) does not bind the socket before calling the sendto method. On the other hand, to receive UDP datagrams, the socket does have to be bound before calling the recvfrom method.

    注意一个UDP数据报的发送端(如这个例子中的"client")不需要在sendto 方法调用之前绑定套接字.另一方面,套接字需要在 recvfrom方法调用之前被绑定以接收UDP数据报.

    Don't use this recipe's simple code to send large datagram messages, especially under Windows, which may not respect the buffer limit. To send larger messages, you may want to do something like this:


    BUFSIZE = 1024
    while msg:
    = s.sendto(msg[:BUFSIZE], (host, port))
    = msg[bytes_sent:]

    The sendto method returns the number of bytes it has actually managed to send, so each time, you retry from the point where you left off, while ensuring that no more than BUFSIZE octets are sent in each datagram.

    sendto 方法返回实际上发送出去的字节数量,所以你每次从你剩下的数据起点开始重发,并且保证每个数据报发送的字节不大于BUFSIZE所指定的字节数.

    Note that with datagrams (UDP) you have no guarantee that all (or any) of the pieces that you send as separate datagrams arrive to the destination, nor that the pieces that do arrive are in the same order in which they were sent. If you need to worry about any of these reliability issues, you may be better off with a TCP connection, which gives you all of these assurances and handles many delicate behind-the-scenes aspects nicely on your behalf. Still, I often use socket datagrams for debugging, especially (but not exclusively) where an application spans more than one machine on the same, reliable local area network. The Python Standard Library's logging module also supports optional use of UDP for its logging output.


    See Also


    Recipe 13.11 for a typical, useful application of UDP datagrams in network operations; documentation for the standard library modules socket and logging in the Library Reference and Python in a Nutshell.

    食谱13.11给出一个在网络操作中典型的,可用的UDP数据报应用;标准库中socketlogging模块的文档在库引用和Python in a Nutshell中可以找到

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