• 【c++题目003】关于析构

    Which statement is false?

    a) Destructors are called when a pointer is deleted.

    b) Destructors are called when an object goes out of scope.

    c) Destructors are called when a reference goes out of scope.

    d) A virtual destructor should be used if the class has virtual methods.

    e) Base class destructors are called after derived class destructors.

    Which statement is false?
    a) Destructors are called when a pointer is deleted.
    b) Destructors are called when an object goes out of scope.
    c) Destructors are called when a reference goes out of scope.
    d) A virtual destructor should be used if the class has virtual methods.
    e) Base class destructors are called after derived class destructors
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <assert.h>
    using namespace std;
    class Parent
    	virtual ~Parent()
    		cout << "~Parent" << endl;
    	virtual void func(){
    		cout << "Parent->func"<<endl;
    class Son:public Parent
    	virtual ~Son()
    		cout << "~Son" << endl;
    	virtual void func(){
    		cout << "Son->func" << endl;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	//Parent * pParent = new Parent;
    	//	Parent p; //超出作用域也要调用析构函数
    	//cout << "delete pParent..." << endl;
    	//delete pParent; // delete对象指针时会调用析构函数
    	//Parent p;
    	//	Parent& rP = p; //引用超出作用域时,是不会析构对象的,只是“引用而已”
    	//当通过子类指针析构子类对象 或者 子类对象超过作用域时
    	//Son s; 
    	//Son * s = new Son;
    	//delete s;
    //所以一般有继承关系的类,都要将析构函数定义为虚函数 Parent * s = new Son; //s->func(); delete s; }


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