repo init -u git:// -b android-2.3.4_r1
repo init -u git:// -b froyo
2. Download protocol:
You can use both the the git:// or the http:// and even there is a possibility to set the $GIT_SSH (man git for more information).
After repo inited, for "repo sync", we can change the download protocol by modifying .repo/manifest.xml
3. 遇到错误:
build/core/ *** Module name: jsilver
build/core/ *** Makefile location: external/jsilver
build/core/ *
build/core/ * Each module must use a LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS in its
build/core/ * Possible tags declared by a module:
build/core/ *
build/core/ * optional, debug, eng, tests, samples
build/core/ *
build/core/ * If the module is expected to be in all builds
build/core/ * of a product, then it should use the
build/core/ * "optional" tag:
build/core/ *
build/core/ * Add "LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional" in the
build/core/ * for the affected module, and add
build/core/ * the LOCAL_MODULE value for that component
build/core/ * into the PRODUCT_PACKAGES section of product
build/core/ * makefile(s) where it's necessary, if
build/core/ * appropriate.
build/core/ *
build/core/ * If the component should be in EVERY build of ALL
build/core/ * products, then add its LOCAL_MODULE value to the
build/core/ * PRODUCT_PACKAGES section of
build/core/ * build/target/product/
build/core/ *
build/core/ *** user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules. Stop.
build/core/ *** Makefile location: external/jsilver
build/core/ *
build/core/ * Each module must use a LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS in its
build/core/ * Possible tags declared by a module:
build/core/ *
build/core/ * optional, debug, eng, tests, samples
build/core/ *
build/core/ * If the module is expected to be in all builds
build/core/ * of a product, then it should use the
build/core/ * "optional" tag:
build/core/ *
build/core/ * Add "LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional" in the
build/core/ * for the affected module, and add
build/core/ * the LOCAL_MODULE value for that component
build/core/ * into the PRODUCT_PACKAGES section of product
build/core/ * makefile(s) where it's necessary, if
build/core/ * appropriate.
build/core/ *
build/core/ * If the component should be in EVERY build of ALL
build/core/ * products, then add its LOCAL_MODULE value to the
build/core/ * PRODUCT_PACKAGES section of
build/core/ * build/target/product/
build/core/ *
build/core/ *** user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules. Stop.
This is due to the declaration of LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS. To fix it just follow the instructions that suggest including the optional tag. Thanks to [10] for the command line that replace user tag by optional tag on every affected file.
find ./ -exec grep -l "LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := user" {} \; -exec sed -i.bak s/"LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := user"/"LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional"/g {} \;