隐式转换规则:任何整数类型都可以隐式转换为一个范围更广的类型。所有整数类型 + float + String都可以转换为Double类型。
可以使用cast操作进行数据类型显示转换。例如cast('1' as int)把字符串'1'转换成整数值1,转换失败则表达式返回空值NULL。
--将Double类型的工资sal转换成Int类型 select eno,enam,cast(sal as int) from emp limit 5;
hive> create table if not exists employees(
> name STRING COMMENT 'employee name' ,
> salary FLOAT COMMENT 'employee salary',
> subordinates ARRAY<STRING> COMMENT 'names of subordinates',
> deductions MAP<STRING,FLOAT> COMMENT 'keys are deductions names,values are precentages',
> address STRUCT<street:STRING,city:STRING,state:STRING,zip:INT> COMMENT 'home address'
> )row format delimited
> fields terminated by '|'
> collection items terminated by ','
> map keys terminated by ':';
Time taken: 0.174 seconds
hive> load data local inpath '/root/hive/employees' --导入数据
> overwrite into table employees;
Copying data from file:/root/hive/employees
Copying file: file:/root/hive/employees
Loading data to table test.employees
rmr: DEPRECATED: Please use 'rm -r' instead.
Deleted hdfs://hadoop01:9000/user/hive/warehouse/test.db/employees
Table test.employees stats: [numFiles=1, numRows=0, totalSize=177, rawDataSize=0]
Time taken: 0.465 seconds
hive> dfs -text hdfs://hadoop01:9000/user/hive/warehouse/test.db/employees/employees; --查看数据文件
yxy|1000000.0|zhangsan,lisi|federal taxes:.2,state taxes:.5|changanjie,bj,bj,00000
yangzhen|1000000.0|zhangsan,lisi|federal taxes:.2,state taxes:.5|changanjie,bj,chaoyang,00001
hive> select name,salary, > subordinates[0], --Array类型通过下标取值,字段类型必须相同 > deductions['state taxes'], --Map类型通过key取值 > address.state --Struct类型通过定义时的名称取值,字段类型可以不同 > from employees; OK name salary _c2 _c3 state yxy 1000000.0 zhangsan 0.5 bj yangzhen 1000000.0 zhangsan 0.5 chaoyang Time taken: 4.607 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
--array_contains()函数作用:验证第一个参数集合中是否包含第二个参数 --由于两条数据的subordinates集合中都包含'zhangsan',所以返回全部 select * from employees where array_contains(subordinates, 'zhangsan');
- 与SQL相同的:等值判断 x='a',空值判断 x is NULL,模式匹配 x like 'A%',算术操作 x+1,逻辑操作 x or y。
- 其中和SQL-92有点区别的是:||是逻辑或(OR),而不是字符串"连接"。在mysql和hive中字符串拼接是concat()函数。
- 可以使用:show functions获取函数列表。describe function获得某个特定函数的使用帮助。