• gae,web,webapp2,source code,webapp2.py


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
        Taking Google App Engine's webapp to the next level!
        :copyright: 2011 by tipfy.org.
        :license: Apache Sotware License, see LICENSE for details.
    from __future__ import with_statement
    import cgi
    import inspect
    import logging
    import os
    import re
    import sys
    import threading
    import traceback
    import urllib
    import urlparse
    from wsgiref import handlers
    import webob
    from webob import exc
    _webapp = _webapp_util = _local = None
    try: # pragma: no cover
        # WebOb < 1.0 (App Engine Python 2.5).
        from webob.statusreasons import status_reasons
        from webob.headerdict import HeaderDict as BaseResponseHeaders
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
        # WebOb >= 1.0.
        from webob.util import status_reasons
        from webob.headers import ResponseHeaders as BaseResponseHeaders
    # google.appengine.ext.webapp imports webapp2 in the
    # App Engine Python 2.7 runtime.
    if os.environ.get('APPENGINE_RUNTIME') != 'python27': # pragma: no cover
            from google.appengine.ext import webapp as _webapp
        except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
            # Running webapp2 outside of GAE.
    try: # pragma: no cover
        # Thread-local variables container.
        from webapp2_extras import local
        _local = local.Local()
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
        logging.warning("webapp2_extras.local is not available "
                        "so webapp2 won't be thread-safe!")
    __version_info__ = (2, 5, 2)
    __version__ = '.'.join(str(n) for n in __version_info__)
    #: Base HTTP exception, set here as public interface.
    HTTPException = exc.HTTPException
    #: Regex for route definitions.
    _route_re = re.compile(r"""
        <               # The exact character "<"
        ([a-zA-Z_]w*)?  # The optional variable name
        (?::([^>]*))?  # The optional :regex part
        >               # The exact character ">"
        """, re.VERBOSE)
    #: Regex extract charset from environ.
    _charset_re = re.compile(r';s*charset=([^;]*)', re.I)
    #: To show exceptions in debug mode.
    _debug_template = """<html>
        <title>Internal Server Error</title>
          body {
            padding: 20px;
            font-family: arial, sans-serif;
            font-size: 14px;
          pre {
            background: #F2F2F2;
            padding: 10px;
        <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
        <p>The server has either erred or is incapable of performing
        the requested operation.</p>
    # Set same default messages from webapp plus missing ones.
    _webapp_status_reasons = {
        203: 'Non-Authoritative Information',
        302: 'Moved Temporarily',
        306: 'Unused',
        408: 'Request Time-out',
        414: 'Request-URI Too Large',
        504: 'Gateway Time-out',
        505: 'HTTP Version not supported',
    for code, message in _webapp_status_reasons.iteritems():
        cls = exc.status_map.get(code)
        if cls:
            cls.title = message
    class Request(webob.Request):
        """Abstraction for an HTTP request.
        Most extra methods and attributes are ported from webapp. Check the
        `WebOb`_ documentation for the ones not listed here.
        #: A reference to the active :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
        app = None
        #: A reference to the active :class:`Response` instance.
        response = None
        #: A reference to the matched :class:`Route`.
        route = None
        #: The matched route positional arguments.
        route_args = None
        #: The matched route keyword arguments.
        route_kwargs = None
        #: A dictionary to register objects used during the request lifetime.
        registry = None
        # Attributes from webapp.
        request_body_tempfile_limit = 0
        uri = property(lambda self: self.url)
        query = property(lambda self: self.query_string)
        def __init__(self, environ, *args, **kwargs):
            """Constructs a Request object from a WSGI environment.
            :param environ:
                A WSGI-compliant environment dictionary.
            if kwargs.get('charset') is None and not hasattr(webob, '__version__'):
                # webob 0.9 didn't have a __version__ attribute and also defaulted
                # to None rather than UTF-8 if no charset was provided. Providing a
                # default charset is required for backwards compatibility.
                match = _charset_re.search(environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''))
                if match:
                    charset = match.group(1).lower().strip().strip('"').strip()
                    charset = 'utf-8'
                kwargs['charset'] = charset
            super(Request, self).__init__(environ, *args, **kwargs)
            self.registry = {}
        def get(self, argument_name, default_value='', allow_multiple=False):
            """Returns the query or POST argument with the given name.
            We parse the query string and POST payload lazily, so this will be a
            slower operation on the first call.
            :param argument_name:
                The name of the query or POST argument.
            :param default_value:
                The value to return if the given argument is not present.
            :param allow_multiple:
                Return a list of values with the given name (deprecated).
                If allow_multiple is False (which it is by default), we return
                the first value with the given name given in the request. If it
                is True, we always return a list.
            param_value = self.get_all(argument_name)
            if allow_multiple:
                logging.warning('allow_multiple is a deprecated param. '
                    'Please use the Request.get_all() method instead.')
            if len(param_value) > 0:
                if allow_multiple:
                    return param_value
                return param_value[0]
                if allow_multiple and not default_value:
                    return []
                return default_value
        def get_all(self, argument_name, default_value=None):
            """Returns a list of query or POST arguments with the given name.
            We parse the query string and POST payload lazily, so this will be a
            slower operation on the first call.
            :param argument_name:
                The name of the query or POST argument.
            :param default_value:
                The value to return if the given argument is not present,
                None may not be used as a default, if it is then an empty
                list will be returned instead.
                A (possibly empty) list of values.
            if self.charset:
                argument_name = argument_name.encode(self.charset)
            if default_value is None:
                default_value = []
            param_value = self.params.getall(argument_name)
            if param_value is None or len(param_value) == 0:
                return default_value
            for i in xrange(len(param_value)):
                if isinstance(param_value[i], cgi.FieldStorage):
                    param_value[i] = param_value[i].value
            return param_value
        def arguments(self):
            """Returns a list of the arguments provided in the query and/or POST.
            The return value is a list of strings.
            return list(set(self.params.keys()))
        def get_range(self, name, min_value=None, max_value=None, default=0):
            """Parses the given int argument, limiting it to the given range.
            :param name:
                The name of the argument.
            :param min_value:
                The minimum int value of the argument (if any).
            :param max_value:
                The maximum int value of the argument (if any).
            :param default:
                The default value of the argument if it is not given.
