• R语言代写有RStan的多维验证性因子分析(CFA)




    dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939
     dat$ID <- 1:nrow(dat)
    # Make data long
    dat.l <- tidyr::gather(dat, item, score, x1:x9)
    dat.l$item.no <- as.integer(gsub("x", "", dat.l$item))
    lmer(score ~ 0 + factor(item.no) + (1 | ID), dat.l, REML = FALSE)
    # Random effects:
    # Groups   Name        Std.Dev.
    # ID       (Intercept) 0.5758  
    # Residual             0.9694  
    # Number of obs: 2709, groups:  ID, 301

    上面适用于ML而不是REML的模型与一维CFA相同,其中我们将所有项目加载限制为相同的值并且项目错误是相同的值。随机截距标准差,αα,是因子载荷为所有项目和σ 2σ2是所有项目的项目错误差异。为了得到我们称之为λ的标准化载荷λ, 使用:

    λ = α √ α 2 + σ 2= 0.5758 √ 0.5758 2 + 0.9694 2= 0.5107λ=αα2+σ2=0.57580.57582+0.96942=0.5107

    下面的熔岩模型应该证实这是真的。请注意,在lavaan语法中,因子被标准化为使用的方差为1 std.lv = TRUE。来自lme4的项目假人(未示出)也是CFA项目拦截。

      "F1 =~ a * x1 + a * x2 + a * x3 + a * x4 + a * x5 + a * x6 + a * x7 + a * x8 + a * x9
       x5 ~~ f * x5
    x6 ~~ f * x6
    x7 ~~ f * x7
    x8 ~~ f * x8
    x9 ~~ f * x9",
      dat, std.lv = TRUE
    ), standardized = TRUE)[c(1:2, 10:11), c(1:5, 12)]
    #    lhs op rhs label   est std.all
    # 1   F1 =~  x1     a 0.576   0.511
    # 2   F1 =~  x2     a 0.576   0.511
    # 10  x1 ~~  x1     f 0.940   0.739
    # 11  x2 ~~  x2     f 0.940   0.739

    标准化的加载具有类似的公式的(剩余)组内相关系数(ICC),该α 2 α 2 + σ 2α2α2+σ2。因此,我们有λ = √ 我Ç Çλ=一世CC。这与将标准化负载作为相关系数和ICC作为R 2的思考一致[R2。

    现在,熟悉CFA的每个人都知道我们几乎从不约束所有项目加载和项目错误具有相同的价值 。但我们会尽可能长时间地保持CFA的回归。让我们扩展模型以包括多个因素。为了包括多个因子,我们以长格式创建一个指标列,用于唯一标识项目所属的因子。而不是使用单个随机截距,我们使用因子假人作为随机斜率而没有随机截距。 

    # Assign item to factors
    dat.l$Fs <- ((dat.l$item.no - 1) %/% 3) + 1
    lmer(score ~ 0 + factor(item) + (0 + factor(Fs) | ID), dat.l, REML = FALSE)
    # Random effects:
    #  Groups   Name        Std.Dev. Corr     
    #  ID       factor(Fs)1 0.7465            
    #           factor(Fs)2 0.9630   0.41     
    #           factor(Fs)3 0.6729   0.38 0.30
    #  Residual             0.7909            


      "F1 =~ a * x1 + a * x2 + a * x3
    F2 =~ b * x4 + b * x5 + b * x6
    F3 =~ c * x7 + c * x8 + c * x9
      x1 ~~ f * x1
    x2 ~~ f * x2
    x3 ~~ f * x3
    x4 ~~ f * x4
    x5 ~~ f * x5
       dat, std.lv = TRUE
    ), standardized = TRUE)[c(1:10, 22:24), c(1:5, 12)]
    #    lhs op rhs label   est std.all
    # 1   F1 =~  x1     a 0.746   0.686
    # 2   F1 =~  x2     a 0.746   0.686
    # 3   F1 =~  x3     a 0.746   0.686
    # 4   F2 =~  x4     b 0.963   0.773
    # 5   F2 =~  x5     b 0.963   0.773
    # 6   F2 =~  x6     b 0.963   0.773
    # 7   F3 =~  x7     c 0.673   0.648
    # 8   F3 =~  x8     c 0.673   0.648
    # 9   F3 =~  x9     c 0.673   0.648
    # 10  x1 ~~  x1     f 0.626   0.529
    # 22  F1 ~~  F2       0.407   0.407
    # 23  F1 ~~  F3       0.385   0.385
    # 24  F2 ~~  F3       0.301   0.301



    # Drop the error variance constraints
    "F1 =~ a * X1 + a * X2 + a * X3
    F2 =~ b * X4 + b * X5 + b * X6
    F3 =~c * X7 + c * X8 + c * X9"




    data {
      real g_alpha; // for inverse gamma
      real g_beta; // for inverse gamma
        int<lower = 0> Nf; // scalar, number of factors
      vector[N] response; // vector, long form of item responses
      // all remaining entries are data in long form
      // with consecutive integers beginning at 1 acting as unique identifiers
      int<lower = 1, upper = Ni> items[N];
       int<lower = 1, upper = Nf> factors[N];


    parameters {
      vector<lower = 0>[Ni] item_vars; // item vars heteroskedastic
       vector<lower = 0>[Ni] alphas; // loadings
      vector[Ni] betas; // item intercepts, default uniform prior


    transformed parameters {
      vector[N] yhat;
      vector[N] item_sds_i;
      for (i in 1:N) {
        yhat[i] = alphas[items[i]] * thetas[persons[i], factors[i]] + betas[items[i]];
        item_sds_i[i] = sqrt(item_vars[items[i]]);


    model {
       matrix[Nf, Nf] A0;
      L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(Nf);
      A0 = diag_pre_multiply(A, L);
      thetas ~ multi_normal_cholesky(rep_vector(0, Nf), A0);
      response ~ normal(yhat, item_sds_i);


    generated quantities {
      vector<lower = 0>[Ni] loadings_std; // obtain loadings_std
      matrix[Nf, Nf] R;


