• Pytorch随笔


    P01 -- Two layer model

    1. Numpy to tensor: x_tensor = torch.from_numpy(np_x)
    2. Cpu tensor to cuda: x_tensor_cuda= x_tensor.cuda()
    3. Cuda data to Variable: x_tensor_cuda_var=Variable(x_tensor_cuda)
    4. Tensor to numpy: x_np=x_tensor.cpu().numpy()
    5. Variable to numpy: x_np=x_tensor_cuda_var.cpu().detach().numpy()


     1 import numpy as np
     2 import torch
     3 import torch.nn as nn
     4 np.random.seed(1)
     5 torch.manual_seed(1)
     7 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     8 # device = 'cpu'
     9 print('device:', device)
    10 device = torch.device(device)
    12 N, D_in, D_out =64, 1000, 10
    13 train_x = np.random.normal(size=(N, D_in))
    14 train_y = np.random.normal(size=(N, D_out))
    16 class Two_layer(torch.nn.Module):
    17     def __init__(self, D_in, D_out, H=100):
    18         super(Two_layer, self).__init__()
    19         self.linear1 = nn.Linear(D_in, H)
    20         self.relu = nn.ReLU()
    21         self.linear2 = nn.Linear(H, D_out)
    22     def forward(self, x):
    23         x = self.linear1(x)
    24         x = self.relu(x)
    25         x = self.linear2(x)
    26         return x
    28 model = Two_layer(D_in, D_out, H=1000)
    30 loss_fn = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')
    31 # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    32 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params=model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    34 train_x = torch.from_numpy(train_x).type(dtype=torch.float32)
    35 train_y = torch.from_numpy(train_y).type(dtype=torch.float32)
    37 # train_x = torch.randn(N, D_in)
    38 # train_y = torch.randn(N, D_out)
    40 train_x = train_x.to(device)
    41 train_y = train_y.to(device)
    42 model = model.to(device)
    44 import time
    45 time_st = time.time()
    46 for epoch in range(200):
    47     y_pred = model(train_x)
    49     loss = loss_fn(y_pred, train_y)
    50     optimizer.zero_grad()
    51     if not epoch % 20:
    52         print('loss: ', loss.item())
    53     loss.backward()
    54     optimizer.step()
    55 print('training time used {:.1f} s with {}'.format(time.time() - time_st, device))
    57 """
    58 loss:  673.6837158203125
    59 loss:  57.70276641845703
    60 loss:  3.7402660846710205
    61 loss:  0.2832883596420288
    62 loss:  0.026732178404927254
    63 loss:  0.0029198969714343548
    64 loss:  0.00034921077894978225
    65 loss:  4.434480797499418e-05
    66 loss:  5.87546583119547e-06
    67 loss:  8.037222301027214e-07
    68 training time used 1.1 s with cpu
    69 training time used 0.6 s with cuda
    70 """
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     1 from keras.datasets import mnist
     2 import torch
     3 import numpy as np
     4 np.random.seed(1)
     5 torch.manual_seed(1)
     7 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     8 # device = 'cpu'
     9 print('device:', device)
    10 device = torch.device(device)
    12 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
    13 print('x_train, y_train shape:', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
    14 print('x_test, y_test shape:', x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
    15 x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], -1)
    16 x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], -1)
    17 print('x_train, y_train shape:', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
    18 print('x_test, y_test shape:', x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
    20 N, D_in, D_out = 1000, x_train.shape[1], 10
    22 class Two_layer(torch.nn.Module):
    23     def __init__(self, D_in, D_out, H=1000):
    24         super(Two_layer, self).__init__()
    25         self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(D_in, H)
    26         self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
    27         self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(H, D_out)
    28     def forward(self, x):
    29         x = self.linear1(x)
    30         x = self.relu(x)
    31         x = self.linear2(x)
    32         return x
    34 model = Two_layer(D_in, D_out, H = 1000)
    35 loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    36 opt = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    37 x_train, y_train = torch.tensor(x_train,dtype=torch.float32), torch.tensor(y_train, dtype=torch.long)
    38 x_test, y_test = torch.tensor(x_test,dtype=torch.float32), torch.tensor(y_test, dtype=torch.long)
    40 x_train, y_train = x_train.to(device), y_train.to(device)
    41 x_test, y_test = x_test.to(device), y_test.to(device)
    42 model = model.to(device)
    43 import time
    44 time_st = time.time()
    45 for epoch in range(50):
    46     y_pred = model(x_train)
    47     loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
    49     if not epoch % 10:
    50         with torch.no_grad():
    51             y_pred_test = model(x_test)
    52             y_label_pred = np.argmax(y_pred_test.cpu().detach().numpy(), axis=1)
    53             print('y_label_pred y_test shape:', y_label_pred.shape, y_test.size())
    54             acc_test = np.mean(y_label_pred == y_test.cpu().detach().numpy())
    55             loss_test = loss_fn(y_pred_test, y_test)
    56             print('test loss: {}, acc: {}'.format(loss_test.item(), acc_test))
    58             y_label_pred_train = np.argmax(y_pred.cpu().detach().numpy(), axis=1)
    59             acc_train = np.mean(y_label_pred_train == y_train.cpu().detach().numpy())
    60             print('train loss: {}, acc: {}'.format(loss.item(), acc_train))
    62             print('-' * 80)
    64     opt.zero_grad()
    65     loss.backward()
    66     opt.step()
    68 print('training time used {:.2f} s with device {}'.format(time.time() - time_st, device))
    70 '''
    71 x_train, y_train shape: (60000, 28, 28) (60000,)
    72 x_test, y_test shape: (10000, 28, 28) (10000,)
    73 x_train, y_train shape: (60000, 784) (60000,)
    74 x_test, y_test shape: (10000, 784) (10000,)
    75 y_label_pred y_test shape: (10000,) torch.Size([10000])
    76 test loss: 23.847854614257812, acc: 0.1414
    77 train loss: 23.87252426147461, acc: 0.13683333333333333
    78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 y_label_pred y_test shape: (10000,) torch.Size([10000])
    80 test loss: 3.340665578842163, acc: 0.7039
    81 train loss: 3.514056444168091, acc: 0.6925166666666667
    82 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 y_label_pred y_test shape: (10000,) torch.Size([10000])
    84 test loss: 1.7213207483291626, acc: 0.844
    85 train loss: 1.8277908563613892, acc: 0.84025
    86 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 y_label_pred y_test shape: (10000,) torch.Size([10000])
    88 test loss: 1.2859240770339966, acc: 0.8845
    89 train loss: 1.3402273654937744, acc: 0.88125
    90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 y_label_pred y_test shape: (10000,) torch.Size([10000])
    92 test loss: 1.0803418159484863, acc: 0.8993
    93 train loss: 1.084514856338501, acc: 0.8984833333333333
    94 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 training time used 81.26 s with device cpu
    96 training time used 3.61 s with device cuda
    97 '''
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    P02 wordvec