                An int within the given range for the argument.
            value = self.get(name, default)
            if value is None:
                return value
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                value = default
            if value is not None:
                if max_value is not None:
                    value = min(value, max_value)
                if min_value is not None:
                    value = max(value, min_value)
            return value
        def blank(cls, path, environ=None, base_url=None,
                  headers=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
            """Adds parameters compatible with WebOb >= 1.0: POST and **kwargs."""
                return super(Request, cls).blank(path, environ=environ,
                                                 headers=headers, **kwargs)
            except TypeError:
                if not kwargs:
            data = kwargs.pop('POST', None)
            if data is not None:
                from cStringIO import StringIO
                environ = environ or {}
                environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
                if hasattr(data, 'items'):
                    data = data.items()
                if not isinstance(data, str):
                    data = urllib.urlencode(data)
                environ['wsgi.input'] = StringIO(data)
                environ['webob.is_body_seekable'] = True
                environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = str(len(data))
                environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            base = super(Request, cls).blank(path, environ=environ,
                                             base_url=base_url, headers=headers)
            if kwargs:
                obj = cls(base.environ, **kwargs)
                return obj
                return base
    class ResponseHeaders(BaseResponseHeaders):
        """Implements methods from ``wsgiref.headers.Headers``, used by webapp."""
        get_all = BaseResponseHeaders.getall
        def add_header(self, _name, _value, **_params):
            """Extended header setting.
            _name is the header field to add.  keyword arguments can be used to set
            additional parameters for the header field, with underscores converted
            to dashes.  Normally the parameter will be added as key="value" unless
            value is None, in which case only the key will be added.
                h.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment',
            Note that unlike the corresponding 'email.message' method, this does
            *not* handle '(charset, language, value)' tuples: all values must be
            strings or None.
            parts = []
            if _value is not None:
            for k, v in _params.items():
                k = k.replace('_', '-')
                if v is not None and len(v) > 0:
                    v = v.replace('\', '\\').replace('"', r'"')
                    parts.append('%s="%s"' % (k, v))
            self.add(_name, '; '.join(parts))
        def __str__(self):
            """Returns the formatted headers ready for HTTP transmission."""
            return '
    '.join(['%s: %s' % v for v in self.items()] + ['', ''])
    class Response(webob.Response):
        """Abstraction for an HTTP response.
        Most extra methods and attributes are ported from webapp. Check the
        `WebOb`_ documentation for the ones not listed here.
        Differences from webapp.Response:
        - ``out`` is not a ``StringIO.StringIO`` instance. Instead it is the
          response itself, as it has the method ``write()``.
        - As in WebOb, ``status`` is the code plus message, e.g., '200 OK', while
          in webapp it is the integer code. The status code as an integer is
          available in ``status_int``, and the status message is available in
        - ``response.headers`` raises an exception when a key that doesn't exist
          is accessed or deleted, differently from ``wsgiref.headers.Headers``.
        #: Default charset as in webapp.
        default_charset = 'utf-8'
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Constructs a response with the default settings."""
            super(Response, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
        def out(self):
            """A reference to the Response instance itself, for compatibility with
            webapp only: webapp uses `Response.out.write()`, so we point `out` to
            `self` and it will use `Response.write()`.
            return self
        def write(self, text):
            """Appends a text to the response body."""
            # webapp uses StringIO as Response.out, so we need to convert anything
            # that is not str or unicode to string to keep same behavior.
            if not isinstance(text, basestring):
                text = unicode(text)
            if isinstance(text, unicode) and not self.charset:
                self.charset = self.default_charset
            super(Response, self).write(text)
        def _set_status(self, value):
            """The status string, including code and message."""
            message = None
            # Accept long because urlfetch in App Engine returns codes as longs.
            if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
                code = int(value)
                if isinstance(value, unicode):
                    # Status messages have to be ASCII safe, so this is OK.
                    value = str(value)
                if not isinstance(value, str):
                    raise TypeError(
                        'You must set status to a string or integer (not %s)' %
                parts = value.split(' ', 1)
                code = int(parts[0])
                if len(parts) == 2:
                    message = parts[1]
            message = message or Response.http_status_message(code)
            self._status = '%d %s' % (code, message)
        def _get_status(self):
            return self._status
        status = property(_get_status, _set_status, doc=_set_status.__doc__)
        def set_status(self, code, message=None):
            """Sets the HTTP status code of this response.
            :param code:
                The HTTP status string to use
            :param message:
                A status string. If none is given, uses the default from the
                HTTP/1.1 specification.
            if message:
                self.status = '%d %s' % (code, message)
                self.status = code
        def _get_status_message(self):
            """The response status message, as a string."""
            return self.status.split(' ', 1)[1]
        def _set_status_message(self, message):
            self.status = '%d %s' % (self.status_int, message)
        status_message = property(_get_status_message, _set_status_message,
        def _get_headers(self):
            """The headers as a dictionary-like object."""
            if self._headers is None:
                self._headers = ResponseHeaders.view_list(self.headerlist)
            return self._headers
        def _set_headers(self, value):
            if hasattr(value, 'items'):
                value = value.items()
            elif not isinstance(value, list):
                raise TypeError('Response headers must be a list or dictionary.')
            self.headerlist = value
            self._headers = None
        headers = property(_get_headers, _set_headers, doc=_get_headers.__doc__)
        def has_error(self):
            """Indicates whether the response was an error response."""
            return self.status_int >= 400
        def clear(self):
            """Clears all data written to the output stream so that it is empty."""
            self.body = ''
        def wsgi_write(self, start_response):
            """Writes this response using using the given WSGI function.
            This is only here for compatibility with ``webapp.WSGIApplication``.
            :param start_response:
                The WSGI-compatible start_response function.
            if (self.headers.get('Cache-Control') == 'no-cache' and
                not self.headers.get('Expires')):
                self.headers['Expires'] = 'Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT'
                self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(self.body))
            write = start_response(self.status, self.headerlist)
        def http_status_message(code):
            """Returns the default HTTP status message for the given code.
            :param code:
                The HTTP code for which we want a message.
            message = status_reasons.get(code)
            if not message:
                raise KeyError('Invalid HTTP status code: %d' % code)
            return message
    class RequestHandler(object):
        """Base HTTP request handler.
        Implements most of ``webapp.RequestHandler`` interface.
        #: A :class:`Request` instance.
        request = None
        #: A :class:`Response` instance.
        response = None
        #: A :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
        app = None
        def __init__(self, request=None, response=None):
            """Initializes this request handler with the given WSGI application,
            Request and Response.
