• 图形学复习笔记

    15:35 2019/10/18

    18:23 2019/10/18

    bezier curves 与 bezier spline的区别
    bezier curves 曲线
    bezier spline 样条 或 样条曲线,是由多段bezier曲线平滑连接而成的(共用端点控制点)

    22:14 2019/10/18

    Graphics中,用Matrix把点从一个空间转换至另一个空间是比较常见的操作,如把World Space Position转换到View Space。但是对于NonOrthogonal matrix(非正交矩阵)来说,转换之后的Normal就不垂直于它的Tangent了。


    17:42 2019/11/18
    注意,列优先矩阵 m4x3表示4列3行,而不是4行3列
    列优先矩阵M,点P相乘: Q = MXP,运算时是拿M的行乘列向量P,而不是拿M的列乘行向量P

    GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER 纹理缩小(镜头拉远)时采用的过滤(点采样) 方式
    GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER 纹理放大(镜头拉近)时采用的过滤方式

    22:10 2019/11/19
    可变纹理使用 glTexImage2D 来上传数据
    不可变纹理使用 glTexStrage2D 来上传数据

    10:35 2019/11/22
    glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, count, GL_FALSE, addr)
    glUniform4fv(loc, count, GL_FALSE, addr)


    float vec[4] = float[4]{1,2,3,4}
    gluniform4fv(1, 1, gl_false, vec),表示1一个4元素数据

    10:42 2019/11/22


    ----real time renderring 4----------------------------------------
    7.5 Percentage-Closer Filtering
    A simple extension of the shadow-map technique can provide pseudo-soft shadows.
    This method can also help ameliorate resolution problems that cause shadows to
    look blocky when a single light-sample cell covers many screen pixels. The solution is
    similar to texture magnification (Section 6.2.1). Instead of a single sample being taken
    off the shadow map, the four nearest samples are retrieved. The technique does not
    interpolate between the depths themselves, but rather the results of their comparisons
    with the surface’s depth. That is, the surface’s depth is compared separately to the
    four texel depths, and the point is then determined to be in light or shadow for
    each shadow-map sample. These results, i.e., 0 for shadow and 1 for light, are then
    bilinearly interpolated to calculate how much the light actually contributes to the
    surface location. This filtering results in an artificially soft shadow. These penumbrae
    change, depending on the shadow map’s resolution, camera location, and other factors.
    For example, a higher resolution makes for a narrower softening of the edges. Still, a
    little penumbra and smoothing is better than none at all.
    This idea of retrieving multiple samples from a shadow map and blending the
    results is called percentage-closer filtering (PCF) [1475].

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/timeObjserver/p/11910206.html
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