• asp.net中加密狗 代码

    程序代码 程序代码
    using ...System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
    public unsafe class Dog

        public uint DogBytes, DogAddr;  //设置加密狗字节长度和起始地址

        public byte[] DogData;  //设置数据的长度

        public uint Retcode;

        [DllImport("Win32dll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

        public static unsafe extern uint DogRead(uint idogBytes, uint idogAddr, byte* pdogData);

        [DllImport("Win32dll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

        public static unsafe extern uint DogWrite(uint idogBytes, uint idogAddr, byte* pdogData);

    public unsafe Dog(ushort num)


            DogBytes = num;

            DogData = new byte[DogBytes]; //设置数据的长度


        public unsafe void ReadDog()


            fixed (byte* pDogData = &DogData[0])


                Retcode = DogRead(DogBytes, DogAddr, pDogData);  //将数据读出加密狗



        public unsafe void WriteDog()


            fixed (byte* pDogData = &DogData[0])


                Retcode = DogWrite(DogBytes, DogAddr, pDogData); //将数据写入加密狗




    向加密狗里边写入数据:Dog d=new Dog(10);d.DogAddr=0;for(int i=0;i<d.DogData.length;i++)d.DogData[i]=i;d.WriteDog();

    读取加密狗里边的数据:Dog d=new Dog(10);byte[] b;d.ReadDog();b=new byte[d.DogData.length];

    for (int i=0;i<d.DogData.lengh;i++)b[i]=d.DogData[i];



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