            When instantiated by ``webapp.WSGIApplication``, request and response
            are not set on instantiation. Instead, initialize() is called right
            after the handler is created to set them.
            Also in webapp dispatching is done by the WSGI app, while webapp2
            does it here to allow more flexibility in extended classes: handlers
            can wrap :meth:`dispatch` to check for conditions before executing the
            requested method and/or post-process the response.
            .. note::
               Parameters are optional only to support webapp's constructor which
               doesn't take any arguments. Consider them as required.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
            :param response:
                A :class:`Response` instance.
            self.initialize(request, response)
        def initialize(self, request, response):
            """Initializes this request handler with the given WSGI application,
            Request and Response.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
            :param response:
                A :class:`Response` instance.
            self.request = request
            self.response = response
            self.app = WSGIApplication.active_instance
        def dispatch(self):
            """Dispatches the request.
            This will first check if there's a handler_method defined in the
            matched route, and if not it'll use the method correspondent to the
            request method (``get()``, ``post()`` etc).
            request = self.request
            method_name = request.route.handler_method
            if not method_name:
                method_name = _normalize_handler_method(request.method)
            method = getattr(self, method_name, None)
            if method is None:
                # 405 Method Not Allowed.
                # The response MUST include an Allow header containing a
                # list of valid methods for the requested resource.
                # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.6
                valid = ', '.join(_get_handler_methods(self))
                self.abort(405, headers=[('Allow', valid)])
            # The handler only receives *args if no named variables are set.
            args, kwargs = request.route_args, request.route_kwargs
            if kwargs:
                args = ()
                return method(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception, e:
                return self.handle_exception(e, self.app.debug)
        def error(self, code):
            """Clears the response and sets the given HTTP status code.
            This doesn't stop code execution; for this, use :meth:`abort`.
            :param code:
                HTTP status error code (e.g., 501).
            self.response.status = code
        def abort(self, code, *args, **kwargs):
            """Raises an :class:`HTTPException`.
            This stops code execution, leaving the HTTP exception to be handled
            by an exception handler.
            :param code:
                HTTP status code (e.g., 404).
            :param args:
                Positional arguments to be passed to the exception class.
            :param kwargs:
                Keyword arguments to be passed to the exception class.
            abort(code, *args, **kwargs)
        def redirect(self, uri, permanent=False, abort=False, code=None,
            """Issues an HTTP redirect to the given relative URI.
            The arguments are described in :func:`redirect`.
            return redirect(uri, permanent=permanent, abort=abort, code=code,
                            body=body, request=self.request,
        def redirect_to(self, _name, _permanent=False, _abort=False, _code=None,
                        _body=None, *args, **kwargs):
            """Convenience method mixing :meth:`redirect` and :meth:`uri_for`.
            The arguments are described in :func:`redirect` and :func:`uri_for`.
            uri = self.uri_for(_name, *args, **kwargs)
            return self.redirect(uri, permanent=_permanent, abort=_abort,
                                 code=_code, body=_body)
        def uri_for(self, _name, *args, **kwargs):
            """Returns a URI for a named :class:`Route`.
            .. seealso:: :meth:`Router.build`.
            return self.app.router.build(self.request, _name, args, kwargs)
        # Alias.
        url_for = uri_for
        def handle_exception(self, exception, debug):
            """Called if this handler throws an exception during execution.
            The default behavior is to re-raise the exception to be handled by
            :param exception:
                The exception that was thrown.
            :param debug_mode:
                True if the web application is running in debug mode.
    class RedirectHandler(RequestHandler):
        """Redirects to the given URI for all GET requests.
        This is intended to be used when defining URI routes. You must provide at
        least the keyword argument *url* in the route default values. Example::
            def get_redirect_url(handler, *args, **kwargs):
                return handler.uri_for('new-route-name')
            app = WSGIApplication([
                Route('/old-url', RedirectHandler, defaults={'_uri': '/new-url'}),
                Route('/other-old-url', RedirectHandler, defaults={
                      '_uri': get_redirect_url}),
        Based on idea from `Tornado`_.
        def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Performs a redirect.
            Two keyword arguments can be passed through the URI route:
            - **_uri**: A URI string or a callable that returns a URI. The callable
              is called passing ``(handler, *args, **kwargs)`` as arguments.
            - **_code**: The redirect status code. Default is 301 (permanent
            uri = kwargs.pop('_uri', '/')
            permanent = kwargs.pop('_permanent', True)
            code = kwargs.pop('_code', None)
            func = getattr(uri, '__call__', None)
            if func:
                uri = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            self.redirect(uri, permanent=permanent, code=code)
    class cached_property(object):
        """A decorator that converts a function into a lazy property.
        The function wrapped is called the first time to retrieve the result
        and then that calculated result is used the next time you access
        the value::
            class Foo(object):
                def foo(self):
                    # calculate something important here
                    return 42
        The class has to have a `__dict__` in order for this property to
        .. note:: Implementation detail: this property is implemented as non-data
           descriptor.  non-data descriptors are only invoked if there is
           no entry with the same name in the instance's __dict__.
           this allows us to completely get rid of the access function call
           overhead.  If one choses to invoke __get__ by hand the property
           will still work as expected because the lookup logic is replicated
           in __get__ for manual invocation.
        This class was ported from `Werkzeug`_ and `Flask`_.
        _default_value = object()
        def __init__(self, func, name=None, doc=None):
            self.__name__ = name or func.__name__
            self.__module__ = func.__module__
            self.__doc__ = doc or func.__doc__
            self.func = func
            self.lock = threading.RLock()
        def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
            if obj is None:
                return self
            with self.lock:
                value = obj.__dict__.get(self.__name__, self._default_value)
                if value is self._default_value:
                    value = self.func(obj)
                    obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
                return value
    class BaseRoute(object):
        """Interface for URI routes."""
        #: The regex template.
        template = None
        #: Route name, used to build URIs.
        name = None
        #: True if this route is only used for URI generation and never matches.
        build_only = False
        #: The handler or string in dotted notation to be lazily imported.
        handler = None
        #: The custom handler method, if handler is a class.
        handler_method = None
        #: The handler, imported and ready for dispatching.
        handler_adapter = None
        def __init__(self, template, handler=None, name=None, build_only=False):
            """Initializes this route.
            :param template:
                A regex to be matched.
