• 泛函编程(19)-泛函库设计-Parallelism In Action


     1 import java.util.concurrent._
     2 object Par {
     3   type Par[A] = ExecutorService => Future[A]
     4   def run[A](es: ExecutorService)(pa: Par[A]): Future[A] = pa(es)
     5                                                   //> run: [A](es: java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)(pa: ch71.Par.Par[A])java.
     6                                                   //| util.concurrent.Future[A]
     7   def unit[A](a: A): Par[A] = {
     8       es => new Future[A] {
     9           def get = a
    10           def get(t: Long, u: TimeUnit) = get
    11           def isDone = true
    12           def isCancelled = false
    13           def cancel(evenIsRunning: Boolean) = false
    14       }
    15   }                                               //> unit: [A](a: A)ch71.Par.Par[A]
    16   def fork[A](pa: Par[A]): Par[A] = {            //注意这里有个错误?
    17       es => es.submit(new Callable[A] {
    18           def call: A = run(es)(pa).get
    19       })
    20   }
    21   def async[A](a: => A): Par[A] = fork(unit(a))
    23 }


    1、unit[A](a: A): Par[A] : 我们硬生生的按照Par的类型款式造了一个Future实例,这样我们才可以用Future.get的形式读取运算结果值。看看这个例子:unit(42+1),在调用函数unit时由于传入参数是即时计算的,所以在进入unit前已经完成了计算结果43。然后人为的把这个结果赋予Future.get,这样我们就可以和真正的由ExecutorService返回的Future一样用同样的方式读取结果。所以说unit纯粹是一个改变格式的升格函数,没有任何其它作用。

    2、async[A](a: => A): Par[A]:这个async函数把表达式a提交到主线程之外的另一个线程。新的线程由ExecutorService提供,我们无须理会,这样可以实现线程管理和并行运算组件库的松散耦合。由于async的传人函数是延后计算类型,所以我们可以把表达式a提交给另一个线程去运算。


     1   val es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()  //线程由jvm提供,我们无须理会
     2                                                   //> es  : java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPool
     3                                                   //| Executor@19dfb72a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks =
     4                                                   //|  0, completed tasks = 0]
     5   val a = unit({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 42+1})
     6                                                   //> main
     7                                                   //| a  : ch71.Par.Par[Int] = <function1>
     8   val b = async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 42+1})
     9                                                   //> main
    10                                                   //| b  : ch71.Par.Par[Int] = <function1>
    11   run(es)(a).get                                  //> res0: Int = 43
    12   run(es)(b).get                                  //> res1: Int = 43
    13   es.shutdown()

    看到问题了吗?用run运算a,b时没有显示println,而这个println在申明val a, val b 时已经执行了。对unit这可以理解:参数是即时计算的,所以println和结果43都在进入函数之前运算了(然后放到Future.get)。但是async的参数不是延迟计算的吗?我们再看清楚:async(a: => A) >>> fork(unit(a)),到fork函数参数unit(a)就立即计算了。所以 fork(pa: => Par[A])才可以保证在提交任务前都不会计算表达式a。我们必须把fork的函数款式改一下:

    1 def fork[A](pa: => Par[A]): Par[A] = {
    2         es => es.submit(new Callable[A] {
    3          def call: A = run(es)(pa).get
    4       })
    5   }                                               //> fork: [A](pa: ch71.Par.Par[A])ch71.Par.Par[A]


     1  val es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()  //线程由jvm提供,我们无须理会
     2                                                   //> es  : java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPool
     3                                                   //| Executor@19dfb72a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks =
     4                                                   //|  0, completed tasks = 0]
     5   val a = unit({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 42+1})
     6                                                   //> main
     7                                                   //| a  : ch71.Par.Par[Int] = <function1>
     8   val b = async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 42+1})
     9                                                   //> b  : ch71.Par.Par[Int] = <function1>
    10   run(es)(a).get                                  //> res0: Int = 43
    11   run(es)(b).get                                  //> pool-1-thread-1
    12                                                   //| res1: Int = 43
    13   es.shutdown()



    1  //伪代码
    2   val big10sencondJob = ???      //一个10秒运算
    3   val small5sJob1 = split big10sencondJob in half  //分解成两个 5秒运算
    4   val small5sJob2 = split big10sencondJob in half  //分解成两个 5秒运算
    5   val fa = run small5sJob1      //立即返回future 但开始运算 5 秒
    6   val fb = run small5sJob2      //立即返回future 但开始运算 5 秒
    7   val sum = fa.get + fb.get     //等待5秒后可以得出结果



    1  def map2[A,B,C](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B])(f: (A,B) => C): Par[C]