      Skipgram model

      1 import numpy as np
      2 import torch
      3 import torch.nn as nn
      4 import torch.nn.functional as F
      5 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
      6 import os
      8 np.random.seed(1)
      9 torch.manual_seed(1)
     11 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     12 # device = 'cpu'
     13 print('device:', device)
     14 device = torch.device(device)
     16 small = 5000000
     17 training = True
     18 N_epoch = 51
     19 Batch_size = 128
     20 show_epoch = 1
     22 words = {}
     23 with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     24     lines = f.readlines()
     25     print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     26     for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
     27         # print(line)
     28         for word in line.split():
     29             if word in words:
     30                 words[word] += 1
     31             else:
     32                 words[word] = 1
     33         if idx > small:
     34             break
     35 print(len(words))
     36 # print(words)
     37 word2index = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     38 indx2word = {idx: word for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     39 # print(word2index)
     40 # print(indx2word)
     41 word_freq = np.array(list(words.values()))
     42 word_freq = word_freq / np.sum(word_freq)
     43 word_freq = word_freq ** (3 / 4.0)
     44 word_freq = word_freq / np.sum(word_freq)
     45 word_freq = torch.Tensor(word_freq)
     46 # print(word_freq)
     48 C, K = 3, 10 # C:窗口大小, K:每个positive样本对应K个negative样本
     49 em_dim = 100
     50 word_size = len(words)
     53 def creat_train_data():
     54     Center_Outside_words, Center_Outside_words_index = [], []
     55     with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     56         lines = f.readlines()
     57         print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     58         for _, line in enumerate(lines):
     59             # print(line)
     60             line = line.split()
     61             n = len(line)
     62             for idx, word in enumerate(line):
     63                 st = max(idx - C, 0)
     64                 ed = min(idx + 1 + C, n)
     65                 for i in range(st, idx):
     66                     word_ = line[i]
     67                     Center_Outside_words.append([word, word_])
     68                     Center_Outside_words_index.append([word2index[word], word2index[word_]])
     69                 for i in range(idx + 1, ed):
     70                     word_ = line[i]
     71                     Center_Outside_words.append([word, word_])
     72                     Center_Outside_words_index.append([word2index[word], word2index[word_]])
     73             if _ > small:
     74                 break
     75     return Center_Outside_words, Center_Outside_words_index
     77 Center_Outside_words, Center_Outside_words_index = creat_train_data()
     78 Center_Outside_words_index = np.array(Center_Outside_words_index)
     80 print(Center_Outside_words[:10])
     81 print(Center_Outside_words_index[:10])
     82 print('train data len:', len(Center_Outside_words))
     84 N_train = len(Center_Outside_words)
     86 def get_batch(batch_step):
     87     st, ed = batch_step * Batch_size, min(batch_step * Batch_size + Batch_size, N_train)
     88     assert st < ed
     89     center_word = torch.LongTensor(Center_Outside_words_index[st:ed, 0])  # (batch, )
     90     outside_word = torch.LongTensor(Center_Outside_words_index[st:ed, 1]) # (batch, )
     91     negtive_word = torch.multinomial(word_freq, K * (ed - st)).view(-1, K) # (batch, K)
     93     # print(center_word.size(), outside_word.size(), negtive_word.size())
     94     # print(center_word, outside_word, negtive_word)
     95     return center_word, outside_word, negtive_word
     97 center_word, outside_word, negtive_word = get_batch(batch_step=0)
    100 class Zhihu_DataSet(Dataset):
    101     def __init__(self, Center_Outside_words_index, word_freq):
    102         self.Center_Outside_words_index = Center_Outside_words_index
    103         self.word_freq = word_freq
    104         print('Center_Outside_words_index shape:', Center_Outside_words_index.shape)
    106     def __len__(self):
    107         return len(self.Center_Outside_words_index)
    109     def __getitem__(self, index):
    110         # center_word = torch.LongTensor([self.Center_Outside_words_index[index, 0]])
    111         # outside_word = torch.LongTensor([self.Center_Outside_words_index[index, 1]])
    113         center_word = torch.tensor(self.Center_Outside_words_index[index, 0],dtype=torch.long)
    114         outside_word = torch.tensor(self.Center_Outside_words_index[index, 1],dtype=torch.long)
    116         negtive_word = torch.multinomial(word_freq, K, replacement=True)  # (batch, K)
    117         # print(center_word.size(), outside_word.size(), negtive_word.size())
    118         return center_word, outside_word, negtive_word
    122 zhihu_dataset = Zhihu_DataSet(Center_Outside_words_index, word_freq)
    123 zhihu_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=zhihu_dataset,batch_size=Batch_size, shuffle=True)
    125 class Word2Vec_Zqx(nn.Module):
    126     def __init__(self, word_size, em_dim):
    127         super(Word2Vec_Zqx, self).__init__()
    128         self.word_em_center = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=word_size,embedding_dim=em_dim)
    129         self.word_em_outside = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=word_size,embedding_dim=em_dim)
    131     def forward(self, center_word, outside_word, negtive_word):
    132         center_word_emd = self.word_em_center(center_word)  # (batch, em_dim)
    133         outside_word_emd = self.word_em_outside(outside_word) # (batch, em_dim)
    134         negtive_word_emd = self.word_em_outside(negtive_word) # (batch, K, em_dim))
    136         # print(center_word_emd.size(), outside_word_emd.size(), negtive_word_emd.size())
    137         center_word_emd = center_word_emd.unsqueeze(dim=2)  # (batch, em_dim, 1)
    138         outside_word_emd = outside_word_emd.unsqueeze(dim=1)  # (batch, 1, em_dim)
    139         # print(center_word_emd.size(), outside_word_emd.size(), negtive_word_emd.size())
    140         center_outside_word = torch.bmm(outside_word_emd, center_word_emd).squeeze(1)
    141         center_outside_word = center_outside_word.squeeze(1)  # (batch, )
    142         center_negtive_word = torch.bmm(negtive_word_emd, center_word_emd).squeeze(2)  # (batch, K)
    143         # print(center_outside_word.size(), center_negtive_word.size())
    145         loss = - (torch.sum(F.logsigmoid(center_outside_word)) + torch.sum(F.logsigmoid(center_negtive_word)))
    146         return loss
    148     def get_emd_center(self):
    149         return self.word_em_center.weight.cpu().detach().numpy()
    151 model =Word2Vec_Zqx(word_size=word_size, em_dim=em_dim)
    152 loss = model(center_word, outside_word, negtive_word)
    153 print('loss:', loss.item())
    155 # 模型保存
    156 check_path = './Checkpoints/'
    157 filepath = check_path + 'word2vec_state_dict.pkl'
    158 def find_similar_word(emd_center, word):
    159     word_idx = word2index[word]
    160     word_emd = emd_center[word_idx].reshape(-1, 1)
    161     # similarity = np.matmul(emd_center, word_emd).flatten()
    162     similarity = np.matmul(emd_center, word_emd).flatten() / np.linalg.norm(emd_center, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(word_emd)
    163     k = 10
    164     topk_idx = np.argsort(-similarity)[:k]
    166     print('与word=[{}]--相似的top {}的有:'.format(word, k))
    167     topk_word = [indx2word[_] for _ in topk_idx]
    168     print(topk_word)
    170 def train(model):
    171     # opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    172     opt = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)
    173     model.to(device)
    174     import time
    175     time_st_global = time.time()
    176     for epoch in range(N_epoch):
    177         time_st_epoch = time.time()
    178         for batch_step in range(N_train // Batch_size):
    179             center_word, outside_word, negtive_word = get_batch(batch_step)
    180             center_word, outside_word, negtive_word = center_word.to(device), outside_word.to(device), negtive_word.to(device)
    181             loss = model(center_word, outside_word, negtive_word)
    183             opt.zero_grad()
    184             loss.backward()
    185             opt.step()
    186         print('# ' * 80)
    187         print('epoch:{}, batch_step: {}, loss: {}'.format(epoch, batch_step, loss.item()))
    188         print('epoch time {:.2f} s, total time {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_st_epoch, time.time() - time_st_global))
    189         if not epoch % show_epoch:
    190             if not os.path.exists(check_path):
    191                 os.makedirs(check_path)
    192             torch.save(model.state_dict(), filepath)
    193             emd_center = model.get_emd_center()
    195             test_words = ['', '为什么', '学生', '女生', '什么', '大学']
    196             for word in test_words:
    197                 print('-' * 80)
    198                 print('test word : {},  次数: {}'.format(word, words[word]))
    199                 find_similar_word(emd_center=emd_center, word=word)
    201     return model
    203 def train_with_dataloader(model):
    204     # opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
    205     opt = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)
    206     model.to(device)
    207     import time
    208     time_st_global = time.time()
    209     for epoch in range(N_epoch):
    210         time_st_epoch = time.time()
    211         for batch_step, (center_word, outside_word, negtive_word) in enumerate(zhihu_dataloader):
    212             center_word, outside_word, negtive_word = center_word.to(device), outside_word.to(device), negtive_word.to(device)
    213             loss = model(center_word, outside_word, negtive_word)
    215             opt.zero_grad()
    216             loss.backward()
    217             opt.step()
    218         print('#' * 80)
    219         print('epoch:{}, batch_step: {}, loss: {}'.format(epoch, batch_step, loss.item()))
    220         print('epoch time {:.2f} s, total time {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_st_epoch, time.time() - time_st_global))
    221         if not epoch % show_epoch:
    222             if not os.path.exists(check_path):
    223                 os.makedirs(check_path)
    224             torch.save(model.state_dict(), filepath)
    226             # emd_center = model.get_emd_center()
    227             # test_words = ['你', '为什么', '学生', '女生', '什么', '大学']
    228             # for word in test_words:
    229             #     print('-' * 80)
    230             #     print('test word : {},  次数: {}'.format(word, words[word]))
    231             #     find_similar_word(emd_center=emd_center, word=word)
    233     return model
    235 if training:
    236     # model = train(model)
    237     model = train_with_dataloader(model)
    239 # 模型恢复
    240 model.load_state_dict(torch.load(filepath))
    242 emd_center = model.get_emd_center()
    245 test_words = ['', '为什么', '学生', '女生', '什么', '大学']
    247 for word in test_words:
    248     print('-' * 80)
    249     print('test word : {},  次数: {}'.format(word, words[word]))
    250     find_similar_word(emd_center=emd_center, word=word)
    252 print('end!!!')
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    P03 RNN

      mnist classification

      1 from keras.datasets import mnist
      2 import torch
      3 import torch.nn as nn
      4 import torch.nn.functional as F
      5 import numpy as np
      6 import time
      7 np.random.seed(1)
      8 torch.manual_seed(1)
     10 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     11 # device = 'cpu'
     12 print('device:', device)
     13 device = torch.device(device)
     15 N, D_in, D_out = 10000, 28, 10
     16 H = 100
     17 Batch_size = 128
     18 lr=1e-2
     19 N_epoch = 200
     22 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
     23 x_train, y_train = x_train[:N], y_train[:N]
     24 x_test, y_test = x_test[:N], y_test[:N]
     26 # 归一化很重要,不然有可能train不起来,或者test效果不行
     27 x_train = x_train /255.0
     28 x_test = x_test / 255.0
     30 print('x_train, y_train shape:', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
     31 print('x_test, y_test shape:', x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
     32 print('np.max(x_train), np.min(x_train):', np.max(x_train), np.min(x_train))
     33 print('np.max(y_train), np.min(y_train):', np.max(y_train), np.min(y_train))
     35 class RNN_zqx(nn.Module):
     36     def __init__(self, D_in, H):
     37         super(RNN_zqx, self).__init__()
     38         self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size=D_in,hidden_size=H,num_layers=1,batch_first=True)
     39         self.linear = nn.Linear(H, 10)
     40     def forward(self, x):
     41         all_h, (h, c) = self.rnn(x)
     42         # all_h: (batch, seq_len, num_directions * hidden_size)
     43         # h: (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
     44         # print('all_h.size():', all_h.size())
     45         # print('h.size():', h.size())
     46         x = self.linear(h.squeeze(0))
     47         return x
     49 model =RNN_zqx(D_in=D_in, H=H)
     50 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
     51 opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
     53 x_train, y_train = torch.Tensor(x_train), torch.LongTensor(y_train)
     54 x_test, y_test = torch.Tensor(x_test), torch.LongTensor(y_test)
     56 print('x_train.size(), y_train.size():', x_train.size(), y_train.size())
     57 x_train, y_train = x_train.to(device), y_train.to(device)
     58 x_test, y_test = x_test.to(device), y_test.to(device)
     59 mdoel = model.to(device)
     61 time_st = time.time()
     62 for epoch in range(N_epoch):
     63     y_pred = model(x_train)
     64     # print(y_pred.size())
     65     loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
     67     if not epoch % 10:
     68         with torch.no_grad():
     69             y_pred_test = model(x_test)
     70             y_label_pred = np.argmax(y_pred_test.cpu().detach().numpy(), axis=1)
     71             # print('y_label_pred y_test shape:', y_label_pred.shape, y_test.size())
     72             acc_test = np.mean(y_label_pred == y_test.cpu().detach().numpy())
     73             loss_test = loss_fn(y_pred_test, y_test)
     74             print('test loss: {}, acc: {}'.format(loss_test.item(), acc_test))
     76             y_label_pred_train = np.argmax(y_pred.cpu().detach().numpy(), axis=1)
     77             acc_train = np.mean(y_label_pred_train == y_train.cpu().detach().numpy())
     78             print('train loss: {}, acc: {}'.format(loss.item(), acc_train))
     80             print('-' * 80)
     82     opt.zero_grad()
     83     loss.backward()
     84     opt.step()
     86 print('Training time used {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_st))
     88 '''
     89 device: cuda
     90 x_train, y_train shape: (10000, 28, 28) (10000,)
     91 x_test, y_test shape: (10000, 28, 28) (10000,)
     92 np.max(x_train), np.min(x_train): 1.0 0.0
     93 np.max(y_train), np.min(y_train): 9 0
     94 x_train.size(), y_train.size(): torch.Size([10000, 28, 28]) torch.Size([10000])
     95 test loss: 2.3056862354278564, acc: 0.1032
     96 train loss: 2.3057758808135986, acc: 0.0991
     97 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     98 test loss: 1.6542853116989136, acc: 0.5035
     99 train loss: 1.651445746421814, acc: 0.482
    100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    101 test loss: 1.0779469013214111, acc: 0.6027
    102 train loss: 1.0364742279052734, acc: 0.6158
    103 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    104 test loss: 0.7418596148490906, acc: 0.7503
    105 train loss: 0.7045448422431946, acc: 0.7642
    106 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    107 test loss: 0.5074136853218079, acc: 0.8369
    108 train loss: 0.46816474199295044, acc: 0.8512
    109 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    110 test loss: 0.3507310748100281, acc: 0.8931
    111 train loss: 0.29413318634033203, acc: 0.9125
    112 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    113 test loss: 0.25384169816970825, acc: 0.9292
    114 train loss: 0.1905861645936966, acc: 0.9446
    115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    116 test loss: 0.21215158700942993, acc: 0.9406
    117 train loss: 0.13411203026771545, acc: 0.9614
    118 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    119 test loss: 0.19598548114299774, acc: 0.9467
    120 train loss: 0.0968935638666153, acc: 0.9711
    121 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    122 test loss: 0.6670947074890137, acc: 0.834
    123 train loss: 0.6392199993133545, acc: 0.8405
    124 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    125 test loss: 0.3550219237804413, acc: 0.8966
    126 train loss: 0.29769250750541687, acc: 0.9112
    127 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    128 test loss: 0.22847041487693787, acc: 0.9345
    129 train loss: 0.16787868738174438, acc: 0.9545
    130 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    131 test loss: 0.19370371103286743, acc: 0.9464
    132 train loss: 0.1122715100646019, acc: 0.9692
    133 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    134 test loss: 0.16738709807395935, acc: 0.9538
    135 train loss: 0.08012499660253525, acc: 0.9787
    136 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    137 test loss: 0.16035553812980652, acc: 0.9575
    138 train loss: 0.06216369569301605, acc: 0.9838
    139 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    140 test loss: 0.15690605342388153, acc: 0.9587
    141 train loss: 0.04842701926827431, acc: 0.9877
    142 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    143 test loss: 0.1597040444612503, acc: 0.9586
    144 train loss: 0.03863723576068878, acc: 0.9909
    145 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    146 test loss: 0.16320295631885529, acc: 0.9593
    147 train loss: 0.031261660158634186, acc: 0.9933
    148 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    149 test loss: 0.1675170212984085, acc: 0.959
    150 train loss: 0.02533782459795475, acc: 0.9948
    151 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    152 test loss: 0.17022284865379333, acc: 0.9592
    153 train loss: 0.020637042820453644, acc: 0.9962
    154 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    155 '''
    View Code