            :param handler:
                A callable or string in dotted notation to be lazily imported,
                e.g., ``'my.module.MyHandler'`` or ``'my.module.my_function'``.
            :param name:
                The name of this route, used to build URIs based on it.
            :param build_only:
                If True, this route never matches and is used only to build URIs.
            if build_only and name is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Route %r is build_only but doesn't have a name." % self)
            self.template = template
            self.handler = handler
            self.name = name
            self.build_only = build_only
        def match(self, request):
            """Matches all routes against a request object.
            The first one that matches is returned.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
                A tuple ``(route, args, kwargs)`` if a route matched, or None.
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def build(self, request, args, kwargs):
            """Returns a URI for this route.
            :param request:
                The current :class:`Request` object.
            :param args:
                Tuple of positional arguments to build the URI.
            :param kwargs:
                Dictionary of keyword arguments to build the URI.
                An absolute or relative URI.
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def get_routes(self):
            """Generator to get all routes from a route.
                This route or all nested routes that it contains.
            yield self
        def get_match_routes(self):
            """Generator to get all routes that can be matched from a route.
            Match routes must implement :meth:`match`.
                This route or all nested routes that can be matched.
            if not self.build_only:
                yield self
        def get_build_routes(self):
            """Generator to get all routes that can be built from a route.
            Build routes must implement :meth:`build`.
                A tuple ``(name, route)`` for all nested routes that can be built.
            if self.name is not None:
                yield self.name, self
    class SimpleRoute(BaseRoute):
        """A route that is compatible with webapp's routing mechanism.
        URI building is not implemented as webapp has rudimentar support for it,
        and this is the most unknown webapp feature anyway.
        def regex(self):
            """Lazy regex compiler."""
            if not self.template.startswith('^'):
                self.template = '^' + self.template
            if not self.template.endswith('$'):
                self.template += '$'
            return re.compile(self.template)
        def match(self, request):
            """Matches this route against the current request.
            .. seealso:: :meth:`BaseRoute.match`.
            match = self.regex.match(urllib.unquote(request.path))
            if match:
                return self, match.groups(), {}
        def __repr__(self):
            return '<SimpleRoute(%r, %r)>' % (self.template, self.handler)
    class Route(BaseRoute):
        """A route definition that maps a URI path to a handler.
        The initial concept was based on `Another Do-It-Yourself Framework`_, by
        Ian Bicking.
        #: Default parameters values.
        defaults = None
        #: Sequence of allowed HTTP methods. If not set, all methods are allowed.
        methods = None
        #: Sequence of allowed URI schemes. If not set, all schemes are allowed.
        schemes = None
        # Lazy properties extracted from the route template.
        regex = None
        reverse_template = None
        variables = None
        args_count = 0
        kwargs_count = 0
        def __init__(self, template, handler=None, name=None, defaults=None,
                     build_only=False, handler_method=None, methods=None,
            """Initializes this route.
            :param template:
                A route template to match against the request path. A template
                can have variables enclosed by ``<>`` that define a name, a
                regular expression or both. Examples:
                  =================  ==================================
                  Format             Example
                  =================  ==================================
                  ``<name>``         ``'/blog/<year>/<month>'``
                  ``<:regex>``       ``'/blog/<:d{4}>/<:d{2}>'``
                  ``<name:regex>``   ``'/blog/<year:d{4}>/<month:d{2}>'``
                  =================  ==================================
                The same template can mix parts with name, regular expression or
                If the name is set, the value of the matched regular expression
                is passed as keyword argument to the handler. Otherwise it is
                passed as positional argument.
                If only the name is set, it will match anything except a slash.
                So these routes are equivalent::
                    Route('/<user_id>/settings', handler=SettingsHandler,
                    Route('/<user_id:[^/]+>/settings', handler=SettingsHandler,
                .. note::
                   The handler only receives ``*args`` if no named variables are
                   set. Otherwise, the handler only receives ``**kwargs``. This
                   allows you to set regular expressions that are not captured:
                   just mix named and unnamed variables and the handler will
                   only receive the named ones.
            :param handler:
                A callable or string in dotted notation to be lazily imported,
                e.g., ``'my.module.MyHandler'`` or ``'my.module.my_function'``.
                It is possible to define a method if the callable is a class,
                separating it by a colon: ``'my.module.MyHandler:my_method'``.
                This is a shortcut and has the same effect as defining the
                `handler_method` parameter.
            :param name:
                The name of this route, used to build URIs based on it.
            :param defaults:
                Default or extra keywords to be returned by this route. Values
                also present in the route variables are used to build the URI
                when they are missing.
            :param build_only:
                If True, this route never matches and is used only to build URIs.
            :param handler_method:
                The name of a custom handler method to be called, in case `handler`
                is a class. If not defined, the default behavior is to call the
                handler method correspondent to the HTTP request method in lower
                case (e.g., `get()`, `post()` etc).
            :param methods:
                A sequence of HTTP methods. If set, the route will only match if
                the request method is allowed.
            :param schemes:
                A sequence of URI schemes, e.g., ``['http']`` or ``['https']``.
                If set, the route will only match requests with these schemes.
            super(Route, self).__init__(template, handler=handler, name=name,
            self.defaults = defaults or {}
            self.methods = methods
            self.schemes = schemes
            if isinstance(handler, basestring) and ':' in handler:
                if handler_method:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "If handler_method is defined in a Route, handler "
                        "can't have a colon (got %r)." % handler)
                    self.handler, self.handler_method = handler.rsplit(':', 1)
                self.handler_method = handler_method
        def regex(self):
            """Lazy route template parser."""
            regex, self.reverse_template, self.args_count, self.kwargs_count, 
                self.variables = _parse_route_template(self.template,
            return regex
        def match(self, request):
            """Matches this route against the current request.
                ``exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed`` if the route defines :attr:`methods`
                and the request method isn't allowed.
            .. seealso:: :meth:`BaseRoute.match`.
            match = self.regex.match(urllib.unquote(request.path))
            if not match or self.schemes and request.scheme not in self.schemes:
                return None
            if self.methods and request.method not in self.methods:
                # This will be caught by the router, so routes with different
                # methods can be tried.
                raise exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
            args, kwargs = _get_route_variables(match, self.defaults.copy())
            return self, args, kwargs
        def build(self, request, args, kwargs):
            """Returns a URI for this route.
