import difflib t1 = open('d:/text1.txt','r') t2 = open('d:/text2.txt','r') t1_line = t1.read() t2_line = t2.read() t1_lines = t1_line.splitlines() t2_lines = t2_line.splitlines() d = difflib.HtmlDiff() print(d.make_file(t1_lines,t2_lines)) t1.close() t2.close()
Pexpect Login:
#!/usr/bin/env python import pexpect import time,re def get(login_ip,target): login = 'telnet %s' % login_ip tn = pexpect.spawn(login,timeout = 300) tn.expect('Username:') username = 'pingtest' password = 'pwdtest' tn.sendline(username) tn.expect('Password:') tn.sendline(password) tn.expect('#') ping = 'ping %s re 1000 df '% target tn.sendline(ping) time.sleep(25) tn.expect('#') a = tn.before tn.sendline('exit') print a if __name__ == '__main__': # login_ip = input('pls input the login ip: ') # target = input('pls input the test ip: ') login_ip = raw_input('pls input the login ip: ') target = raw_input('pls input the test ip: ') get(login_ip,target)
#此脚本可直接将Django的数据库导出到Eclcl脚本,需要用到xlwt的库,然后可以直接在Html中调用就可以了。 # <a class='excel' href='{% url 'excel' %}'>导出EXCEL</a> import xlwt import StringIO,os def excel(request): vrf_list = Vrf_model.objects.all().order_by('-vrf_rd') if vrf_list: # 创建工作薄 response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.ms-excel') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=asdfa.xls' ws = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') w = ws.add_sheet(u'sheet1') w.write(0,0,'id') w.write(0,1,'customer') w.write(0,2,'vrf_name') w.write(0,3,'vrf_rd') w.write(0,4,'yongtu') #w.write(0,5,'create_date') #w.write(0,6,'change_date') # 写入数据 excel_row = 1 for i in vrf_list: w.write(excel_row,0,i.id) w.write(excel_row,1,i.customer) w.write(excel_row,2,i.vrf_name) w.write(excel_row,3,i.vrf_rd) w.write(excel_row,4,i.yongtu) #w.write(excel_row,5,i.create_date) #w.write(excel_row,6,i.change_date) excel_row += 1 output = StringIO.StringIO() ws.save(output) output.seek(0) response.write(output.getvalue()) return response