drop table t purge; create table t as select * from dba_objects; --alter table T modify object_id null; update t set object_id =rownum ; set timing on set linesize 1000 set autotrace on
select count(*) from t;
select count(object_id) from t;
create index idx_object_id on t(object_id);
select count(*) from t; 和以前一样。
select count(object_id) from t;
alter table T modify object_id not null;
select count(*) from t;
select count(object_id) from t;
验证脚本1 (先构造出表和数据)
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SET ECHO ON ---构造出有25个字段的表T DROP TABLE t; DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_sql := 'CREATE TABLE t ('; FOR i IN 1..25 LOOP l_sql := l_sql || 'n' || i || ' NUMBER,'; END LOOP; l_sql := l_sql || 'pad VARCHAR2(1000)) PCTFREE 10'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql; END; / ----将记录还有这个表T中填充 DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_sql := 'INSERT INTO t SELECT '; FOR i IN 1..25 LOOP l_sql := l_sql || '0,'; END LOOP; l_sql := l_sql || 'NULL FROM dual CONNECT BY level <= 10000'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql; COMMIT; END; /
DECLARE l_dummy PLS_INTEGER; l_start PLS_INTEGER; l_stop PLS_INTEGER; l_sql VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN l_start := dbms_utility.get_time; FOR j IN 1..1000 LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT count(*) FROM t' INTO l_dummy; END LOOP; l_stop := dbms_utility.get_time; dbms_output.put_line((l_stop-l_start)/100); FOR i IN 1..25 LOOP l_sql := 'SELECT count(n' || i || ') FROM t'; l_start := dbms_utility.get_time; FOR j IN 1..1000 LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_dummy; END LOOP; l_stop := dbms_utility.get_time; dbms_output.put_line((l_stop-l_start)/100); END LOOP; END; /
drop table tab_big; drop table tab_small; create table tab_big as select * from dba_objects where rownum<=30000; create table tab_small as select * from dba_objects where rownum<=10; set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 set timing on select count(*) from tab_big,tab_small ; select count(*) from tab_small,tab_big ;
select /*+rule*/ count(*) from tab_big,tab_small ; select /*+rule*/ count(*) from tab_small,tab_big ;
drop table t1 purge; drop table t2 purge; create table t1 as select * from dba_objects; create table t2 as select rownum id ,dbms_random.string('b', 50) n ,data_object_id data_id from dba_objects where rownum<=10000; set autotrace traceonly set linesize 1000 set timing on select /*+rule*/ * from t1,t2 where t1.object_id=29 and t2.data_id>8; select /*+rule*/ * from t1,t2 where t2.data_id>8 and t1.object_id=29 ; 加个关联条件看看,看看 select /*+rule*/ * from t1,t2 where and t1.object_id=29 and t2.data_id>8; select /*+rule*/ * from t1,t2 where and t2.data_id>8 and t1.object_id=29 ;
select * from v$version; drop table emp purge; drop table dept purge; create table emp as select * from scott.emp; create table dept as select * from scott.dept; set timing on set linesize 1000 set autotrace traceonly select * from dept where deptno NOT IN ( select deptno from emp ) ; select * from dept where not exists ( select deptno from emp where emp.deptno=dept.deptno) ; select * from dept where deptno NOT IN ( select deptno from emp where deptno is not null) and deptno is not null; --结论:10g与空值有关,如果确保非空,可以用到anti的半连接算法
select * from v$version; drop table emp purge; drop table dept purge; create table emp as select * from scott.emp; create table dept as select * from scott.dept; set timing on set linesize 1000 set autotrace traceonly explain select * from dept where deptno NOT IN ( select deptno from emp ) ; select * from dept where not exists ( select deptno from emp where emp.deptno=dept.deptno) ; select * from dept where deptno NOT IN ( select deptno from emp where deptno is not null) and deptno is not null; --结论:11g与空值有关,都可以用到anti的半连接算法,执行计划一样,性能一样
drop table ljb_tmp_session; create global temporary table ljb_tmp_session on commit preserve rows as select * from dba_objects where 1=2; select table_name,temporary,duration from user_tables where table_name='LJB_TMP_SESSION';
drop table ljb_tmp_transaction; create global temporary table ljb_tmp_transaction on commit delete rows as select * from dba_objects where 1=2; select table_name, temporary, DURATION from user_tables where table_name='LJB_TMP_TRANSACTION';
insert all into ljb_tmp_transaction into ljb_tmp_session select * from dba_objects;
select session_cnt,transaction_cnt from (select count(*) session_cnt from ljb_tmp_session), (select count(*) transaction_cnt from ljb_tmp_transaction);