            .. seealso:: :meth:`Router.build`.
            scheme = kwargs.pop('_scheme', None)
            netloc = kwargs.pop('_netloc', None)
            anchor = kwargs.pop('_fragment', None)
            full = kwargs.pop('_full', False) and not scheme and not netloc
            if full or scheme or netloc:
                netloc = netloc or request.host
                scheme = scheme or request.scheme
            path, query = self._build(args, kwargs)
            return _urlunsplit(scheme, netloc, path, query, anchor)
        def _build(self, args, kwargs):
            """Returns the URI path for this route.
                A tuple ``(path, kwargs)`` with the built URI path and extra
                keywords to be used as URI query arguments.
            # Access self.regex just to set the lazy properties.
            regex = self.regex
            variables = self.variables
            if self.args_count:
                for index, value in enumerate(args):
                    key = '__%d__' % index
                    if key in variables:
                        kwargs[key] = value
            values = {}
            for name, regex in variables.iteritems():
                value = kwargs.pop(name, self.defaults.get(name))
                if value is None:
                    raise KeyError('Missing argument "%s" to build URI.' % 
                if not isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = str(value)
                if not regex.match(value):
                    raise ValueError('URI buiding error: Value "%s" is not '
                        'supported for argument "%s".' % (value, name.strip('_')))
                values[name] = value
            return (self.reverse_template % values, kwargs)
        def __repr__(self):
            return '<Route(%r, %r, name=%r, defaults=%r, build_only=%r)>' % 
                (self.template, self.handler, self.name, self.defaults,
    class BaseHandlerAdapter(object):
        """A basic adapter to dispatch a handler.
        This is used when the handler is a simple function: it just calls the
        handler and returns the resulted response.
        #: The handler to be dispatched.
        handler = None
        def __init__(self, handler):
            self.handler = handler
        def __call__(self, request, response):
            # The handler only receives *args if no named variables are set.
            args, kwargs = request.route_args, request.route_kwargs
            if kwargs:
                args = ()
            return self.handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
    class WebappHandlerAdapter(BaseHandlerAdapter):
        """An adapter to dispatch a ``webapp.RequestHandler``.
        Like in webapp, the handler is constructed, then ``initialize()`` is
        called, then the method corresponding to the HTTP request method is called.
        def __call__(self, request, response):
            handler = self.handler()
            handler.initialize(request, response)
            method_name = _normalize_handler_method(request.method)
            method = getattr(handler, method_name, None)
            if not method:
            # The handler only receives *args if no named variables are set.
            args, kwargs = request.route_args, request.route_kwargs
            if kwargs:
                args = ()
                method(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception, e:
                handler.handle_exception(e, request.app.debug)
    class Webapp2HandlerAdapter(BaseHandlerAdapter):
        """An adapter to dispatch a ``webapp2.RequestHandler``.
        The handler is constructed then ``dispatch()`` is called.
        def __call__(self, request, response):
            handler = self.handler(request, response)
            return handler.dispatch()
    class Router(object):
        """A URI router used to match, dispatch and build URIs."""
        #: Class used when the route is set as a tuple.
        route_class = SimpleRoute
        #: All routes that can be matched.
        match_routes = None
        #: All routes that can be built.
        build_routes = None
        #: Handler classes imported lazily.
        handlers = None
        def __init__(self, routes=None):
            """Initializes the router.
            :param routes:
                A sequence of :class:`Route` instances or, for simple routes,
                tuples ``(regex, handler)``.
            self.match_routes = []
            self.build_routes = {}
            self.handlers = {}
            if routes:
                for route in routes:
        def add(self, route):
            """Adds a route to this router.
            :param route:
                A :class:`Route` instance or, for simple routes, a tuple
                ``(regex, handler)``.
            if isinstance(route, tuple):
                # Exceptional case: simple routes defined as a tuple.
                route = self.route_class(*route)
            for r in route.get_match_routes():
            for name, r in route.get_build_routes():
                self.build_routes[name] = r
        def set_matcher(self, func):
            """Sets the function called to match URIs.
            :param func:
                A function that receives ``(router, request)`` and returns
                a tuple ``(route, args, kwargs)`` if any route matches, or
                raise ``exc.HTTPNotFound`` if no route matched or
                ``exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed`` if a route matched but the HTTP
                method was not allowed.
            # Functions are descriptors, so bind it to this instance with __get__.
            self.match = func.__get__(self, self.__class__)
        def set_builder(self, func):
            """Sets the function called to build URIs.
            :param func:
                A function that receives ``(router, request, name, args, kwargs)``
                and returns a URI.
            self.build = func.__get__(self, self.__class__)
        def set_dispatcher(self, func):
            """Sets the function called to dispatch the handler.
            :param func:
                A function that receives ``(router, request, response)``
                and returns the value returned by the dispatched handler.
            self.dispatch = func.__get__(self, self.__class__)
        def set_adapter(self, func):
            """Sets the function that adapts loaded handlers for dispatching.
            :param func:
                A function that receives ``(router, handler)`` and returns a
                handler callable.
            self.adapt = func.__get__(self, self.__class__)
        def default_matcher(self, request):
            """Matches all routes against a request object.
            The first one that matches is returned.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
                A tuple ``(route, args, kwargs)`` if a route matched, or None.
                ``exc.HTTPNotFound`` if no route matched or
                ``exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed`` if a route matched but the HTTP
                method was not allowed.
            method_not_allowed = False
            for route in self.match_routes:
                    match = route.match(request)
                    if match:
                        return match
                except exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed:
                    method_not_allowed = True
            if method_not_allowed:
                raise exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
        def default_builder(self, request, name, args, kwargs):
            """Returns a URI for a named :class:`Route`.
            :param request:
                The current :class:`Request` object.
            :param name:
                The route name.
            :param args:
                Tuple of positional arguments to build the URI. All positional
                variables defined in the route must be passed and must conform
                to the format set in the route. Extra arguments are ignored.
            :param kwargs:
                Dictionary of keyword arguments to build the URI. All variables
                not set in the route default values must be passed and must
                conform to the format set in the route. Extra keywords are
                appended as a query string.
                A few keywords have special meaning:
                - **_full**: If True, builds an absolute URI.
                - **_scheme**: URI scheme, e.g., `http` or `https`. If defined,
                  an absolute URI is always returned.
                - **_netloc**: Network location, e.g., `www.google.com`. If
                  defined, an absolute URI is always returned.
