program poj1087; var flag:boolean; n,len,i,j,i1,j1,max,min,aug:integer; a:array[0..402] of string; g:array[0..402,0..402] of integer; fir,now,t,num,liu:array[0..402] of integer; procedure init; var m,i,j,k,l,p:integer; s,s1,s2:string; begin readln(m); len:=2; readln(a[len]); g[1,len]:=1; for i:=2 to m do begin readln(s); j:=2; while (j<=len) and (a[j]<>s) do inc(j); if j<=len then inc(g[1,j]) else begin inc(len); a[len]:=s; g[1,len]:=1; end; end; readln(m); n:=m; for i:=1 to m do begin readln(s); p:=pos(' ',s); s1:=copy(s,p+1,length(s)-p); j:=2; while (j<=len) and (a[j]<>s1) do inc(j); if j<=len then inc(g[j,0]) else begin inc(len); a[len]:=s1; g[len,0]:=1; end; end; readln(m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(s); p:=pos(' ',s); s1:=copy(s,1,p-1); s2:=copy(s,p+1,length(s)-p); j:=0; k:=0; for l:=2 to len do if a[l]=s1 then j:=l else if a[l]=s2 then k:=l; if j=0 then begin inc(len); a[len]:=s1; j:=len; end; if k=0 then begin inc(len); a[len]:=s2; k:=len; end; g[k,j]:=maxint; end; for i:=1 to len do g[i,len+1]:=g[i,0]; inc(len); end; begin fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); fillchar(fir,sizeof(fir),0); fillchar(now,sizeof(now),0); fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); fillchar(num,sizeof(num),0); fillchar(liu,sizeof(liu),0); init; for i:=1 to len do now[i]:=1; t[0]:=len; i:=1; aug:=maxint; max:=0; while num[i]<len do begin flag:=false; liu[i]:=aug; for j:=now[i] to len do if (g[i,j]>0) and (num[j]+1=num[i]) then begin flag:=true; if g[i,j]<aug then aug:=g[i,j]; fir[j]:=i; now[i]:=j; i:=j; if i=len then begin inc(max,aug); while i<>1 do begin i1:=i; i:=fir[i]; dec(g[i,i1],aug); inc(g[i1,i],aug); end; aug:=maxint; end; break; end; if flag then continue; min:=len-1; for j:=1 to len do if (g[i,j]>0) and (num[j]<min) then begin j1:=j; min:=num[j]; end; now[i]:=j1; dec(t[num[i]]); if t[num[i]]=0 then break; num[i]:=min+1; inc(t[num[i]]); if i<>1 then begin i:=fir[i]; aug:=liu[i]; end; end; writeln(n-max); end.