Problem 25
The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:
Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2, where F1 = 1 and F2 = 1.
Hence the first 12 terms will be:
F1 = 1
F2 = 1
F3 = 2
F4 = 3
F5 = 5
F6 = 8
F7 = 13
F8 = 21
F9 = 34
F10 = 55
F11 = 89
F12 = 144
The 12th term, F12, is the first term to contain three digits.
What is the index of the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1000; char f1[MAXN+2], f2[MAXN+2]; int fibadd(char f1[], char f2[], int digits) { int carry = 0, i; for(i=1; i<=digits || carry; i++) { f1[i] += f2[i] + carry; carry = f1[i] / 10; f1[i] %= 10; } return f1[i] ? i : i - 1; } int main() { int n, digits; while(cin >> n && n<= MAXN) { memset(f1, 0, sizeof(f1)); memset(f2, 0, sizeof(f2)); f1[1] = 1; f2[1] = 1; digits = 1; if(digits >= n) { cout << digits << endl; } else { for(int i=3;;) { digits = fibadd(f1, f2, digits); if(digits >= n) { cout << i << endl; break; } i++; digits = fibadd(f2, f1, digits); if(digits >= n) { cout << i << endl; break; } i++; } } } return 0; }