      LSTM (BiLSTM) 分词

      1 import numpy as np
      2 import torch
      3 import torch.nn as nn
      4 import torch.nn.functional as F
      5 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
      6 import os
      7 import time
      8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     10 np.random.seed(1)
     11 torch.manual_seed(1)
     13 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     14 # device = 'cpu'
     15 print('device:', device)
     16 device = torch.device(device)
     18 small = 50000
     19 training = True
     20 show_loss = True
     21 N_epoch = 10
     22 Batch_size = 256
     23 show_epoch = 1
     24 H = 128
     25 em_dim = 100
     26 lr = 1e-2
     27 fold=0
     28 net = 'BiLSTM'
     31 words = {}
     32 max_seq = 0
     34 label2idx = {'B': 0, 'I': 1, 'S': 2}
     35 idx2label = {0: 'B', 1: 'I', 2: 'S'}
     37 Sentences = []
     38 Sentences_label = []
     39 Sentences_origin = []
     41 with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     42     lines = f.readlines()
     43     print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     44     for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
     45         # print(line)
     46         line = line.split()
     47         tmp = []
     48         mmp = []
     49         for word in line:
     50             if len(word)==1:
     51                 mmp.append(label2idx['S'])
     52             else:
     53                 mmp.append(label2idx['B'])
     54                 for _ in range(1, len(word)):
     55                     mmp.append(label2idx['I'])
     57             for w in word:
     58                 if w in words:
     59                     words[w] += 1
     60                 else:
     61                     words[w] = 1
     62                 tmp.append(w)
     63         Sentences.append(tmp)
     64         Sentences_label.append(mmp)
     65         max_seq = max(max_seq, len(tmp))
     66         assert len(mmp)==len(tmp)
     67         # print(tmp)
     68         if idx > small:
     69             break
     71 Sentences.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
     72 Sentences_label.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
     73 # for sentence in Sentences:
     74 #     print(sentence)
     75 print('len(words):', len(words))
     76 # print(words)
     77 print('max_seq len:', max_seq)
     79 # print(words)
     80 word2index = {word: idx + 1 for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     81 indx2word = {idx + 1: word for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     84 voc_size = len(words) + 1
     85 word2index['<pad>'] = 0
     86 indx2word[0] = '<pad>'
     88 Sentences_idx, Sentences_len = [], []
     89 for sentence in Sentences:
     90     tmp=[]
     91     for w in sentence:
     92         tmp.append(word2index[w])
     93     Sentences_idx.append(torch.LongTensor(tmp))
     94     Sentences_len.append(len(tmp))
     95     # print(tmp)
     96 Sentences_idx = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(Sentences_idx,batch_first=True)
     97 # print('-' * 80)
     98 # print(Sentences_idx.size())
     99 # print(Sentences_idx)
    102 # print('-' * 80)
    103 Sentences_label_idx = []
    104 for i, sentences_label in enumerate(Sentences_label):
    105     tmp = torch.LongTensor(sentences_label)
    106     Sentences_label_idx.append(tmp)
    107     # print(Sentences[i])
    108     # # print(lines[i])
    109     # print(tmp)
    110     assert len(tmp) == len(Sentences[i])
    111 Sentences_label_idx = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(Sentences_label_idx,batch_first=True,padding_value=0)
    112 # print('Sentences_label_idx:')
    113 # print(Sentences_label_idx)
    115 # a = torch.tensor(1.0)
    116 # print(a)
    117 # print(a.size())
    118 class MyDataSet(Dataset):
    119     def __init__(self, data, lens, labels):
    120         self.data = data
    121         self.lens = lens
    122         self.labels = labels
    123     def __getitem__(self, idx):
    124         now_data = self.data[idx]
    125         now_len = self.lens[idx]
    126         now_mask = []
    127         now_label = self.labels[idx]
    128         for i in range(len(now_data)):
    129             t = 1.0 if i < now_len else 0.0
    130             now_mask.append(t)
    131         now_mask = torch.Tensor(now_mask)
    132         return now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label
    133     def __len__(self):
    134         return len(self.data)
    136 class FenCi_Zqx(nn.Module):
    137     def __init__(self, voc_size, em_dim, H):
    138         super(FenCi_Zqx, self).__init__()
    139         self.emd = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc_size,embedding_dim=em_dim)
    140         if net == 'LSTM':
    141             self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size=em_dim,hidden_size=H,num_layers=1,batch_first=True)
    142             self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=H,out_features=3)
    143         if net == 'BiLSTM':
    144             self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size=em_dim, hidden_size=H, num_layers=1, batch_first=True,bidirectional=True)
    145             self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=2*H, out_features=3)
    146     def forward(self, sentence, sentence_len=None, mask=None):
    147         emd = self.emd(sentence) #  (batch, seq_len, em_dim)
    148         all_h, (h, c) = self.rnn(emd) # LSTM: (batch, seq_len, H)   BiLSTM: (batch, seq_len, 2*H)
    149         # print('emd size:', emd.size())
    150         # print('all_h.size():', all_h.size())
    151         # out = all_h.view(-1, all_h.size(2))  # (batch * seq_len, H)
    152         out = self.linear(all_h).view(emd.size(0), emd.size(1), 3) # (batch, seq_len, 3)
    153         # print('out size:', out.size())
    154         return out
    156 Sentences_len = torch.Tensor(Sentences_len)
    157 train_idx = [i for i in range(len(Sentences_len)) if i % 5 == fold]
    158 test_idx = [i for i in range(len(Sentences_len)) if i % 5 != fold]
    159 print(train_idx, '
    ', test_idx)
    160 Train_Sentences_idx, Train_Sentences_len, Train_Sentences_label_idx = 
    161     Sentences_idx[train_idx], Sentences_len[train_idx], Sentences_label_idx[train_idx]
    162 Test_Sentences_idx, Test_Sentences_len, Test_Sentences_label_idx = 
    163     Sentences_idx[test_idx], Sentences_len[test_idx], Sentences_label_idx[test_idx]
    164 Train_data = MyDataSet(Train_Sentences_idx, Train_Sentences_len, Train_Sentences_label_idx)
    165 Train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=Train_data, batch_size=Batch_size, shuffle=True)
    166 Test_data = MyDataSet(Test_Sentences_idx, Test_Sentences_len, Test_Sentences_label_idx)
    167 Test_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=Test_data, batch_size=Batch_size, shuffle=False)
    169 model = FenCi_Zqx(voc_size=voc_size, em_dim=em_dim, H=H)
    170 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    171 opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
    174 print('Sentences_idx, Sentences_len, Sentences_label_idx shape')
    175 print(len(Sentences_idx), len(Sentences_len), len(Sentences_label_idx))
    176 print(Sentences_idx.size(), Sentences_len.size(), Sentences_label_idx.size())
    177 print(Sentences_idx.shape, Sentences_len.shape, Sentences_label_idx.shape)
    178 print('#' * 60)
    179 print(model)
    181 def valid(model):
    182     # model.to(device)
    183     # model.eval()
    184     with torch.no_grad():
    185         avg_loss = 0
    186         cnt=0
    187         for batch_step, (now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label) in enumerate(Test_data_loader):
    188             cnt += 1
    189             now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label = 
    190                 now_data.to(device), now_len.to(device), now_mask.to(device), now_label.to(device)
    191             out = model(now_data, now_len, now_mask)
    192             out = out.view(-1, 3)
    193             now_mask = now_mask.view(-1)
    194             now_label = now_label.view(-1)
    195             loss = loss_fn(out, now_label)
    196             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    197             # print(out.size(), now_label.size(), now_mask.size())
    198             loss = torch.mean(loss * now_mask)
    199             avg_loss += loss.item()
    200             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    201             # print('loss:', loss.item())
    203         avg_loss /= cnt
    204         return avg_loss
    207 def train(model):
    208     print('start training:')
    209     model.to(device)
    210     time_st_global = time.time()
    211     Train_loss,Valid_loss = [], []
    212     for epoch in range(N_epoch):
    213         time_st_epoch = time.time()
    214         avg_loss = 0
    215         cnt = 0
    216         for batch_step, (now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label) in enumerate(Train_data_loader):
    217             cnt += 1
    218             now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label = 
    219                 now_data.to(device), now_len.to(device), now_mask.to(device), now_label.to(device)
    220             out = model(now_data, now_len, now_mask)
    221             out = out.view(-1, 3)
    222             now_mask = now_mask.view(-1)
    223             now_label = now_label.view(-1)
    224             loss = loss_fn(out, now_label)
    225             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    226             # print(out.size(), now_label.size(), now_mask.size())
    227             loss = torch.mean(loss * now_mask)
    228             avg_loss += loss.item()
    229             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    230             # print('loss:', loss.item())
    232             opt.zero_grad()
    233             loss.backward()
    234             opt.step()
    235         avg_loss /= cnt
    236         valid_avg_loss = valid(model)
    237         print('#' * 80)
    238         print('epoch:{}, steps: {}, train avg loss: {} -- valid avg loss : {} '.format(epoch, cnt, avg_loss, valid_avg_loss))
    239         print('epoch time {:.2f} s, total time {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_st_epoch,
    240                                                                 time.time() - time_st_global))
    241         if len(Valid_loss)==0 or valid_avg_loss < min(Valid_loss):
    242             if not os.path.exists(check_path):
    243                 os.makedirs(check_path)
    244             torch.save(model.state_dict(), filepath)
    246         Train_loss.append(avg_loss)
    247         Valid_loss.append(valid_avg_loss)
    249     if show_loss:
    250         plt.figure()
    251         plt.plot(Train_loss,label='Train loss')
    252         plt.plot(Valid_loss, label='Valid loss')
    253         plt.legend()
    254         plt.savefig('Train_Valid_loss' + net + '.png')
    255         # plt.show()
    256     return model
    258         # break
    260 check_path = './Checkpoints/'
    261 filepath = check_path + 'p03_Fenci_state_dict_' + net + ' .pkl'
    263 if training:
    264     model = train(model)
    267 # 模型恢复
    268 model.load_state_dict(torch.load(filepath))
    271 test_words = [
    272     '我是中国人,我爱祖国',
    273     '独行侠队的球员们承诺每天为达拉斯地区奋战在抗疫一线的工作人员们提供餐食',
    274     '汤普森太爱打球,不能出场让他很煎熬',
    275     '这个赛季对克莱来说非常艰难,他太热爱打篮球了,无法上场让他很受打击。',
    276     '克莱和斯蒂芬会处在极佳的状态,准备好比赛。',
    277     '勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者'
    278 ]
    280 np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    281 model.cpu()
    282 model.eval()
    283 for word in test_words:
    284     print('-' * 80)
    285     print('test word : {}'.format(word))
    286     word_idx = [word2index[w] for w in word]
    287     word_idx = torch.LongTensor([word_idx])
    288     # print('word_idx.size():', word_idx.size())
    289     # word_idx.to(device)
    290     out = model(word_idx)
    291     # print('out.size():', out.size())
    292     out = out.squeeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy()
    293     # print('out.shape():', out.shape)
    294     # print(out)
    295     out_label = np.argmax(out, axis=1)
    296     # print(out_label)
    298     for i, w in enumerate(word):
    299         print('{} -> {} -> {}'.format(w, idx2label[out_label[i]], out_label[i]))
    301 print('end!!!')
    302 '''
    303 test word : 勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者
    304 勇 -> B -> 0
    305 士 -> I -> 1
    306 已 -> B -> 0
    307 经 -> I -> 1
    308 证 -> B -> 0
    309 明 -> I -> 1
    310 了 -> S -> 2
    311 他 -> S -> 2
    312 们 -> I -> 1
    313 也 -> S -> 2
    314 是 -> S -> 2
    315 一 -> S -> 2
    316 支 -> S -> 2
    317 历 -> B -> 0
    318 史 -> I -> 1
    319 级 -> B -> 0
    320 别 -> I -> 1
    321 的 -> S -> 2
    322 球 -> B -> 0
    323 队 -> I -> 1
    324 , -> S -> 2
    325 维 -> B -> 0
    326 金 -> I -> 1
    327 斯 -> I -> 1
    328 在 -> S -> 2
    329 稍 -> B -> 0
    330 强 -> B -> 0
    331 于 -> I -> 1
    332 巴 -> B -> 0
    333 恩 -> I -> 1
    334 斯 -> I -> 1
    335 的 -> S -> 2
    336 前 -> B -> 0
    337 提 -> I -> 1
    338 下 -> S -> 2
    339 , -> S -> 2
    340 仍 -> B -> 0
    341 然 -> I -> 1
    342 算 -> I -> 1
    343 得 -> I -> 1
    344 上 -> S -> 2
    345 是 -> S -> 2
    346 三 -> S -> 2
    347 号 -> S -> 2
    348 位 -> S -> 2
    349 上 -> B -> 0
    350 一 -> B -> 0
    351 位 -> S -> 2
    352 合 -> B -> 0
    353 格 -> I -> 1
    354 的 -> S -> 2
    355 替 -> B -> 0
    356 代 -> I -> 1
    357 者 -> I -> 1
    359 '''
    View Code



