• Oracle:Pivot Query from Asktom.

    Here is an example of a pivot query.  Say you have the following set of data:
    scott@DEV816> select job, deptno, count(*)
      2    from emp
      3   group by job, deptno
      4  /
    JOB           DEPTNO   COUNT(*)
    --------- ---------- ----------
    ANALYST           20          2
    CLERK             10          1
    CLERK             20          2
    CLERK             30          1
    MANAGER           10          1
    MANAGER           20          1
    MANAGER           30          1
    PRESIDENT         10          1
    SALESMAN          30          4
    9 rows selected.
    And you would like to make DEPTNO be a column.  We have 4 deptno's in EMP, 10,20,30,40.  
    We can make columns dept_10, dept_20, dept_30, dept_40 that have the values that are 
    currently in the count column.  It would look like this:
    scott@DEV816> select job,
      2         max( decode( deptno, 10, cnt, null ) ) dept_10,
      3         max( decode( deptno, 20, cnt, null ) ) dept_20,
      4         max( decode( deptno, 30, cnt, null ) ) dept_30,
      5         max( decode( deptno, 40, cnt, null ) ) dept_40
      6    from ( select job, deptno, count(*) cnt
      7             from emp
      8            group by job, deptno )
      9   group by job
     10  /
    JOB          DEPT_10    DEPT_20    DEPT_30    DEPT_40
    --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    ANALYST                       2
    CLERK              1          2          1
    MANAGER            1          1          1
    PRESIDENT          1
    SALESMAN                                 4
    That has pivoted the CNT column by deptno across job.
    That works if you know the domain of deptno's.  What if you didn't though.  What if you 
    wanted JOB to be the column instead and leave deptno in the rows?  You might not know of 
    all of the possible jobs, or there might be 100's of them.  We can use object types to 
    pivot then:
    scott@DEV816> create or replace type myScalarType as object
      2  ( job  varchar2(30),
      3    cnt  number
      4  )
      5  /
    Type created.
    scott@DEV816> create or replace type myArrayType as table of myScalarType
      2  /
    Type created.
    scott@DEV816> column x format a40 word_wrapped
    scott@DEV816> select deptno,
      2         cast ( multiset( select job, count(*) cnt
      3                            from emp
      4                           where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
      5                           group by job ) as myArrayType ) x
      6    from dept
      7  /
        DEPTNO X(JOB, CNT)
    ---------- ----------------------------------------
               MYSCALARTYPE('MANAGER', 1),
               MYSCALARTYPE('PRESIDENT', 1))
               MYSCALARTYPE('CLERK', 2),
               MYSCALARTYPE('MANAGER', 1))
               MYSCALARTYPE('MANAGER', 1),
               MYSCALARTYPE('SALESMAN', 4))
            40 MYARRAYTYPE() 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tracy/p/1785109.html
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