• Oracle Linux 6.1 说明

    一.安装Oracle Linux 6.1

    Oracle 搞自己的Linux 已经有几年的时间了,一致没怎么留意,今天特意关注了一下,从edelivery上下载了一个Oracle  Linux 6.1 的测试了一下。

            安装过程和Redhat 一样,不过6.1 的版本多了对ext4的支持,然后在安装时候提示会多一些。 在定制Server 的时候也比redhat 5多一些.


    二.Oracle Linux 说明

    官网上有篇pdf 的文档专门介绍了Oracle Linux, 链接如下:

    Oracle Linux FAQ


    关于技术方面的东西,这里就不看了,这里看一下Oracle Linux 授权问题。

    2.1 What isOracle Linux?

    Oracle Linux isan open source operating system available under the GNU General Public License(GPL) and is available for free download through Oracle E-Delivery . Oracleoffers 24x7, global support for Oracle Linux through a paid subscription.

           --Oracle Linux 是GNU 框架下的一个开源的操作系统,可以免费从Oracle E-Delivery 上下载,注意E-Delivery 封了中国的IP,即使能下载,也要先FQ。

    2.2 What is Oracle Linux Support?

    Oracle LinuxSupport Program delivers enterprise-class support for Linux with premierbackports, comprehensive management, cluster software, indemnification, testingand more, all at significantly lower cost. Oracle is committed to deliveringhigh quality, comprehensive, and integrated support solutions to help ensurethat organizations succeed with the Linux operating system.

    Under the OracleLinux Support Program, customers can receive full support for Oracle Linuxrunning with either the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel or the Red Hat CompatibleKernel.

    2.3 What does Oracle deliver with Linux support?

    Driven byenterprise customer requirements, Oracle offers the following for Linux serverdeployments:

    (1) Free installable binaries forOracle Linux;

    (2) Three levels of Linux support tochoose from

    Network –software, including updates;

    Basic – 24x7 global support, complete Linuxserver lifecycle management, cluster software;

    Premier – 24x7 global support, completeLinux server lifecycle management, cluster software,premier backports, andOracle Lifetime Support.

    (3) Access to patches, fixes andupdates, via a subscriber network, the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)

           --只有购买了support, 才可以更新Patch,修复bug。

    2.4 How much do I pay for Linux support from Oracle?


       --注意这里的价格也是和物理CPU 个数相关的。


    (1)Oracle Linux 是开源的,可以免费使用,并且在安装时不需要激活码。

    (2)如果想得到Oracle 的Support,就可以必须购买授权。只有购买了Support 之后才可以更新Patch 和修复bug。


           不知是虚拟机的原因,还是习惯的原因,Oracle Linux 给我的第一感觉不太好,所以本打算用Oracle Linux做测试的想法被扼杀在摇篮了,继续使用Redhat吧。



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