      1 import numpy as np
      2 import os
      3 import time
      4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      5 import torch
      6 import torch.nn as nn
      7 np.random.seed(1)
      9 small = 50000
     10 training = True
     11 show_loss = True
     12 N_epoch = 10
     13 Batch_size = 256
     14 show_epoch = 1
     15 H = 128
     16 em_dim = 100
     17 lr = 1e-2
     18 fold=5
     19 net = 'HMM'
     20 check_path = './Checkpoints/'
     21 filepath = check_path + 'p03_Fenci_state_dict_' + net + ' .pkl'
     23 words = {}
     24 max_seq = 0
     26 # label2idx = {'B': 0, 'I': 1, 'S': 2, 'BOS': 3, 'EOS': 4}
     27 # idx2label = {0: 'B', 1: 'I', 2: 'S', 3: 'BOS', 4: 'EOS'}
     29 Sentences = []
     30 Sentences_tag = []
     32 with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     33     lines = f.readlines()
     34     print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     35     for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
     36         # print(line)
     37         line = line.split()
     38         tmp = []
     39         mmp = []
     40         for word in line:
     41             if len(word)==1:
     42                 mmp.append('S')
     43             else:
     44                 mmp.append('B')
     45                 for _ in range(1, len(word)):
     46                     mmp.append('I')
     47             for w in word:
     48                 if w in words:
     49                     words[w] += 1
     50                 else:
     51                     words[w] = 1
     52                 tmp.append(w)
     53         Sentences.append(tmp)   # 存下以字单位的sentence
     54         Sentences_tag.append(mmp)  #存下每个sentence中每个字对应的BIS标签
     55         max_seq = max(max_seq, len(tmp))
     56         assert len(mmp)==len(tmp)
     57         assert len(tmp)> 0 # 判断是否存在空的sentence
     58         # print(tmp)
     59         if idx > small:
     60             break
     62 print('len(words):', len(words))
     63 print('max_seq len:', max_seq)
     65 for idx, sentence in enumerate(Sentences):
     66     print('-' * 80)
     67     print(sentence)
     68     print(Sentences_tag[idx])
     69     if idx > 5:
     70         break
     72 Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag = [], []
     73 Valid_Sentences, Valid_Sentences_tag = [], []
     74 for i in range(len(Sentences)):
     75     if i % fold:
     76         Train_Sentences.append(Sentences[i])
     77         Train_Sentences_tag.append(Sentences_tag[i])
     78     else:
     79         Valid_Sentences.append(Sentences[i])
     80         Valid_Sentences_tag.append(Sentences_tag[i])
     82 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
     84 def train(Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag):
     85     N = len(Train_Sentences)
     86     tag, tag2word, tag2tag = {}, {}, {}
     87     tag['BOS'] = N
     88     tag['EOS'] = N
     89     for i in range(N):
     90         sentence = Train_Sentences[i]
     91         sentence_tag = Train_Sentences_tag[i]
     92         n = len(sentence)
     93         assert len(sentence) == len(sentence_tag)
     94         assert n > 0
     95         if ('BOS', sentence_tag[0]) in tag2tag:
     96             tag2tag[('BOS', sentence_tag[0])] += 1
     97         else:
     98             tag2tag[('BOS', sentence_tag[0])] = 1
     99         if (sentence_tag[-1], 'EOS') in tag2tag:
    100             tag2tag[(sentence_tag[-1], 'EOS')] += 1
    101         else:
    102             tag2tag[(sentence_tag[-1], 'EOS')] = 1
    104         for i in range(n):
    105             tg, w = sentence_tag[i], sentence[i]
    106             if tg in tag:
    107                 tag[tg] += 1
    108             else:
    109                 tag[tg] = 1
    110             if (tg, w) in tag2word:
    111                 tag2word[(tg, w)] += 1
    112             else:
    113                 tag2word[(tg, w)] = 1
    115             if i < n - 1:
    116                 next_tg = sentence_tag[i + 1]
    117                 if (tg, next_tg) in tag2tag:
    118                     tag2tag[(tg, next_tg)] += 1
    119                 else:
    120                     tag2tag[(tg, next_tg)] = 1
    121     Prob_tag2tag, Prob_tag2word = {}, {}
    122     for tg1, tg2 in tag2tag.keys():
    123         Prob_tag2tag[(tg1, tg2)] = 0.0 + tag2tag[(tg1, tg2)] / tag[tg1]
    124     for tg, w in tag2word.keys():
    125         Prob_tag2word[(tg, w)] = 0.0 + tag2word[(tg, w)] / tag[tg]
    126     # print('tag:{} 
    '.format(tag, tag2word, tag2tag))
    127     print('tag:{} 
    '.format(len(tag), len(tag2word), len(tag2tag)))
    128     # print('
    '.format(Prob_tag2word, Prob_tag2tag))
    129     print('
    '.format(len(Prob_tag2word), len(Prob_tag2tag)))
    130     return tag, tag2word, tag2tag, Prob_tag2tag, Prob_tag2word
    131 Tag, Tag2word, Tag2tag, Prob_tag2tag, Prob_tag2word = train(Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag)
    133 def predict_tag(sentence, True_sentence_tag=None):
    134     n = len(sentence)
    135     tags = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'BOS', 'EOS']
    136     dp = [{'B': 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'S': 0.0, 'BOS': 0.0, 'EOS': 0.0} for _ in range(n + 1)]
    137     pre_tag = [{'B': None, 'I': None, 'S': None, 'BOS': None, 'EOS': None} for _ in range(n + 1)]
    138     for t in range(n):
    139         w = sentence[t]
    140         # print('w:', w)
    141         for tg in tags:
    142             prob_tag2word = 1e-9 if (tg, w) not in Prob_tag2word else Prob_tag2word[(tg, w)]
    143             if t == 0:
    144                 prob_tag2tag = 1e-9 if ('BOS', tg) not in Prob_tag2tag else Prob_tag2tag[('BOS', tg)]
    145                 dp[t][tg] = np.log(prob_tag2tag) + np.log(prob_tag2word)
    146                 pre_tag[t][tg] = 'BOS'
    147             else:
    148                 max_prob = None
    149                 best_pre_tag = None
    150                 for pre_tg in tags:
    151                     prob_tag2tag = 1e-9 if (pre_tg, tg) not in Prob_tag2tag else Prob_tag2tag[(pre_tg, tg)]
    152                     tmp = dp[t - 1][pre_tg] + np.log(prob_tag2tag) + np.log(prob_tag2word)
    153                     if max_prob == None or max_prob < tmp:
    154                         max_prob = tmp
    155                         best_pre_tag = pre_tg
    156                 dp[t][tg] = max_prob
    157                 pre_tag[t][tg] = best_pre_tag
    159     max_prob = None
    160     best_pre_tag = None
    161     tg = 'EOS'
    162     for pre_tg in tags:
    163         prob_tag2tag = 1e-9 if (pre_tg, tg) not in Prob_tag2tag else Prob_tag2tag[(pre_tg, tg)]
    164         tmp = dp[n - 1][pre_tg] + np.log(prob_tag2tag)
    165         if max_prob == None or max_prob < tmp:
    166             max_prob = tmp
    167             best_pre_tag = pre_tg
    168     dp[n][tg] = max_prob
    169     pre_tag[n][tg] = best_pre_tag
    171     ans_tag = []
    172     t = n
    174     # print('#' * 80)
    175     # print('sentence:', sentence)
    176     # print('True sentence tag:', True_sentence_tag)
    177     # print('len(sentence):', len(sentence))
    178     # print('n:', n)
    179     if True_sentence_tag is not None:
    180         True_sentence_tag.append('EOS')
    181     sss = sentence + ['END']
    182     while pre_tag[t][tg] is not None:
    183         if True_sentence_tag is None:
    184             # print('t: {}, pre_tag[t][tg]: {} -> tg: {} -- word:{}'.format(
    185             #     t,  pre_tag[t][tg], tg, sss[t]))
    186             pass
    187         else:
    188             assert len(True_sentence_tag) == n + 1, (n, len(True_sentence_tag))
    189             print('t: {}, pre_tag[t][tg]: {} -> tg: {}  -- True tag: {}, -- word: {}'.format(
    190                 t, pre_tag[t][tg], tg, True_sentence_tag[t], sss[t]))
    192         ans_tag = [pre_tag[t][tg]] + ans_tag
    193         tg = pre_tag[t][tg]
    194         t = t - 1
    196     return ans_tag[1:]  # 去掉BOS
    198 # predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=Sentences_tag[0])
    199 predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    202 def fenci_example():
    204     test_sentences = [
    205         '我是中国人,我爱祖国',
    206         '独行侠队的球员们承诺每天为达拉斯地区奋战在抗疫一线的工作人员们提供餐食',
    207         '汤普森太爱打球,不能出场让他很煎熬',
    208         '这个赛季对克莱来说非常艰难,他太热爱打篮球了,无法上场让他很受打击。',
    209         '克莱和斯蒂芬会处在极佳的状态,准备好比赛。',
    210         '勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者'
    211     ]
    213     np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    215     for sentence in test_sentences:
    216         print('-' * 80)
    217         print('test word : {}'.format(sentence))
    218         sentence = [w for w in sentence]
    219         sentence_tag = predict_tag(sentence)
    220         # predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    221         for i, w in enumerate(sentence):
    222             print('{} -> {}'.format(w, sentence_tag[i]))
    223 fenci_example()
    225 print('end!!!')
    226 '''
    227 test word : 克莱和斯蒂芬会处在极佳的状态,准备好比赛。
    228 克 -> B
    229 莱 -> I
    230 和 -> S
    231 斯 -> B
    232 蒂 -> I
    233 芬 -> I
    234 会 -> S
    235 处 -> B
    236 在 -> I
    237 极 -> B
    238 佳 -> I
    239 的 -> S
    240 状 -> B
    241 态 -> I
    242 , -> S
    243 准 -> B
    244 备 -> I
    245 好 -> S
    246 比 -> B
    247 赛 -> I
    248 。 -> S
    249 '''
    View Code

