• 用union 和 struct 位域操作

    很久没有用C 语言中的 union 和 struct 位域操作了。

    最近用了一下(当然,我承认是从stackoverflow 上抄的)

    需求是这样的,已知一个 LPARAM 整数 3866625 ,求他的第30位的值是多少。


    int a = 3866625;
    a = a>>30 & 0x0001; //注意是右移动30,而不是29,因为第一位是0 ,我一开始就移动的29 结果算错!

    但是我偶然在stack over flow 上看到了 另外一种方案

    union KeyState
        LPARAM lparam;
            unsigned nRepeatCount : 16;
            unsigned nScanCode : 8;
            unsigned nExtended : 1;
            unsigned nReserved : 4;
            unsigned nContext : 1;
            unsigned nPrev : 1;
            unsigned nTrans : 1;
    KeyState ks;
    ks.lparam = 3866625;
    ks.nPrev;  //这就是第30位


    接着是struct 的位域操作符。



    unsigned a: 1;

    unsigned b:2;


    表示 a 成员占1个字节,b成员占2个字节。


    当访问 union 的 nPrev  字段时,其实 是访问的是 :16+8+1+4+1 个位之后的位。且长度为1的值。比较起 位运算,虽然长了一点,但是非常容易理解了


    这个位运算主要用计算 键盘扫描消息用。

    Keystroke Message Flags

    The lParam parameter of a keystroke message contains additional information about the keystroke that generated the message. This information includes the repeat count, the scan code, the extended-key flag, the context code, the previous key-state flag, and the transition-state flag. The following illustration shows the locations of these flags and values in the lParam parameter.

    An application can use the following values to manipulate the keystroke flags.

    KF_ALTDOWN Manipulates the ALT key flag, which indicated if the ALT key is pressed.
    KF_DLGMODE Manipulates the dialog mode flag, which indicates whether a dialog box is active.
    KF_EXTENDED Manipulates the extended key flag.
    KF_MENUMODE Manipulates the menu mode flag, which indicates whether a menu is active.
    KF_REPEAT Manipulates the repeat count.
    KF_UP Manipulates the transition state flag.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/songr/p/5018170.html
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