     1  def map2[A,B,C](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B])(f: (A,B) => C): Par[C] = {
     2     import TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS
     3       es => new Future[C] {
     4           val fa = run(es)(pa)        //在这里按pa的定义来确定在那个线程运行。如果pa是fork Par则在非主线程中运行
     5           val fb = run(es)(pb)
     6           def get = f(fa.get, fb.get)
     7           def get(timeOut: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit) = {
     8               val start = System.nanoTime
     9               val a = fa.get
    10               val end = System.nanoTime
    11               //fa.get用去了一些时间。剩下给fb.get的timeout值要减去
    12               val b = fb.get(timeOut - timeUnit.convert((end - start), NANOSECONDS) , timeUnit)
    13             f(a,b)
    14           }
    15           def isDone = fa.isDone && fb.isDone
    16           def isCancelled = fa.isCancelled && fb.isCancelled
    17           def cancel(evenIsRunning: Boolean) = fa.cancel(evenIsRunning) || fb.cancel(evenIsRunning)
    18       }
    19   }                                               //> map2: [A, B, C](pa: ch71.Par.Par[A], pb: ch71.Par.Par[B])(f: (A, B) => C)ch
    20                                                   //| 71.Par.Par[C]



     1 val es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()  //线程由jvm提供,我们无须理会
     2                                                   //> es  : java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoo
     3                                                   //| lExecutor@19dfb72a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks
     4                                                   //|  = 0, completed tasks = 0]
     5   map2(async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 41+2}),
     6        async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 33+4}))
     7        {(a,b) => {println(Thread.currentThread.getName); a+b}}(es).get
     8                                                   //> pool-1-thread-1
     9                                                   //| pool-1-thread-2
    10                                                   //| main
    11                                                   //| res0: Int = 80


    1 fork { map2(async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 41+2}),
    2        async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); 33+4}))
    3        {(a,b) => {println(Thread.currentThread.getName); a+b}}}(es).get
    4                                                   //> pool-1-thread-2
    5                                                   //| pool-1-thread-3
    6                                                   //| pool-1-thread-1
    7                                                   //| res0: Int = 80



     1   def map3[A,B,C,D](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B], pc: Par[C])(f: (A,B,C) => D): Par[D] = {
     2       map2(pa,map2(pb,pc){(b,c) => (b,c)}){(a,bc) => {
     3           val (b,c) = bc
     4           f(a,b,c)
     5       }}
     6   }
     7   def map4[A,B,C,D,E](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B], pc: Par[C], pd: Par[D])(f: (A,B,C,D) => E): Par[E] = { //| 71.Par.Par[C]
     8       map2(pa,map2(pb,map2(pc,pd){(c,d) => (c,d)}){(b,cd) => (b,cd)}){(a,bcd) => {
     9           val (b,(c,d)) = bcd
    10           f(a,b,c,d)
    11       }}
    12   }
    13   def map5[A,B,C,D,E,F](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B], pc: Par[C], pd: Par[D], pe: Par[E])(f: (A,B,C,D,E) => F): Par[F] = { //| 71.Par.Par[C]
    14       map2(pa,map2(pb,map2(pc,map2(pd,pe){(d,e) => (d,e)}){(c,de) => (c,de)}){(b,cde) => (b,cde)}){(a,bcde) => {
    15           val (b,(c,(d,e))) = bcde
    16           f(a,b,c,d,e)
    17       }}
    18   }

    再看个例子:如果一个并行运算的表达式是个List[Int],即 Par[List[Int]]。 如何对内部的List[Int]进行排序?

     1 //我们可以run pa, get list 后进行排序,然后再封装进Future[List[Int]]
     2   def sortPar(pa: Par[List[Int]]): Par[List[Int]] = {
     3     es => {
     4           val l = run(es)(pa).get
     5           new Future[List[Int]] {
     6               def get = l.sorted
     7               def isDone = true
     8               def isCancelled = false
     9               def get(t: Long, u: TimeUnit) = get
    10               def cancel(e: Boolean) = false
    11           }
    12       }
    13   }
    14  //也可以用map2来实现。因为map2可以启动并行运算,也可以对par内元素进行操作。但操作只针对一个par,
    15  //我们用unit(())替代第二个par。现在我们可以对一个par的元素进行操作了
    16   def sortedPar(pa: Par[List[Int]]): Par[List[Int]] = {
    17       map2(pa,unit(())){(a,_) => a.sorted}
    18   }
    19   //map是对一个par的元素进行变形操作,我们同样可以用map2实现了
    20   def map[A,B](pa: Par[A])(f: A => B): Par[B] = {
    21       map2(pa,unit(())){(a,_) => f(a) }
    22   }
    23   //然后用map去对Par[List[Int]]排序
    24   def sortParByMap(pa: Par[List[Int]]): Par[List[Int]] = {
    25       map(pa){_.sorted}
    26   }


    1 sortPar(async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); List(4,1,2,3)}))(es).get
    2                                                   //> pool-1-thread-1
    3                                                   //| res3: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    4  sortParByMap(async({println(Thread.currentThread.getName); List(4,1,2,3)}))(es).get
    5                                                   //> pool-1-thread-1
    6                                                   //| res4: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)


