• WPF 切换输入法功能

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace ExameClient.Common
        public class TypewrititngHelper
            /// <summary>
            /// 是否是win7和xp系统
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static bool IsWin7OrXP()
                bool result = false;
                    string version = System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString();
                    string str = version.Substring(0, version.IndexOf(".") + 2);
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(str) < 6.2)
                        result = true;
                    result = false;
                return result;
            /// <summary>
            /// 绑定输入法选择下拉框
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="comboBox"></param>
            public static void BindTypewriteingList(System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox comboBox)
                if (IsWin7OrXP())
                    InputLanguageCollection ilc = InputLanguage.InstalledInputLanguages;
                    foreach (InputLanguage il in ilc)
                    comboBox.SelectedIndex =
                    IList<short> langIDs = TSFWrapper.GetLangIDs();
                    if (langIDs.Count > 0)
                        string[] list = TSFWrapper.GetInputMethodList(langIDs[0]);
                        foreach (string desc in list)
                        comboBox.SelectedItem = TSFWrapper.GetCurrentInputMethodDesc(langIDs[0]);
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace ExameClient.Common
        public interface ITSFHelper
            short[] GetLangIDS();
            bool ActiveInputMethodWithDesc(short langID, string desc);
            string[] GetInputMethodList(short langID);
            string GetCurrentInputMethodDesc(short langID);
            bool DeActiveInputMethod(short langID);
        public class TSFHelper : ITSFHelper
            public short[] GetLangIDS()
                return TSFWrapper.GetLangIDs();
            public bool ActiveInputMethodWithDesc(short langID, string desc)
                return TSFWrapper.ActiveInputMethodWithDesc(langID, desc);
            public string[] GetInputMethodList(short langID)
                return TSFWrapper.GetInputMethodList(langID);
            public string GetCurrentInputMethodDesc(short langID)
                return TSFWrapper.GetCurrentInputMethodDesc(langID);
            public bool DeActiveInputMethod(short langID)
                return TSFWrapper.DeActiveInputMethod(langID);
        public static class TSFWrapper
            public static short[] GetLangIDs()
                List<short> langIDs = new List<short>();
                ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
                if (TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out profiles) == 0)
                    IntPtr langPtrs;
                    int fetchCount = 0;
                    if (profiles.GetLanguageList(out langPtrs, out fetchCount) == 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < fetchCount; i++)
                            short id = Marshal.ReadInt16(langPtrs, sizeof(short) * i);
                return langIDs.ToArray();
            public static bool ActiveInputMethodWithDesc(short langID, string desc)
                ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
                if (TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out profiles) == 0)
                        IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
                        if (profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles(langID, out enumerator) == 0)
                            if (enumerator != null)
                                TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[] langProfile = new TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[1];
                                int fetchCount = 0;
                                while (enumerator.Next(1, langProfile, out fetchCount) == 0)
                                    IntPtr ptr;
                                    if (profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription(ref langProfile[0].clsid, langProfile[0].langid, ref langProfile[0].guidProfile, out ptr) == 0)
                                        bool enabled;
                                        if (profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile(ref langProfile[0].clsid, langProfile[0].langid, ref langProfile[0].guidProfile, out enabled) == 0)
                                            if (enabled)
                                                string s = Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(ptr);
                                                if (s.Equals(desc))
                                                    return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile(ref langProfile[0].clsid, langProfile[0].langid, ref langProfile[0].guidProfile) == 0;
                return false;
            public static string[] GetInputMethodList(short langID)
                List<string> imeList = new List<string>();
                ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
                if (TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out profiles) == 0)
                        IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
                        if (profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles(langID, out enumerator) == 0)
                            if (enumerator != null)
                                TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[] langProfile = new TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[1];
                                int fetchCount = 0;
                                while (enumerator.Next(1, langProfile, out fetchCount) == 0)
                                    IntPtr ptr;
                                    if (profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription(ref langProfile[0].clsid, langProfile[0].langid, ref langProfile[0].guidProfile, out ptr) == 0)
                                        bool enabled;
                                        if (profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile(ref langProfile[0].clsid, langProfile[0].langid, ref langProfile[0].guidProfile, out enabled) == 0)
                                            if (enabled)
                                    //in windows 2008, it will crash.
                return imeList.ToArray();
            public static string GetCurrentInputMethodDesc(short langID)
                ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
                if (TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out profiles) == 0)
                        Guid clsid;
                        Guid profileid;
                        Guid catid = new Guid(TSF_NativeAPI.GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD.ToByteArray());
                        if (profiles.GetDefaultLanguageProfile(langID, ref catid, out clsid, out profileid) == 0)
                            if (profiles.GetActiveLanguageProfile(ref clsid, out langID, out profileid) == 0)
                                IntPtr ptr;
                                    if (profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription(ref clsid, langID, ref profileid, out ptr) == 0)
                                        string s = Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(ptr);
                                        //in windows 2008 , it will carsh.
                                        return s;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    int i = 0;
                return string.Empty;
            public static bool DeActiveInputMethod(short langID)
                List<string> imeList = new List<string>();
                ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
                if (TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out profiles) == 0)
                        Guid clsid = Guid.Empty;
                        return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile(ref clsid, langID, ref clsid) == 0;
                return false;
        internal struct TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE
            internal Guid clsid;
            internal short langid;
            internal Guid catid;
            internal bool fActive;
            internal Guid guidProfile;
        [ComImport, SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity,
        internal interface ITfInputProcessorProfiles
            void Register(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            void Unregister(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            void AddLanguageProfile(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            void RemoveLanguageProfile(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            void EnumInputProcessorInfo(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            int GetDefaultLanguageProfile(short langid, ref Guid catid, out Guid clsid, out Guid profile);
            void SetDefaultLanguageProfile(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            int ActivateLanguageProfile(ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid guidProfile);
            [PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
            int GetActiveLanguageProfile(ref Guid clsid, out short langid, out Guid profile);
            int GetLanguageProfileDescription(ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out IntPtr desc);
            void GetCurrentLanguage(out short langid); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            [PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
            int ChangeCurrentLanguage(short langid); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            [PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
            int GetLanguageList(out IntPtr langids, out int count);
            int EnumLanguageProfiles(short langid, out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP);
            int EnableLanguageProfile();
            int IsEnabledLanguageProfile(ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out bool enabled);
            void EnableLanguageProfileByDefault(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
            void SubstituteKeyboardLayout(); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
        [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown),
        internal interface IEnumTfLanguageProfiles
            void Clone(out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP);
            int Next(int count, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)]
    TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[] profiles, out int fetched);
            void Reset();
            void Skip(int count);
        internal static class TSF_NativeAPI
            public static readonly Guid GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD;
            static TSF_NativeAPI()
                GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD = new Guid(0x34745c63, 0xb2f0,
     0x4784, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x5e, 0x12, 200, 0x70, 0x1a, 0x31);
            [SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport("msctf.dll")]
            public static extern int TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles(out ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tangchun/p/13130556.html
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