                - **_fragment**: If set, appends a fragment (or "anchor") to the
                  generated URI.
                An absolute or relative URI.
            route = self.build_routes.get(name)
            if route is None:
                raise KeyError('Route named %r is not defined.' % name)
            return route.build(request, args, kwargs)
        def default_dispatcher(self, request, response):
            """Dispatches a handler.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
            :param response:
                A :class:`Response` instance.
                ``exc.HTTPNotFound`` if no route matched or
                ``exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed`` if a route matched but the HTTP
                method was not allowed.
                The returned value from the handler.
            route, args, kwargs = rv = self.match(request)
            request.route, request.route_args, request.route_kwargs = rv
            if route.handler_adapter is None:
                handler = route.handler
                if isinstance(handler, basestring):
                    if handler not in self.handlers:
                        self.handlers[handler] = handler = import_string(handler)
                        handler = self.handlers[handler]
                route.handler_adapter = self.adapt(handler)
            return route.handler_adapter(request, response)
        def default_adapter(self, handler):
            """Adapts a handler for dispatching.
            Because handlers use or implement different dispatching mechanisms,
            they can be wrapped to use a unified API for dispatching.
            This way webapp2 can support, for example, a :class:`RequestHandler`
            class and function views or, for compatibility purposes, a
            ``webapp.RequestHandler`` class. The adapters follow the same router
            dispatching API but dispatch each handler type differently.
            :param handler:
                A handler callable.
                A wrapped handler callable.
            if inspect.isclass(handler):
                if _webapp and issubclass(handler, _webapp.RequestHandler):
                    # Compatible with webapp.RequestHandler.
                    adapter = WebappHandlerAdapter
                    # Default, compatible with webapp2.RequestHandler.
                    adapter = Webapp2HandlerAdapter
                # A "view" function.
                adapter = BaseHandlerAdapter
            return adapter(handler)
        def __repr__(self):
            routes = self.match_routes + [v for k, v in 
                self.build_routes.iteritems() if v not in self.match_routes]
            return '<Router(%r)>' % routes
        # Default matcher, builder, dispatcher and adapter.
        match = default_matcher
        build = default_builder
        dispatch = default_dispatcher
        adapt = default_adapter
    class Config(dict):
        """A simple configuration dictionary for the :class:`WSGIApplication`."""
        #: Loaded configurations.
        loaded = None
        def __init__(self, defaults=None):
            dict.__init__(self, defaults or ())
            self.loaded = []
        def load_config(self, key, default_values=None, user_values=None,
            """Returns a configuration for a given key.
            This can be used by objects that define a default configuration. It
            will update the app configuration with the default values the first
            time it is requested, and mark the key as loaded.
            :param key:
                A configuration key.
            :param default_values:
                Default values defined by a module or class.
            :param user_values:
                User values, used when an object can be initialized with
                configuration. This overrides the app configuration.
            :param required_keys:
                Keys that can not be None.
                Exception, when a required key is not set or is None.
            if key in self.loaded:
                config = self[key]
                config = dict(default_values or ())
                if key in self:
                self[key] = config
                if required_keys and not user_values:
                    self._validate_required(key, config, required_keys)
            if user_values:
                config = config.copy()
                if required_keys:
                    self._validate_required(key, config, required_keys)
            return config
        def _validate_required(self, key, config, required_keys):
            missing = [k for k in required_keys if config.get(k) is None]
            if missing:
                raise Exception(
                    'Missing configuration keys for %r: %r.' % (key, missing))
    class RequestContext(object):
        """Context for a single request.
        The context is responsible for setting and cleaning global variables for
        a request.
        #: A :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
        app = None
        #: WSGI environment dictionary.
        environ = None
        def __init__(self, app, environ):
            """Initializes the request context.
            :param app:
                An :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
            :param environ:
                A WSGI environment dictionary.
            self.app = app
            self.environ = environ
        def __enter__(self):
            """Enters the request context.
                A tuple ``(request, response)``.
            # Build request and response.
            request = self.app.request_class(self.environ)
            response = self.app.response_class()
            # Make active app and response available through the request object.
            request.app = self.app
            request.response = response
            # Register global variables.
            self.app.set_globals(app=self.app, request=request)
            return request, response
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
            """Exits the request context.
            This release the context locals except if an exception is caught
            in debug mode. In this case they are kept to be inspected.
            if exc_type is None or not self.app.debug:
                # Unregister global variables.
    class WSGIApplication(object):
        """A WSGI-compliant application."""
        #: Allowed request methods.
        allowed_methods = frozenset(('GET', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT',
                                     'DELETE', 'TRACE'))
        #: Class used for the request object.
        request_class = Request
        #: Class used for the response object.
        response_class = Response
        #: Class used for the router object.
        router_class = Router
        #: Class used for the request context object.
        request_context_class = RequestContext
        #: Class used for the configuration object.
        config_class = Config
        #: A general purpose flag to indicate development mode: if True, uncaught
        #: exceptions are raised instead of using ``HTTPInternalServerError``.
        debug = False
        #: A :class:`Router` instance with all URIs registered for the application.
        router = None
        #: A :class:`Config` instance with the application configuration.
        config = None
        #: A dictionary to register objects used during the app lifetime.
        registry = None
        #: A dictionary mapping HTTP error codes to callables to handle those
        #: HTTP exceptions. See :meth:`handle_exception`.
        error_handlers = None
        #: Active :class:`WSGIApplication` instance. See :meth:`set_globals`.
        app = None
        #: Active :class:`Request` instance. See :meth:`set_globals`.
        request = None
        #: Same as :attr:`app`, for webapp compatibility. See :meth:`set_globals`.
        active_instance = None
        def __init__(self, routes=None, debug=False, config=None):
            """Initializes the WSGI application.
            :param routes:
                A sequence of :class:`Route` instances or, for simple routes,
                tuples ``(regex, handler)``.
            :param debug:
                True to enable debug mode, False otherwise.
            :param config:
                A configuration dictionary for the application.
            self.debug = debug
            self.registry = {}
            self.error_handlers = {}
            self.config = self.config_class(config)
            self.router = self.router_class(routes)
        def set_globals(self, app=None, request=None):
            """Registers the global variables for app and request.
            If :mod:`webapp2_extras.local` is available the app and request
            class attributes are assigned to a proxy object that returns them
            using thread-local, making the application thread-safe. This can also
            be used in environments that don't support threading.