      CRF分词, ps:只训练了一个epoch,不知道为什么,中间梯度爆炸了, 后来查了下,应该要用logsumexp函数,见我写的 CRF layer

      1 import numpy as np
      2 import os
      3 import time
      4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      5 import torch
      6 import torch.nn as nn
      7 np.random.seed(1)
      9 small = 50000
     10 training = True
     11 show_loss = True
     12 show_acc = True
     13 reused_W = False
     14 N_epoch = 1
     15 Batch_size = 256
     16 show_epoch = 10
     17 H = 128
     18 em_dim = 100
     19 lr = 1e-2
     20 fold=5
     21 net = 'HMM'
     22 check_path = './Checkpoints/'
     23 filepath = check_path + 'W_crf.npy'
     24 regulization = 0
     26 words = {}
     27 max_seq = 0
     29 # label2idx = {'B': 0, 'I': 1, 'S': 2, 'BOS': 3, 'EOS': 4}
     30 # idx2label = {0: 'B', 1: 'I', 2: 'S', 3: 'BOS', 4: 'EOS'}
     31 tag_num = 5
     32 Sentences = []
     33 Sentences_tag = []
     35 with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     36     lines = f.readlines()
     37     print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     38     for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
     39         # print(line)
     40         line = line.split()
     41         tmp = []
     42         mmp = []
     43         for word in line:
     44             if len(word)==1:
     45                 mmp.append('S')
     46             else:
     47                 mmp.append('B')
     48                 for _ in range(1, len(word)):
     49                     mmp.append('I')
     50             for w in word:
     51                 if w in words:
     52                     words[w] += 1
     53                 else:
     54                     words[w] = 1
     55                 tmp.append(w)
     56         Sentences.append(tmp)   # 存下以字单位的sentence
     57         Sentences_tag.append(mmp)  #存下每个sentence中每个字对应的BIS标签
     58         max_seq = max(max_seq, len(tmp))
     59         assert len(mmp)==len(tmp)
     60         assert len(tmp)> 0 # 判断是否存在空的sentence
     61         # print(tmp)
     62         if idx > small:
     63             break
     65 print('len(words):', len(words))
     66 print('max_seq len:', max_seq)
     68 for idx, sentence in enumerate(Sentences):
     69     print('-' * 80)
     70     print(sentence)
     71     print(Sentences_tag[idx])
     72     if idx > 5:
     73         break
     75 Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag = [], []
     76 Valid_Sentences, Valid_Sentences_tag = [], []
     77 for i in range(len(Sentences)):
     78     if i % fold:
     79         Train_Sentences.append(Sentences[i])
     80         Train_Sentences_tag.append(Sentences_tag[i])
     81     else:
     82         Valid_Sentences.append(Sentences[i])
     83         Valid_Sentences_tag.append(Sentences_tag[i])
     85 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
     87 def predict_tag(W, feat_pair2idx, sentence, True_sentence_tag=None):
     88     n = len(sentence)
     89     tags = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'BOS', 'EOS']
     90     dp = [{'B': 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'S': 0.0, 'BOS': 0.0, 'EOS': 0.0} for _ in range(n + 1)]
     91     pre_tag = [{'B': None, 'I': None, 'S': None, 'BOS': None, 'EOS': None} for _ in range(n + 1)]
     92     for t in range(n):
     93         w = sentence[t]
     94         # print('w:', w)
     95         for tg in tags:
     96             feat_tag2word = -1e9 if (tg, w) not in feat_pair2idx else W[feat_pair2idx[(tg, w)]]
     97             if t == 0:
     98                 feat_tag2tag = -1e9 if ('BOS', tg) not in feat_pair2idx else W[feat_pair2idx[('BOS', tg)]]
     99                 dp[t][tg] = feat_tag2word + feat_tag2tag
    100                 pre_tag[t][tg] = 'BOS'
    101             else:
    102                 max_prob = None
    103                 best_pre_tag = None
    104                 for pre_tg in tags:
    105                     feat_tag2tag = -1e9 if (pre_tg, tg) not in feat_pair2idx else W[feat_pair2idx[(pre_tg, tg)]]
    106                     tmp = dp[t - 1][pre_tg] + feat_tag2tag + feat_tag2word
    107                     if max_prob == None or max_prob < tmp:
    108                         max_prob = tmp
    109                         best_pre_tag = pre_tg
    110                 dp[t][tg] = max_prob
    111                 pre_tag[t][tg] = best_pre_tag
    113     max_prob = None
    114     best_pre_tag = None
    115     tg = 'EOS'
    116     for pre_tg in tags:
    117         feat_tag2tag = -1e9 if (pre_tg, tg) not in feat_pair2idx else W[feat_pair2idx[(pre_tg, tg)]]
    118         tmp = dp[n - 1][pre_tg] + feat_tag2tag
    119         if max_prob == None or max_prob < tmp:
    120             max_prob = tmp
    121             best_pre_tag = pre_tg
    122     dp[n][tg] = max_prob
    123     pre_tag[n][tg] = best_pre_tag
    125     ans_tag = []
    126     t = n
    128     # print('#' * 80)
    129     # print('sentence:', sentence)
    130     # print('True sentence tag:', True_sentence_tag)
    131     # print('len(sentence):', len(sentence))
    132     # print('n:', n)
    134     if True_sentence_tag is not None:
    135         True_sentence_tag.append('EOS')
    136     sss = sentence + ['END']
    137     while pre_tag[t][tg] is not None:
    138         if True_sentence_tag is None:
    139             # print('t: {}, pre_tag[t][tg]: {} -> tg: {} -- word:{}'.format(
    140             #     t,  pre_tag[t][tg], tg, sss[t]))
    141             pass
    142         else:
    143             assert len(True_sentence_tag) == n + 1, (n, len(True_sentence_tag))
    144             print('t: {}, pre_tag[t][tg]: {} -> tg: {}  -- True tag: {}, -- word: {}'.format(
    145                 t, pre_tag[t][tg], tg, True_sentence_tag[t], sss[t]))
    147         ans_tag = [pre_tag[t][tg]] + ans_tag
    148         tg = pre_tag[t][tg]
    149         t = t - 1
    151     return ans_tag[1:]  # 去掉BOS
    154 def cal_grad_w(W, feat_pair2idx, feat_num, xn, yn):
    155     """
    156     O(W, xn, yn) = log p(yn|xn) = log exp(W Phi(xn, yn)) / Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y'))
    157         =W Phi(xn, yn) - log Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y'))
    158         = W Phi(xn, yn) - log Z(xn)
    159     W_grad = Phi(xn, yn) - 1 / Z(xn)  * Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y')) Phi(xn, y')
    160     然后利用viterbi算法进行求解,实际上就是 O( 序列长度 * tag种类数 ** 2)的动态规划算法
    161     我们用到两个东西:
    162         1. Z_i(t):表示t时刻为止,tag是i的所有路径的概率之和,
    163                 i.e.,  Sigma exp(W Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))) 且y(t) = tag i
    164         2. P_i(t): 表示t时刻为止,tag是i的所有路径的【加权】(Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t)))概率之和,
    165                 i.e.,  Sigma exp(W Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))) Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))
    166     具体状态转移方程见代码, 关键是
    167         P_i(t + 1) = exp(W Phi(xn(1:t+1), y'(1:t+1))) Phi(xn(1:t+1), y'(1:t+1))
    168             = exp(W Phi_t) exp (W delta_Phi) * (Phi_t +delta_Phi)
    169             =  Sigma_{y'(t)}  (exp(W Phi_t)Phi_t + delta_Phi) * exp (W delta_Phi)
    170         Z_i(t + 1) = Sigma_{y'(t)} Z_i(t) * exp (W delta_Phi)
    171     为了数值稳定,可以用log_P和log_Z进行更新
    172     如果看不懂上面,可以参考下面的链接(可能还是比较模糊),最好自己推导一边
    173     链接1:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42189083/article/details/89350890
    174     链接2:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30014549/article/details/52850638
    175     """
    176     tags = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'BOS', 'EOS']
    177     Phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    178     pre_P = np.zeros(shape=[5, feat_num])
    179     pre_Z = np.zeros(shape=[5,])
    180     n = len(xn)
    182     pre_tag = 'BOS'
    183     for i in range(n):
    184         word, tag = xn[i], yn[i]
    185         tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[(pre_tag, tag)]
    186         tag2word_id = feat_pair2idx[(tag, word)]
    187         Phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    188         Phi[tag2word_id] += 1
    189         pre_tag = tag
    191     for i in range(n):
    192         word = xn[i]
    194         P = np.zeros(shape=[5, feat_num])
    195         Z = np.zeros(shape=[5, ])
    196         flag = 0
    197         for j, tag in enumerate(tags):
    198             for k, pre_tag in enumerate(tags):
    199                 if i==0 and pre_tag != 'BOS':
    200                     continue
    201                 deta_phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    202                 tag2tag = (pre_tag, tag)
    203                 tag2word = (tag, word)
    204                 if tag2tag not in feat_pair2idx:
    205                     continue
    206                 if tag2word not in feat_pair2idx:
    207                     continue
    208                 flag = 1
    209                 tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2tag]
    210                 tag2word_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2word]
    211                 deta_phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    212                 deta_phi[tag2word_id] += 1
    214                 # exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(np.sum(W * deta_phi))
    215                 exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(W[tag2tag_id] + W[tag2word_id])
    217                 if i == 0 and pre_tag == 'BOS':
    218                     pre_Z[k] = 1
    219                 P[j] += (pre_P[k] + pre_Z[k] * deta_phi) * exp_w_delta_phi
    220                 Z[j] += pre_Z[k] * exp_w_delta_phi
    222                 # print('P[j, tag2tag_id]:{}, P[j, tag2word_id]:{}'.format(P[j, tag2tag_id], P[j, tag2word_id]))
    223         pre_P = P.copy()
    224         pre_Z = Z.copy()
    225         # print('word: {}, flag: {}'.format(word, flag))
    227     P = np.zeros(shape=[feat_num, ])
    228     Z = 0.0
    229     tag = 'EOS'
    230     for k, pre_tag in enumerate(tags):
    231         deta_phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    232         tag2tag = (pre_tag, tag)
    233         if tag2tag not in feat_pair2idx:
    234             continue
    235         tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2tag]
    236         deta_phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    237         # exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(np.sum(W * deta_phi))
    238         exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(W[tag2tag_id])
    240         P += (pre_P[k] + pre_Z[k] * deta_phi) * exp_w_delta_phi
    241         Z += pre_Z[k] * exp_w_delta_phi
    242     # print('pre_P: {}
    pre_Z: {}
    '.format(pre_P, pre_Z))
    243     # print('sum(Phi): {}
    Z:{}'.format(np.sum(Phi), P, Z))
    244     # print('WPhi: {}, exp(WPhi):{}'.format(np.sum(W * Phi), np.exp(np.sum(W * Phi))))
    245     # print('Phi - P / Z:', Phi - P / Z)
    246     W_grad = Phi - P / Z
    247     return - W_grad + regulization * W
    249 def cal_grad_w_log_version(W, feat_pair2idx, feat_num, xn, yn):
    250     """
    251     O(W, xn, yn) = log p(yn|xn) = log exp(W Phi(xn, yn)) / Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y'))
    252         =W Phi(xn, yn) - log Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y'))
    253         = W Phi(xn, yn) - log Z(xn)
    254     W_grad = Phi(xn, yn) - 1 / Z(xn)  * Sigma exp(W Phi(xn, y')) Phi(xn, y')
    255     然后利用viterbi算法进行求解,实际上就是 O( 序列长度 * tag种类数 ** 2)的动态规划算法
    256     我们用到两个东西:
    257         1. Z_i(t):表示t时刻为止,tag是i的所有路径的概率之和,
    258                 i.e.,  Sigma exp(W Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))) 且y(t) = tag i