     1 //启动两项并行运算
     2   def product[A,B](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B]): Par[(A,B)] = {
     3       es => unit((run(es)(pa).get, run(es)(pb).get))(es)
     4   }                                               //> product: [A, B](pa: ch71.Par.Par[A], pb: ch71.Par.Par[B])ch71.Par.Par[(A, B
     5                                                   //| )]
     6   //处理运算结果
     7   def map[A,B](pa: Par[A])(f: A => B): Par[B] = {
     8       es => unit(f(run(es)(pa).get))(es)
     9   }                                               //> map: [A, B](pa: ch71.Par.Par[A])(f: A => B)ch71.Par.Par[B]
    10   //再组合map2
    11   def map2_pm[A,B,C](pa: Par[A], pb: Par[B])(f: (A,B) => C): Par[C] = {
    12       map(product(pa, pb)){a => f(a._1, a._2)}
    13   }                                               //> map2_pm: [A, B, C](pa: ch71.Par.Par[A], pb: ch71.Par.Par[B])(f: (A, B) => C
    14                                                   //| )ch71.Par.Par[C]

    我们还可以把函数A => B转换成A => Par[B],意思是把对A的运算变成并行运算Par[B]: 

    1   def asyncF[A,B](f: A => B): A => Par[B] = a => async(f(a))
    2                                                   //> asyncF: [A, B](f: A => B)A => ch71.Par.Par[B]


    1 def parMap[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => B): Par[List[B]]

    用 map(as){asyncF(f)}可以得到List[Par[B]]。再想办法List[Par[B]] >>> Par[List[B]],这不就是我们经常遇到的那个sequence函数的类型款式吗。那我们就先实现了par的sequence函数吧:

     1  //用递归法实现
     2   def sequence_r[A](lp: List[Par[A]]): Par[List[A]] = {
     3       lp match {
     4           case Nil => unit(List())
     5           case h::t => map2(h,fork(sequence_r(t))){_ :: _}
     6       }
     7   }                                               //> sequence_r: [A](lp: List[ch71.Par.Par[A]])ch71.Par.Par[List[A]]
     8   //用foldLeft
     9   def sequenceByFoldLeft[A](lp: List[Par[A]]): Par[List[A]] = {
    10       lp.foldLeft(unit[List[A]](Nil)){(t,h) => map2(h,t){_ :: _}}
    11   }                                               //> sequenceByFoldLeft: [A](lp: List[ch71.Par.Par[A]])ch71.Par.Par[List[A]]
    12   //用foldRight
    13   def sequenceByFoldRight[A](lp: List[Par[A]]): Par[List[A]] = {
    14       lp.foldRight(unit[List[A]](Nil)){(h,t) => map2(h,t){_ :: _}}
    15   }                                               //> sequenceByFoldRight: [A](lp: List[ch71.Par.Par[A]])ch71.Par.Par[List[A]]
    16   //用IndexedSeq切成两半来实现
    17   def sequenceBalanced[A](as: IndexedSeq[Par[A]]): Par[IndexedSeq[A]] = {
    18     if (as.isEmpty) unit(Vector())
    19     else if (as.length == 1) map(as.head){a => Vector(a)}
    20     else {
    21         val (l,r) = as.splitAt(as.length / 2)
    22         map2(sequenceBalanced(l),sequenceBalanced(r)){_ ++ _}
    23     }  
    24   }                                               //> sequenceBalanced: [A](as: IndexedSeq[ch71.Par.Par[A]])ch71.Par.Par[IndexedS
    25   def sequence[A](lp: List[Par[A]]): Par[List[A]] = { //| eq[A]]
    26     map(sequenceBalanced(lp.toIndexedSeq)){_.toList}
    27   }


     1  def parMap[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => B): Par[List[B]] = fork {
     2       val lps = as.map{asyncF(f)}
     3       sequence(lps)
     4   }                                               //> parMap: [A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => B)ch71.Par.Par[List[B]]
     5  fork(parMap(List(1,2,3,4,5)){ _ + 10 })(es).get  //> pool-1-thread-1
     6                                                   //| pool-1-thread-2
     7                                                   //| pool-1-thread-3
     8                                                   //| pool-1-thread-4
     9                                                   //| pool-1-thread-5
    10                                                   //| pool-1-thread-6
    11                                                   //| pool-1-thread-8
    12                                                   //| pool-1-thread-7
    13                                                   //| pool-1-thread-9
    14                                                   //| pool-1-thread-10
    15                                                   //| pool-1-thread-14
    16                                                   //| pool-1-thread-12
    17                                                   //| pool-1-thread-15
    18                                                   //| pool-1-thread-11
    19                                                   //| pool-1-thread-13
    20                                                   //| res3: List[Int] = List(11, 12, 13, 14, 15)




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/4418812.html
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