            If :mod:`webapp2_extras.local` is not available app and request will
            be assigned directly as class attributes. This should only be used in
            non-threaded environments (e.g., App Engine Python 2.5).
            :param app:
                A :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
            if _local is not None: # pragma: no cover
                _local.app = app
                _local.request = request
            else: # pragma: no cover
                WSGIApplication.app = WSGIApplication.active_instance = app
                WSGIApplication.request = request
        def clear_globals(self):
            """Clears global variables. See :meth:`set_globals`."""
            if _local is not None: # pragma: no cover
            else: # pragma: no cover
                WSGIApplication.app = WSGIApplication.active_instance = None
                WSGIApplication.request = None
        def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
            """Called by WSGI when a request comes in.
            :param environ:
                A WSGI environment.
            :param start_response:
                A callable accepting a status code, a list of headers and an
                optional exception context to start the response.
                An iterable with the response to return to the client.
            with self.request_context_class(self, environ) as (request, response):
                    if request.method not in self.allowed_methods:
                        # 501 Not Implemented.
                        raise exc.HTTPNotImplemented()
                    rv = self.router.dispatch(request, response)
                    if rv is not None:
                        response = rv
                except Exception, e:
                        # Try to handle it with a custom error handler.
                        rv = self.handle_exception(request, response, e)
                        if rv is not None:
                            response = rv
                    except HTTPException, e:
                        # Use the HTTP exception as response.
                        response = e
                    except Exception, e:
                        # Error wasn't handled so we have nothing else to do.
                        response = self._internal_error(e)
                    return response(environ, start_response)
                except Exception, e:
                    return self._internal_error(e)(environ, start_response)
        def _internal_error(self, exception):
            """Last resource error for :meth:`__call__`."""
            if self.debug:
                lines = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
                html = _debug_template % (cgi.escape(lines, quote=True))
                return Response(body=html, status=500)
            return exc.HTTPInternalServerError()
        def handle_exception(self, request, response, e):
            """Handles a uncaught exception occurred in :meth:`__call__`.
            Uncaught exceptions can be handled by error handlers registered in
            :attr:`error_handlers`. This is a dictionary that maps HTTP status
            codes to callables that will handle the corresponding error code.
            If the exception is not an ``HTTPException``, the status code 500
            is used.
            The error handlers receive (request, response, exception) and can be
            a callable or a string in dotted notation to be lazily imported.
            If no error handler is found, the exception is re-raised.
            Based on idea from `Flask`_.
            :param request:
                A :class:`Request` instance.
            :param response:
                A :class:`Response` instance.
            :param e:
                The uncaught exception.
                The returned value from the error handler.
            if isinstance(e, HTTPException):
                code = e.code
                code = 500
            handler = self.error_handlers.get(code)
            if handler:
                if isinstance(handler, basestring):
                    self.error_handlers[code] = handler = import_string(handler)
                return handler(request, response, e)
                # Re-raise it to be caught by the WSGI app.
        def run(self, bare=False):
            """Runs this WSGI-compliant application in a CGI environment.
            This uses functions provided by ``google.appengine.ext.webapp.util``,
            if available: ``run_bare_wsgi_app`` and ``run_wsgi_app``.
            Otherwise, it uses ``wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run()``.
            :param bare:
                If True, doesn't add registered WSGI middleware: use
                ``run_bare_wsgi_app`` instead of ``run_wsgi_app``.
            if _webapp_util:
                if bare:
            else: # pragma: no cover
        def get_response(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Creates a request and returns a response for this app.
            This is a convenience for unit testing purposes. It receives
            parameters to build a request and calls the application, returning
            the resulting response::
                class HelloHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
                    def get(self):
                        self.response.write('Hello, world!')
                app = webapp2.WSGIapplication([('/', HelloHandler)])
                # Test the app, passing parameters to build a request.
                response = app.get_response('/')
                assert response.status_int == 200
                assert response.body == 'Hello, world!'
            :param args:
                Positional arguments to be passed to ``Request.blank()``.
            :param kwargs:
                Keyword arguments to be passed to ``Request.blank()``.
                A :class:`Response` object.
            return self.request_class.blank(*args, **kwargs).get_response(self)
    _import_string_error = """
    import_string() failed for %r. Possible reasons are:
    - missing __init__.py in a package;
    - package or module path not included in sys.path;
    - duplicated package or module name taking precedence in sys.path;
    - missing module, class, function or variable;
    Original exception:
    %s: %s
    Debugged import:
    class ImportStringError(Exception):
        """Provides information about a failed :func:`import_string` attempt."""
        #: String in dotted notation that failed to be imported.
        import_name = None
        #: Wrapped exception.
        exception = None
        def __init__(self, import_name, exception):
            self.import_name = import_name
            self.exception = exception
            msg = _import_string_error
            name = ''
            tracked = []
            for part in import_name.split('.'):
                name += (name and '.') + part
                imported = import_string(name, silent=True)
                if imported:
                    tracked.append((name, imported.__file__))
                    track = ['- %r found in %r.' % rv for rv in tracked]
                    track.append('- %r not found.' % name)
                    msg = msg % (import_name, exception.__class__.__name__,
                                 str(exception), '
            Exception.__init__(self, msg)
    _get_app_error = 'WSGIApplication global variable is not set.'
    _get_request_error = 'Request global variable is not set.'
    def get_app():
        """Returns the active app instance.
            A :class:`WSGIApplication` instance.
        if _local:
            assert getattr(_local, 'app', None) is not None, _get_app_error
            assert WSGIApplication.app is not None, _get_app_error
        return WSGIApplication.app
    def get_request():
        """Returns the active request instance.
            A :class:`Request` instance.
        if _local:
            assert getattr(_local, 'request', None) is not None, _get_request_error
            assert WSGIApplication.request is not None, _get_request_error
        return WSGIApplication.request
    def uri_for(_name, _request=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """A standalone uri_for version that can be passed to templates.
        .. seealso:: :meth:`Router.build`.
        request = _request or get_request()
        return request.app.router.build(request, _name, args, kwargs)
    def redirect(uri, permanent=False, abort=False, code=None, body=None,
                 request=None, response=None):
        """Issues an HTTP redirect to the given relative URI.
        This won't stop code execution unless **abort** is True. A common
        practice is to return when calling this method::
            return redirect('/some-path')
        :param uri:
            A relative or absolute URI (e.g., ``'../flowers.html'``).