    259         2. P_i(t): 表示t时刻为止,tag是i的所有路径的【加权】(Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t)))概率之和,
    260                 i.e.,  Sigma exp(W Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))) Phi(xn(1:t), y'(1:t))
    261     具体状态转移方程见代码, 关键是
    262         P_i(t + 1) = exp(W Phi(xn(1:t+1), y'(1:t+1))) Phi(xn(1:t+1), y'(1:t+1))
    263             = exp(W Phi_t) exp (W delta_Phi) * (Phi_t +delta_Phi)
    264             =  Sigma_{y'(t)}  (exp(W Phi_t)Phi_t + delta_Phi) * exp (W delta_Phi)
    265         Z_i(t + 1) = Sigma_{y'(t)} Z_i(t) * exp (W delta_Phi)
    266     为了数值稳定,可以用log_P和log_Z进行更新
    267     如果看不懂上面,可以参考下面的链接(可能还是比较模糊),最好自己推导一边
    268     链接1:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42189083/article/details/89350890
    269     链接2:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30014549/article/details/52850638
    270     """
    271     tags = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'BOS', 'EOS']
    272     Phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    273     log_pre_P = np.zeros(shape=[5, feat_num])
    274     log_pre_Z = np.zeros(shape=[5,])
    275     n = len(xn)
    277     pre_tag = 'BOS'
    278     for i in range(n):
    279         word, tag = xn[i], yn[i]
    280         tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[(pre_tag, tag)]
    281         tag2word_id = feat_pair2idx[(tag, word)]
    282         Phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    283         Phi[tag2word_id] += 1
    284         pre_tag = tag
    286     for i in range(n):
    287         word = xn[i]
    289         log_P = np.zeros(shape=[5, feat_num]) + 1e-9
    290         log_Z = np.zeros(shape=[5, ]) + 1e-9
    291         flag = 0
    292         for j, tag in enumerate(tags):
    293             for k, pre_tag in enumerate(tags):
    294                 if i==0 and pre_tag != 'BOS':
    295                     continue
    296                 deta_phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    297                 tag2tag = (pre_tag, tag)
    298                 tag2word = (tag, word)
    299                 if tag2tag not in feat_pair2idx:
    300                     continue
    301                 if tag2word not in feat_pair2idx:
    302                     continue
    303                 flag = 1
    304                 tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2tag]
    305                 tag2word_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2word]
    306                 deta_phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    307                 deta_phi[tag2word_id] += 1
    309                 # exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(np.sum(W * deta_phi))
    310                 exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(W[tag2tag_id] + W[tag2word_id])
    312                 if i == 0 and pre_tag == 'BOS':
    313                     log_pre_Z[k] = 0
    314                 log_P[j] += (np.exp(log_pre_P[k]) + np.exp(log_pre_Z[k]) * deta_phi) * exp_w_delta_phi
    315                 log_Z[j] += np.exp(log_pre_Z[k]) * exp_w_delta_phi
    317                 # print('P[j, tag2tag_id]:{}, P[j, tag2word_id]:{}'.format(log_P[j, tag2tag_id], log_P[j, tag2word_id]))
    318         log_P = np.log(log_P)
    319         log_Z = np.log(log_Z)
    320         log_pre_P = log_P.copy()
    321         log_pre_Z = log_Z.copy()
    322         # print('word: {}, flag: {}'.format(word, flag))
    324     log_P = np.zeros(shape=[feat_num, ])
    325     log_Z = 0.0
    326     tag = 'EOS'
    327     for k, pre_tag in enumerate(tags):
    328         deta_phi = np.zeros(feat_num)
    329         tag2tag = (pre_tag, tag)
    330         if tag2tag not in feat_pair2idx:
    331             continue
    332         tag2tag_id = feat_pair2idx[tag2tag]
    333         deta_phi[tag2tag_id] += 1
    334         # exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(np.sum(W * deta_phi))
    335         exp_w_delta_phi = np.exp(W[tag2tag_id])
    337         log_P += (np.exp(log_pre_P[k]) + np.exp(log_pre_Z[k]) * deta_phi) * exp_w_delta_phi
    338         log_Z += np.exp(log_pre_Z[k]) * exp_w_delta_phi
    339     # print('pre_P: {}
    pre_Z: {}
    '.format(pre_P, pre_Z))
    340     # print('sum(Phi): {}
    Z:{}'.format(np.sum(Phi), P, Z))
    341     # print('WPhi: {}, exp(WPhi):{}'.format(np.sum(W * Phi), np.exp(np.sum(W * Phi))))
    342     # print('Phi - P / Z:', Phi - P / Z)
    343     W_grad = Phi - log_P / log_Z
    344     return - W_grad + regulization * W
    346 def evaluate(W, feat_pair2idx, Sentences_, Sentences_tag_):
    347     cnt_correct_tag, cnt_total_tag = 0.0, 0.0
    348     for i, sentence in enumerate(Sentences_):
    349         sentence_tag = Sentences_tag_[i]
    350         sentence_tag_pred = predict_tag(W, feat_pair2idx, sentence)
    351         assert len(sentence_tag) == len(sentence_tag_pred)
    352         # predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    353         # print('sentence_tag == sentence_tag_pred:', [sentence_tag[_] == sentence_tag_pred[_] for _ in range(len(sentence))])
    354         cnt_correct_tag += np.sum([sentence_tag[_] == sentence_tag_pred[_] for _ in range(len(sentence))])
    355         cnt_total_tag += len(sentence)
    356         # for j, w in enumerate(sentence):
    357         #     print('w:{} -> true_tag:{} -> pred_tag:{}'.format(w, sentence_tag[j], sentence_tag_pred[j]))
    358         # break
    359     acc = cnt_correct_tag / cnt_total_tag
    360     # print('cnt_correct_tag, cnt_total_tag:', cnt_correct_tag, cnt_total_tag)
    361     # print('acc:', acc)
    362     return acc
    364 def train(Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag):
    365     '''
    366     :param Train_Sentences:
    367     :param Train_Sentences_tag:
    368     p(Sentences_tag, Sentences) ~  exp(w^T f(Sentences_tag, Sentences)), w是待train的权重,f是特征函数
    369     :return:
    370     '''
    371     N = len(Train_Sentences)
    372     def get_feature_dict():
    373         feat_pair2idx = {}
    374         feat_idx2pair = {}
    375         feat_num = 0
    376         for i in range(N):
    377             sentence = Train_Sentences[i]
    378             sentence_tag = Train_Sentences_tag[i]
    379             n = len(sentence)
    380             pre_tg = 'BOS'
    381             for i in range(n):
    382                 tg, w = sentence_tag[i], sentence[i]
    383                 if (tg, w) not in feat_pair2idx:
    384                     feat_pair2idx[(tg, w)] = feat_num
    385                     feat_idx2pair[feat_num] = (tg, w)
    386                     feat_num += 1
    387                 if (pre_tg, tg) not in feat_pair2idx:
    388                     feat_pair2idx[(pre_tg, tg)] = feat_num
    389                     feat_idx2pair[feat_num] = (pre_tg, tg)
    390                     feat_num += 1
    391                 pre_tg = tg
    392             tg = 'EOS'
    393             if (pre_tg, tg) not in feat_pair2idx:
    394                 feat_pair2idx[(pre_tg, tg)] = feat_num
    395                 feat_idx2pair[feat_num] = (pre_tg, tg)
    396                 feat_num += 1
    397         return feat_pair2idx, feat_idx2pair, feat_num
    399     feat_pair2idx, feat_idx2pair, feat_num = get_feature_dict()
    400     print('{}
    '.format(feat_pair2idx, feat_idx2pair, feat_num))
    402     if reused_W:
    403         W = np.load(filepath)
    404     else:
    405         W = np.random.normal(0, scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(feat_num), size=[feat_num, ])
    406     # tag, tag2word, tag2tag = {}, {}, {}
    407     # tag['BOS'] = N
    408     # tag['EOS'] = N
    409     Train_Acc, Valid_Acc = [], []
    410     time_global = time.time()
    411     for epoch in range(N_epoch):
    412         time_epoch = time.time()
    413         s = '###'
    415         for i in range(N):
    416             if i % (N // 10)==0:
    417                 s_out = s * (i // (N // 10)) + '{}/{} running this epoch time used: {:.2f}'.format(i, N, time.time() - time_epoch)
    418                 if i // (N // 10) == 10:
    419                     print(s_out, end="", flush=False)
    420                 else:
    421                     print(s_out, end="
    ", flush=True)
    422             sentence = Train_Sentences[i]
    423             sentence_tag = Train_Sentences_tag[i]
    424             n = len(sentence)
    425             assert len(sentence) == len(sentence_tag)
    426             assert n > 0
    427             W_grad = cal_grad_w(W, feat_pair2idx, feat_num, xn=sentence, yn=sentence_tag)
    428             # W_grad = cal_grad_w_log_version(W, feat_pair2idx, feat_num, xn=sentence, yn=sentence_tag)
    430             W -= lr * W_grad
    431         train_acc = evaluate(W, feat_pair2idx, Sentences_=Train_Sentences, Sentences_tag_=Train_Sentences_tag)
    432         valid_acc = evaluate(W, feat_pair2idx, Sentences_=Valid_Sentences, Sentences_tag_=Valid_Sentences_tag)
    433         Train_Acc.append(train_acc)
    434         Valid_Acc.append(valid_acc)
    435         print('
    epoch: {}, epoch time: {}, global time: {}, train acc: {}, valid acc: {}'.format(
    436             epoch, time.time() - time_epoch, time.time() - time_global, train_acc, valid_acc))
    438     if show_acc:
    439         plt.figure()
    440         plt.title('regulization: {}'.format(regulization))
    441         plt.plot(Train_Acc, label='Train Acc')
    442         plt.plot(Valid_Acc, label='Valid Acc')
    446     return W, feat_pair2idx
    448 REG = [0, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30]
    449 for reg in REG:
    450     regulization = reg
    451     W, feat_pair2idx = train(Train_Sentences, Train_Sentences_tag)
    452     break
    453 plt.show()
    454 if not os.path.exists(check_path):
    455     os.makedirs(check_path)
    456 np.save(filepath, W)
    458 # predict_tag(W, feat_pair2idx, sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    460 predict_tag(W, feat_pair2idx, sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=Sentences_tag[0])
    461 # predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    464 def fenci_example(W, feat_pair2idx):
    466     test_sentences = [
    467         '我是中国人,我爱祖国',
    468         '独行侠队的球员们承诺每天为达拉斯地区奋战在抗疫一线的工作人员们提供餐食',
    469         '汤普森太爱打球,不能出场让他很煎熬',
    470         '这个赛季对克莱来说非常艰难,他太热爱打篮球了,无法上场让他很受打击。',
    471         '克莱和斯蒂芬会处在极佳的状态,准备好比赛。',
    472         '勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者'
    473     ]
    475     np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    477     for sentence in test_sentences:
    478         print('-' * 80)
    479         print('test word : {}'.format(sentence))
    480         sentence = [w for w in sentence]
    481         sentence_tag = predict_tag(W, feat_pair2idx, sentence)
    482         # predict_tag(sentence=Sentences[0], True_sentence_tag=None)
    483         for i, w in enumerate(sentence):
    484             print('{} -> {}'.format(w, sentence_tag[i]))
    486 fenci_example(W, feat_pair2idx)
    488 print('end!!!')
    489 '''
    490 test word : 独行侠队的球员们承诺每天为达拉斯地区奋战在抗疫一线的工作人员们提供餐食
    491 独 -> B
    492 行 -> I
    493 侠 -> B
    494 队 -> I
    495 的 -> S
    496 球 -> B
    497 员 -> I
    498 们 -> I
    499 承 -> B
    500 诺 -> I
    501 每 -> B
    502 天 -> I
    503 为 -> B
    504 达 -> I
    505 拉 -> B
    506 斯 -> I
    507 地 -> B
    508 区 -> I
    509 奋 -> B
    510 战 -> I
    511 在 -> S
    512 抗 -> B
    513 疫 -> I
    514 一 -> B
    515 线 -> I
    516 的 -> S
    517 工 -> B
    518 作 -> I
    519 人 -> S
    520 员 -> B
    521 们 -> I
    522 提 -> B
    523 供 -> I
    524 餐 -> B
    525 食 -> I
    526 '''
    View Code