    • 我们可以在建模之前标准化项目响应,以提高计算稳定性
    • 然后在项目截取之前应用法线


    # First, let's fit the model in lavaan:
    cfa.mm <- stan_model(stanc_ret = stanc(file = "bayes_script/cfa.stan")) # Compile Stan code


    #                  mean se_mean    sd  2.5%   50% 97.5% n_eff  Rhat
    # alphas[1]       0.889   0.003 0.078 0.733 0.890 1.041   790 1.002
    # alphas[4]       0.991   0.002 0.056 0.885 0.988 1.101  1263 1.002
    # alphas[5]       1.102   0.002 0.062 0.980 1.102 1.224  1056 1.001
    # alphas[9]       0.692   0.003 0.075 0.548 0.692 0.846   799 1.005
    # loadings_std[1] 0.751   0.002 0.052 0.643 0.752 0.848   601 1.003
    # loadings_std[4] 0.848   0.001 0.023 0.801 0.849 0.890  1275 1.003
    # loadings_std[5] 0.851   0.001 0.023 0.803 0.852 0.891  1176 1.001
    # loadings_std[9] 0.672   0.003 0.059 0.552 0.673 0.786   556 1.007
    # For comparison, the lavaan loadings are:
    parameterEstimates(cfa.lav.fit, standardized = TRUE)[1:9, c(1:5, 11)]
    #   lhs op rhs   est    se std.all
    # 1  F1 =~  x1 0.900 0.081   0.772
    # 4  F2 =~  x4 0.990 0.057   0.852
    # 5  F2 =~  x5 1.102 0.063   0.855
    # 9  F3 =~  x9 0.670 0.065   0.665


           probs = c(.025, .5, .975), digits_summary = 3)
    #       mean se_mean    sd  2.5%   50% 97.5% n_eff  Rhat
    # R[1,2] 0.435   0.001 0.065 0.303 0.437 0.557  2019 0.999
    # R[1,3] 0.451   0.003 0.081 0.289 0.450 0.607   733 1.005
    # R[2,3] 0.271   0.001 0.071 0.130 0.272 0.406  2599 1.000
    # From lavaan:
    #    lhs op rhs   est    se std.all
    # 22  F1 ~~  F2 0.459 0.064   0.459
    # 23  F1 ~~  F3 0.471 0.073   0.471
    # 24  F2 ~~  F3 0.283 0.069   0.283


    #               mean se_mean    sd  2.5%   50% 97.5% n_eff  Rhat
    # item_vars[3] 0.829   0.003 0.095 0.652 0.828 1.026  1292 1.000
    # item_vars[4] 0.383   0.001 0.049 0.292 0.381 0.481  1552 1.002
    # item_vars[5] 0.459   0.001 0.059 0.351 0.456 0.581  1577 1.001
    # item_vars[9] 0.575   0.004 0.085 0.410 0.575 0.739   532 1.008
    # From lavaan:
    parameterEstimates(cfa.lav.fit, standardized = TRUE)[10:18, 1:5]
    #    lhs op rhs   est    se
    # 12  x3 ~~  x3 0.844 0.091
    # 13  x4 ~~  x4 0.371 0.048
    # 14  x5 ~~  x5 0.446 0.058
    # 18  x9 ~~  x9 0.566 0.071

    对于项目 :

    #         mean se_mean    sd  2.5%   50% 97.5% n_eff  Rhat
    # betas[2] 6.087   0.001 0.068 5.954 6.089 6.219  2540 1.001
    # betas[3] 2.248   0.001 0.066 2.122 2.248 2.381  1980 1.002
    # betas[6] 2.182   0.003 0.063 2.058 2.182 2.302   625 1.008
    # betas[7] 4.185   0.002 0.066 4.054 4.186 4.315  1791 1.001
    # From lavaan:
    parameterEstimates(cfa.lav.fit, standardized = TRUE)[25:33, 1:5]
    #    lhs op rhs   est    se
    # 26  x2 ~1     6.088 0.068
    # 27  x3 ~1     2.250 0.065
    # 30  x6 ~1     2.186 0.063
    # 31  x7 ~1     4.186 0.063



    R <- extract(cfa.stan.fit, c("R[1, 2]", "R[1, 3]", "R[2, 3]"))
    R <- cbind(R$`R[1,2]`, R$`R[1,3]`, R$`R[2,3]`)
    coefs <- matrix(NA, nrow(R), ncol(R) - 1)
    for (i in 1:nrow(R)) {
      m <- matrix(c(1, R[i, 3], R[i, 3], 1), 2, 2)
      coefs[i, ] <- solve(m, R[i, 1:2])
    }; rm(i, m)
    t(apply(coefs, 2, function (x) {
      c(estimate = mean(x), sd = sd(x), quantile(x, c(.025, .25, .5, .75, .975)))
    #       estimate         sd      2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
    # [1,] 0.3362981 0.07248634 0.1918812 0.2877936 0.3387682 0.3875141 0.4725508
    # [2,] 0.3605951 0.08466494 0.1996710 0.3027047 0.3594806 0.4164141 0.5308578


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