        :param permanent:
            If True, uses a 301 redirect instead of a 302 redirect.
        :param abort:
            If True, raises an exception to perform the redirect.
        :param code:
            The redirect status code. Supported codes are 301, 302, 303, 305,
            and 307.  300 is not supported because it's not a real redirect
            and 304 because it's the answer for a request with defined
            ``If-Modified-Since`` headers.
        :param body:
            Response body, if any.
        :param request:
            Optional request object. If not set, uses :func:`get_request`.
        :param response:
            Optional response object. If not set, a new response is created.
            A :class:`Response` instance.
        if uri.startswith(('.', '/')):
            request = request or get_request()
            uri = str(urlparse.urljoin(request.url, uri))
        if code is None:
            if permanent:
                code = 301
                code = 302
        assert code in (301, 302, 303, 305, 307), 
            'Invalid redirect status code.'
        if abort:
            _abort(code, headers=[('Location', uri)])
        if response is None:
            request = request or get_request()
            response = request.app.response_class()
        response.headers['Location'] = uri
        response.status = code
        if body is not None:
        return response
    def redirect_to(_name, _permanent=False, _abort=False, _code=None,
                    _body=None, _request=None, _response=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convenience function mixing :func:`redirect` and :func:`uri_for`.
        Issues an HTTP redirect to a named URI built using :func:`uri_for`.
        :param _name:
            The route name to redirect to.
        :param args:
            Positional arguments to build the URI.
        :param kwargs:
            Keyword arguments to build the URI.
            A :class:`Response` instance.
        The other arguments are described in :func:`redirect`.
        uri = uri_for(_name, _request=_request, *args, **kwargs)
        return redirect(uri, permanent=_permanent, abort=_abort, code=_code,
                        body=_body, request=_request, response=_response)
    def abort(code, *args, **kwargs):
        """Raises an ``HTTPException``.
        :param code:
            An integer that represents a valid HTTP status code.
        :param args:
            Positional arguments to instantiate the exception.
        :param kwargs:
            Keyword arguments to instantiate the exception.
        cls = exc.status_map.get(code)
        if not cls:
            raise KeyError('No exception is defined for code %r.' % code)
        raise cls(*args, **kwargs)
    def import_string(import_name, silent=False):
        """Imports an object based on a string in dotted notation.
        Simplified version of the function with same name from `Werkzeug`_.
        :param import_name:
            String in dotted notation of the object to be imported.
        :param silent:
            If True, import or attribute errors are ignored and None is returned
            instead of raising an exception.
            The imported object.
        import_name = _to_utf8(import_name)
            if '.' in import_name:
                module, obj = import_name.rsplit('.', 1)
                return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [obj]), obj)
                return __import__(import_name)
        except (ImportError, AttributeError), e:
            if not silent:
                raise ImportStringError(import_name, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
    def _urlunsplit(scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, query=None,
        """Like ``urlparse.urlunsplit``, but will escape values and urlencode and
        sort query arguments.
        :param scheme:
            URI scheme, e.g., `http` or `https`.
        :param netloc:
            Network location, e.g., `localhost:8080` or `www.google.com`.
        :param path:
            URI path.
        :param query:
            URI query as an escaped string, or a dictionary or list of key-values
            tuples to build a query.
        :param fragment:
            Fragment identifier, also known as "anchor".
            An assembled absolute or relative URI.
        if not scheme or not netloc:
            scheme = None
            netloc = None
        if path:
            path = urllib.quote(_to_utf8(path))
        if query and not isinstance(query, basestring):
            if isinstance(query, dict):
                query = query.iteritems()
            # Sort args: commonly needed to build signatures for services.
            query = urllib.urlencode(sorted(query))
        if fragment:
            fragment = urllib.quote(_to_utf8(fragment))
        return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
    def _get_handler_methods(handler):
        """Returns a list of HTTP methods supported by a handler.
        :param handler:
            A :class:`RequestHandler` instance.
            A list of HTTP methods supported by the handler.
        methods = []
        for method in get_app().allowed_methods:
            if getattr(handler, _normalize_handler_method(method), None):
        return methods
    def _normalize_handler_method(method):
        """Transforms an HTTP method into a valid Python identifier."""
        return method.lower().replace('-', '_')
    def _to_utf8(value):
        """Encodes a unicode value to UTF-8 if not yet encoded."""
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return value
        return value.encode('utf-8')
    def _parse_route_template(template, default_sufix=''):
        """Lazy route template parser."""
        variables = {}
        reverse_template = pattern = ''
        args_count = last = 0
        for match in _route_re.finditer(template):
            part = template[last:match.start()]
            name = match.group(1)
            expr = match.group(2) or default_sufix
            last = match.end()
            if not name:
                name = '__%d__' % args_count
                args_count += 1
            pattern += '%s(?P<%s>%s)' % (re.escape(part), name, expr)
            reverse_template += '%s%%(%s)s' % (part, name)
            variables[name] = re.compile('^%s$' % expr)
        part = template[last:]
        kwargs_count = len(variables) - args_count
        reverse_template += part
        regex = re.compile('^%s%s$' % (pattern, re.escape(part)))
        return regex, reverse_template, args_count, kwargs_count, variables
    def _get_route_variables(match, default_kwargs=None):
        """Returns (args, kwargs) for a route match."""
        kwargs = default_kwargs or {}
        if kwargs:
            args = tuple(value[1] for value in sorted(
                (int(key[2:-2]), kwargs.pop(key)) for key in kwargs.keys() 
                if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__')))
            args = ()
        return args, kwargs
    def _set_thread_safe_app():
        """Assigns WSGIApplication globals to a proxy pointing to thread-local."""
        if _local is not None: # pragma: no cover
            WSGIApplication.app = WSGIApplication.active_instance = _local('app')
            WSGIApplication.request = _local('request')
    Request.ResponseClass = Response
    Response.RequestClass = Request
    # Alias.
    _abort = abort
    # Thread-safety support.
    # Defer importing google.appengine.ext.webapp.util until every public symbol
    # has been defined since google.appengine.ext.webapp in App Engine Python 2.7
    # runtime imports this module to provide its public interface.
        from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util as _webapp_util
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
  • 相关阅读:
    [易学易懂系列|rustlang语言|零基础|快速入门|(15)|Unit Testing单元测试]
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/threef/p/3372321.html
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