• 研究生英语-春


    stage1:the general introduction




    stage5:the chance for discussion


    Good morning, dear teachers and dear classmates! it's my honor to have the opportunity to share my study content such a distiguished and excellent classmates.i'm here to talk to you about my recent study content.


    The subject of my presentation is path optimization algorithm.(我演讲的主题是路径优化算法。)

    Since we are currently taking a course on computational intelligence, I would like to share some information about this course for you to learn from each other.
    You might be interested in this.
    At the same time, I also want to get your help, so I hope you can come up with your  valuable Suggestions


    I'd be grateful if you could give your ideas after the presentation.(如果你能在结束之后提出一些意见,我将会非常感激)

    My presensentation will last for three to five minutes.(我的报告将持续三到五分钟。)

    My presentation is divided into three main sections.Firstly,sencondly,thirdly,finally......(我的报告分为三个主要部分:首先介绍背景,提出模型,然后如何建模,策略,第三实现模型,算法,最后)


    策略(无监督的模型,或者监督模型 经验风险最小化)


    We define a variable called urgency to describe the Degree of Emergency / urgency degreeof each order,我们定义了一个变量叫做urgency去描述每一个订单的紧急程度

    We use the order deadline to describe the urgency 我们用订单截止时间去描述这个紧急程度

    For an order, if the delivery time is 9:00 and the order deadline is 9:30, the urgency can be described by the time difference between the two, such as 30。针对某一个订单,假如开始配送时间为9:00,订单截止时间为9:30,那么紧急程度就可以用两者之间的时间差值去描述,比如用30来描述它

    Let's say the deliveryman is delivering at v meters per second and the total length of the path is s meters假设配送员的速度为v米每秒,路径总长度为s米

     Suppose that the deliveryman's speed is v meters per second, the total length of the path is s kilometers, and the total delivery time is s/v 假设配送员的速度为v米每秒,路径总长度为s千米,总的配送时间为s/v

    So our objective function can be defined as objective function,by using total delivery time and urgency。所以我们的目标函数可以定义为objective function ,by using total delivery time and urgency。

    接下来我们要做的就是最小化目标函数的值minimize the value of objective function ,by using total delivery time and urgency。




    emergency degree

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunupo/p/10852401.html
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