       BILSTM+CRF, PS:为了实现方便,没有加start和end的转移分数权重

      1 import numpy as np
      2 import torch
      3 import torch.nn as nn
      4 import torch.nn.functional as F
      5 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
      6 import os
      7 import time
      8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      9 from p03_CRF_layer import CRF_zqx
     10 # from CRF_official import CRF as CRF_zqx
     12 np.random.seed(1)
     13 torch.manual_seed(1)
     14 np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=3)
     15 device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
     16 # device = 'cpu'
     17 print('device:', device)
     18 device = torch.device(device)
     20 small = 50
     21 training = True
     22 show_loss = True
     23 N_epoch = 5
     24 Batch_size = 64
     25 show_epoch = 1
     26 H = 128
     27 em_dim = 100
     28 lr = 1e-2
     29 fold=0
     30 net = 'BiLSTM_CRF'
     31 tag_num = 3
     33 words = {}
     34 max_seq = 0
     36 label2idx = {'B': 0, 'I': 1, 'S': 2}
     37 idx2label = {0: 'B', 1: 'I', 2: 'S'}
     39 Sentences = []
     40 Sentences_label = []
     41 Sentences_origin = []
     43 with open('zhihu.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
     44     lines = f.readlines()
     45     print('len(lines):', len(lines))
     46     for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
     47         # print(line)
     48         line = line.split()
     49         tmp = []
     50         mmp = []
     51         for word in line:
     52             if len(word)==1:
     53                 mmp.append(label2idx['S'])
     54             else:
     55                 mmp.append(label2idx['B'])
     56                 for _ in range(1, len(word)):
     57                     mmp.append(label2idx['I'])
     59             for w in word:
     60                 if w in words:
     61                     words[w] += 1
     62                 else:
     63                     words[w] = 1
     64                 tmp.append(w)
     65         Sentences.append(tmp)
     66         Sentences_label.append(mmp)
     67         max_seq = max(max_seq, len(tmp))
     68         assert len(mmp)==len(tmp)
     69         # print(tmp)
     70         if idx > small:
     71             break
     74 Sentences.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
     75 Sentences_label.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
     76 # for sentence in Sentences:
     77 #     print(sentence)
     78 print('len(words):', len(words))
     79 # print(words)
     80 print('max_seq len:', max_seq)
     82 # print(words)
     83 word2index = {word: idx + 1 for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     84 indx2word = {idx + 1: word for idx, word in enumerate(words.keys())}
     87 voc_size = len(words) + 1
     88 word2index['<pad>'] = 0
     89 indx2word[0] = '<pad>'
     91 Sentences_idx, Sentences_len = [], []
     92 for sentence in Sentences:
     93     tmp=[]
     94     for w in sentence:
     95         tmp.append(word2index[w])
     96     Sentences_idx.append(torch.LongTensor(tmp))
     97     Sentences_len.append(len(tmp))
     98     # print(tmp)
     99 Sentences_idx = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(Sentences_idx,batch_first=True)
    100 # print('-' * 80)
    101 # print(Sentences_idx.size())
    102 # print(Sentences_idx)
    105 # print('-' * 80)
    106 Sentences_label_idx = []
    107 for i, sentences_label in enumerate(Sentences_label):
    108     tmp = torch.LongTensor(sentences_label)
    109     Sentences_label_idx.append(tmp)
    110     # print(Sentences[i])
    111     # # print(lines[i])
    112     # print(tmp)
    113     assert len(tmp) == len(Sentences[i])
    114 Sentences_label_idx = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(Sentences_label_idx,batch_first=True,padding_value=0)
    115 # print('Sentences_label_idx:')
    116 # print(Sentences_label_idx)
    118 # a = torch.tensor(1.0)
    119 # print(a)
    120 # print(a.size())
    121 class MyDataSet(Dataset):
    122     def __init__(self, data, lens, labels):
    123         self.data = data
    124         self.lens = lens
    125         self.labels = labels
    126     def __getitem__(self, idx):
    127         now_data = self.data[idx]
    128         now_len = self.lens[idx]
    129         now_mask = []
    130         now_label = self.labels[idx]
    131         for i in range(len(now_data)):
    132             t = 1.0 if i < now_len else 0.0
    133             now_mask.append(t)
    134         now_mask = torch.Tensor(now_mask)
    135         # now_mask = torch.BoolTensor(now_mask)  #用官方CRF的格式要求
    136         return now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label
    137     def __len__(self):
    138         return len(self.data)
    140 class FenCi_Zqx(nn.Module):
    141     def __init__(self, voc_size, em_dim, H):
    142         super(FenCi_Zqx, self).__init__()
    143         self.emd = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=voc_size,embedding_dim=em_dim)
    144         if net == 'LSTM':
    145             self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size=em_dim,hidden_size=H,num_layers=1,batch_first=True)
    146             self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=H,out_features=3)
    147         if 'BiLSTM' in net:
    148             self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size=em_dim, hidden_size=H, num_layers=1, batch_first=True,bidirectional=True)
    149             self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=2*H, out_features=3)
    150         self.loss_fn = CRF_zqx(tag_num=tag_num)
    151     def forward(self, sentence, sentence_len=None, mask=None):
    152         emd = self.emd(sentence) #  (batch, seq_len, em_dim)
    153         all_h, (h, c) = self.rnn(emd) # LSTM: (batch, seq_len, H)   BiLSTM: (batch, seq_len, 2*H)
    154         # print('emd size:', emd.size())
    155         # print('all_h.size():', all_h.size())
    156         # out = all_h.view(-1, all_h.size(2))  # (batch * seq_len, H)
    157         out = self.linear(all_h).view(emd.size(0), emd.size(1), 3) # (batch, seq_len, 3)
    158         # print('out size:', out.size())
    159         return out
    161 Sentences_len = torch.Tensor(Sentences_len)
    162 train_idx = [i for i in range(len(Sentences_len)) if i % 5 == fold]
    163 test_idx = [i for i in range(len(Sentences_len)) if i % 5 != fold]
    164 print(train_idx, '
    ', test_idx)
    165 Train_Sentences_idx, Train_Sentences_len, Train_Sentences_label_idx = 
    166     Sentences_idx[train_idx], Sentences_len[train_idx], Sentences_label_idx[train_idx]
    167 Test_Sentences_idx, Test_Sentences_len, Test_Sentences_label_idx = 
    168     Sentences_idx[test_idx], Sentences_len[test_idx], Sentences_label_idx[test_idx]
    169 Train_data = MyDataSet(Train_Sentences_idx, Train_Sentences_len, Train_Sentences_label_idx)
    170 Train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=Train_data, batch_size=Batch_size, shuffle=True)
    171 Test_data = MyDataSet(Test_Sentences_idx, Test_Sentences_len, Test_Sentences_label_idx)
    172 Test_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=Test_data, batch_size=Batch_size, shuffle=False)
    174 model = FenCi_Zqx(voc_size=voc_size, em_dim=em_dim, H=H)
    175 # loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    176 # loss_fn = CRF_zqx(tag_num=tag_num)
    177 opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
    179 print('Sentences_idx, Sentences_len, Sentences_label_idx shape')
    180 print(len(Sentences_idx), len(Sentences_len), len(Sentences_label_idx))
    181 print(Sentences_idx.size(), Sentences_len.size(), Sentences_label_idx.size())
    182 print(Sentences_idx.shape, Sentences_len.shape, Sentences_label_idx.shape)
    183 print('#' * 60)
    184 print(model)
    186 def valid(model):
    187     # model.to(device)
    188     # model.eval()
    189     with torch.no_grad():
    190         avg_loss = 0
    191         cnt=0
    192         for batch_step, (now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label) in enumerate(Test_data_loader):
    193             cnt += 1
    194             now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label = 
    195                 now_data.to(device), now_len.to(device), now_mask.to(device), now_label.to(device)
    196             out = model(now_data, now_len, now_mask)
    197             # out = out.view(-1, 3)
    198             # now_mask = now_mask.view(-1)
    199             # now_label = now_label.view(-1)
    201             loss = model.loss_fn(out, now_label, now_mask)
    202             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    203             # print(out.size(), now_label.size(), now_mask.size())
    204             # loss = torch.mean(loss * now_mask)
    205             avg_loss += loss.item()
    206             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    207             # print('loss:', loss.item())
    209         avg_loss /= cnt
    210         return avg_loss
    213 def train(model):
    214     print('start training:')
    215     model.to(device)
    216     time_st_global = time.time()
    217     Train_loss,Valid_loss = [], []
    218     print(model.loss_fn.A)
    219     # print(model.loss_fn.transitions)
    220     for epoch in range(N_epoch):
    221         time_st_epoch = time.time()
    222         avg_loss = 0
    223         cnt = 0
    224         for batch_step, (now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label) in enumerate(Train_data_loader):
    225             cnt += 1
    226             now_data, now_len, now_mask, now_label = 
    227                 now_data.to(device), now_len.to(device), now_mask.to(device), now_label.to(device)
    228             out = model(now_data, now_len, now_mask)
    229             # out = out.view(-1, 3)
    230             # now_mask = now_mask.view(-1)
    231             # now_label = now_label.view(-1)
    232             loss = model.loss_fn(out, now_label, now_mask)
    233             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    234             # print(out.size(), now_label.size(), now_mask.size())
    235             # loss = torch.mean(loss * now_mask)
    236             avg_loss += loss.item()
    237             # print('loss size:', loss.size())
    238             # print('loss:', loss.item())
    240             opt.zero_grad()
    241             loss.backward()
    242             opt.step()
    243         avg_loss /= cnt
    244         valid_avg_loss = valid(model)
    245         print('#' * 80)
    246         print('epoch:{}, steps: {}, train avg loss: {} -- valid avg loss : {} '.format(epoch, cnt, avg_loss, valid_avg_loss))
    247         print('epoch time {:.2f} s, total time {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_st_epoch,
    248                                                                 time.time() - time_st_global))
    249         if len(Valid_loss)==0 or valid_avg_loss < min(Valid_loss):
    250             if not os.path.exists(check_path):
    251                 os.makedirs(check_path)
    252             torch.save(model.state_dict(), filepath)
    254         Train_loss.append(avg_loss)
    255         Valid_loss.append(valid_avg_loss)
    257     print(model.loss_fn.A)
    258     # print(model.loss_fn.transitions)
    259     if show_loss:
    260         plt.figure()
    261         plt.plot(Train_loss,label='Train loss')
    262         plt.plot(Valid_loss, label='Valid loss')
    263         plt.legend()
    264         plt.savefig('Train_Valid_loss' + net + '.png')
    265         # plt.show()
    267     return model
    269         # break
    271 check_path = './Checkpoints/'
    272 filepath = check_path + 'p03_Fenci_state_dict_' + net + ' .pkl'
    274 if training:
    275     model = train(model)
    278 # 模型恢复
    279 model.load_state_dict(torch.load(filepath))
    282 test_words = [
    283     '我是中国人,我爱祖国',
    284     '独行侠队的球员们承诺每天为达拉斯地区奋战在抗疫一线的工作人员们提供餐食',
    285     '汤普森太爱打球,不能出场让他很煎熬',
    286     '这个赛季对克莱来说非常艰难,他太热爱打篮球了,无法上场让他很受打击。',
    287     '克莱和斯蒂芬会处在极佳的状态,准备好比赛。',
    288     '勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者'
    289 ]
    291 np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    292 model.cpu()
    293 model.eval()
    294 for word in test_words:
    295     print('-' * 80)
    296     print('test word : {}'.format(word))
    297     word_idx = [word2index[w] for w in word]
    298     word_idx = torch.LongTensor([word_idx])
    299     # print('word_idx.size():', word_idx.size())
    300     # word_idx.to(device)
    301     out = model(word_idx)
    303     # out = model.loss_fn.decode(emissions=out, mask=None)
    304     out = model.loss_fn.decode(y_pred=out, mask=None)
    305     out_label = out[0]
    308     # # print('out.size():', out.size())
    309     # out = out.squeeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy()
    310     # # print('out.shape():', out.shape)
    311     #
    312     # out_label = np.argmax(out, axis=1)
    313     # # print(out_label)
    315     for i, w in enumerate(word):
    316         print('{} -> {} -> {}'.format(w, idx2label[out_label[i]], out_label[i]))
    318 print('end!!!')
    319 '''
    320 test word : 勇士已经证明了他们也是一支历史级别的球队,维金斯在稍强于巴恩斯的前提下,仍然算得上是三号位上一位合格的替代者
    321 勇 -> B -> 0
    322 士 -> I -> 1
    323 已 -> B -> 0
    324 经 -> I -> 1
    325 证 -> B -> 0
    326 明 -> I -> 1
    327 了 -> S -> 2
    328 他 -> B -> 0
    329 们 -> I -> 1
    330 也 -> S -> 2
    331 是 -> S -> 2
    332 一 -> S -> 2
    333 支 -> S -> 2
    334 历 -> B -> 0
    335 史 -> I -> 1
    336 级 -> B -> 0
    337 别 -> I -> 1
    338 的 -> S -> 2
    339 球 -> B -> 0
    340 队 -> I -> 1
    341 , -> S -> 2
    342 维 -> B -> 0
    343 金 -> I -> 1
    344 斯 -> I -> 1
    345 在 -> S -> 2
    346 稍 -> B -> 0
    347 强 -> I -> 1
    348 于 -> S -> 2
    349 巴 -> B -> 0
    350 恩 -> I -> 1
    351 斯 -> I -> 1
    352 的 -> S -> 2
    353 前 -> B -> 0
    354 提 -> I -> 1
    355 下 -> S -> 2
    356 , -> S -> 2
    357 仍 -> B -> 0
    358 然 -> I -> 1
    359 算 -> S -> 2
    360 得 -> S -> 2
    361 上 -> S -> 2
    362 是 -> S -> 2
    363 三 -> S -> 2
    364 号 -> S -> 2
    365 位 -> S -> 2
    366 上 -> S -> 2
    367 一 -> S -> 2
    368 位 -> S -> 2
    369 合 -> B -> 0
    370 格 -> I -> 1
    371 的 -> S -> 2
    372 替 -> B -> 0
    373 代 -> I -> 1
    374 者 -> I -> 1
    377 '''
    View Code


