• SCI写作高频词、词组系列——摘要部分(转载)









    第一部分: Background
    第二部分: Purpose/Objective
    第三部分: Methods (and Materials)
    第四部分: Results/Findings
    第五部分: Conclusions/Interpretation

    BMC Biology

    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

    1. 开头先提某研究方向很“重要”,“重要”的表示方法:
    essential, profound impact, fundamental, major, have been intensively studied, have crucial (important) roles, powerful effects, has been a milestone, act as a primary XX, has attracted enormous interest in XX; has recently emerged as a key XX, one of the most common/prevalent/aggressive types of XX (affecting human health), show an important role in XX.
    2. 某事很“严重”,所以要研究,“严重”的表示方法:
    devastating, prevalent, severely affects, aberrant, abnormal, fatal, variable and unpredictable, rare and frequently aggressive.
    3. 疾病的N种表示方法:
    disease, disorder, dysfunction, aberrant.
    4. 用数字说话,比例的修饰词汇总:
    approximately (around) 5%, afflict up to 5% of the world s population, a total of.
    5. “未知”的各种表示方法:
    (virtually) unknown, less is known, remains (largely) unknown, elusive, we know little about, unclear, still not well understood, poorly understood, there are few reports on.
    6. 转折之后,观点所在,“转折”的表示方法:
    but, however, nevertheless, yet, unlike conventional XX, while the results were conflicting and heterogeneous.
    7. 如何“聚焦”到本篇文章,“聚焦”的表示方法:
    Here, in this/current/the present study, toward this aim, in this work, our/the findings, our aim was to identify XX.
    第二部分 Purpose/Objective
    8. 研究的事物与其他事物比较/包含
    as compared with/to, consisting of.
    9. 研究的主变量与某物相关
    involvement, be involved in; (highly) correlates/be related to, largely uncharacterized, be (closely/strongly/tightly) associated with, linked to, determine the relationship between A and B.
    第三部分 Methods (and Materials)
    10. 研究包括什么材料,应用了什么方法/处理/条件:
    XX was used in/involved in XX; include; XX was treated with/genotyped by XX; Three treatments were applied, conducted, employed, performed, investigated, carried out.
    11. 结果“展示”,“表明”, "证实"的表示方法:
    postulate, found, show, demonstrate, indicate, suggest, provide direct (indirect)evidence, implicated, reveal, identify, validate, argue, investigate, explore, examined, report, discover, investigate, screen, uncover, detect, test.
    12. 论述结果的执行动词:
    measure, evaluate, provide an experimental strategy, map, review, observe, visualize, characterize, perform XX analysis, assess, retrieve from, download, select, construct, analyze, perform/ be carried out to, synthesized several sets of public data, preliminary clarify, build, obtain, download.
    13. “结果”的多种表示方式:
    these results, experimental and modeling data, the present study.
    14. 论述结果的层级递进:
    also, then, in addition (to), additionally, furthermore, moreover, subsequently, following, finally, (first, second, third), besides.
    15. 借助于某某工具:
    by means of, applied, use, via, in terms of, done, though, adopt quality criteria to classify the studies of XX analysis, based on, be according to.
    16. “关键”结论的关键提示:
    notably, be sufficient to, with a focus, intriguingly, interestingly, clearly, importantly.
    17. 论述结果的其他高频副词:
    respectively, precisely, accurately.
    18. 两者之间一方对另一方施加影响,主变量“调控”因变量:
    (bidirectionally 双向)(positively)(negatively) regulate, modulate, alter, promote, produce, elevate, reduce, activate, trigger, manipulate, enhance.
    19. 主变量对因变量的影响:
    lead to, cause, drive, be determined by, owing to, triggered by, resulting in.
    20. 总结词
    together, in summary, overall, thereby, therefore, collectively, in conclusion, taken together, in total.
    21. 结论评价词
    simple, reliable, robust, largely consistent with, effective.
    22. 科研要严谨,总结要慎重,下结论一般是各种“可能”:
    might, may, possibly, it could be, would, can (“可能性”从左到右依次加强).

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