      1 import torch
      2 import torch.nn as nn
      3 import numpy as np
      4 np.random.seed(1)
      5 torch.manual_seed(1)
      7 class CRF_zqx(nn.Module):
      8     def __init__(self, tag_num):
      9         super(CRF_zqx, self).__init__()
     10         # A为转移矩阵, A_ij, 表示tag i 到 tag j 的得分
     11         # self.A = torch.rand(size=(tag_num, tag_num), requires_grad=True)
     12         # self.A = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(size=(tag_num, tag_num)))
     13         self.A = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(tag_num, tag_num))
     14         self.tag_num = tag_num
     15         self.reset_parameters()
     16     def reset_parameters(self) -> None:
     17         """Initialize the transition parameters.
     19         The parameters will be initialized randomly from a uniform distribution
     20         between -0.1 and 0.1.
     21         """
     22         nn.init.uniform_(self.A, -0.1, 0.1)
     24     def forward(self, y_pred, y_true, mask):
     25         if len(y_true.size()) < 3:
     26             # print(y_true.dtype)
     27             y_true = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(y_true, num_classes=self.tag_num)
     28             y_true = y_true.type(torch.float32)
     29         # y_pred, y_true: [batch_size, seq_len, tag_num],   ps:y_true是one-hot向量
     30         # log p(y_true | x_true) = log {exp(score(y_true, x_true) / Sigma_y exp(score(y, x_true))}
     31         #                        = score(y_true, x_true) - log  sum_y exp(score(y, x_true))
     32         # print('forward:
     33         # print('y_pred:{}
    '.format(y_pred, y_true, mask))
     34         # print('y_pred:{}
    '.format(y_pred.size(), y_true.size(), mask.size()))
     35         # print('A:', self.A)
     36         loss = self.score(y_pred, y_true, mask) - self.log_sum_exp(y_pred, mask)
     37         return torch.mean(-loss)
     39     def score(self, y_pred, y_true, mask):
     40         # y_pred, y_true: [batch_size, seq_len, tag_num]  mask: [batch_size, seq_len]
     41         mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, dim=2)  #  mask: [batch_size, seq_len, 1]
     42         # print('y_pred, y_true, mask size:', y_pred.size(), y_true.size(), mask.size())
     43         score_word2tag = torch.sum(y_pred * y_true * mask, dim=[1, 2])  #  计算word2tag的分数,得到[batch_size, ]向量
     44         #            [batch_size, seq_len-1, tag_num, 1]  *  [batch_size, seq_len-1, 1, tag_num]
     45         #    从而获得[batch_size, seq_len-1, tag_num, tag_num], 后两个维度都是one-hot向量,分别表示tag2tag的转移矩阵A的index
     46         score_tag2tag = torch.unsqueeze(y_true[:, :-1, :] * mask[:, :-1, :], dim=3) 
     47                         * torch.unsqueeze(y_true[:, 1:, :] * mask[:, 1:, :], dim=2)
     49         #               [batch_size, seq_len-1, tag_num, tag_num]  *  [1, 1, tag_num, tag_num]
     50         A = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(self.A, 0), 0)
     51         score_tag2tag = score_tag2tag * A
     52         score_tag2tag = torch.sum(score_tag2tag, dim=[1, 2, 3])  # [batch_size,]
     53         score_ = score_word2tag + score_tag2tag
     54         # print('score_ size:', score_.size())
     55         # print('score:', score_)
     56         return score_
     58     def log_sum_exp(self, y_pred, mask):
     59         # mask: [batch_size, seq_len]
     60         seq_len = y_pred.size(1)
     61         pre_log_Z = y_pred[:, 0, :] # [batch_size, tag_num], initial: log Z = log exp(y_pred[time_step=0]) = y_pred[:, 0 , :]
     63         # print('pre_log_Z:{}, with size:{}'.format(pre_log_Z, pre_log_Z.size()))
     64         for i in range(1, seq_len):
     65             # print('i:', i)
     66             #                    [1, tag_num, tag_num]   +  [batch_size, tag_num, 1] = [batch_size, tag_num, tag_num]
     67             # 然后对列(dim=1)求logsumexp,  得到[batch_size, tag_num]
     68             tmp = pre_log_Z.unsqueeze(2)
     69             # log_Z = torch.logsumexp(tmp + self.A + y_pred[:, i:i+1, :], dim=1)
     70             log_Z = torch.logsumexp(torch.unsqueeze(self.A, 0) + torch.unsqueeze(pre_log_Z, 2), dim=1) + y_pred[:, i, :]
     71             log_Z = mask[:, i:i+1] * log_Z + (1 - mask[:, i:i+1]) * pre_log_Z  # 现在mask位置上是1,则更新, 如果是0,则取用pre_log_Z的值
     72             pre_log_Z = log_Z.clone()
     73         # print('log_Z size:', pre_log_Z.size())
     75         # print('res:', pre_log_Z)
     76         res = torch.logsumexp(pre_log_Z,dim=1)  # 是logsumexp  不是 sum,  debug了大半天!!!!
     77         # print('logsumexp:', res)
     78         return res
     80     def decode(self,y_pred, mask=None):
     81         batch, seq_len = y_pred.size(0), y_pred.size(1)
     82         if mask is None:
     83             mask = torch.ones(size=[batch, seq_len])
     85         pre_dp = y_pred[:, 0, :]  #[batch, tag_num]
     86         dp_best_idx = torch.LongTensor(torch.zeros(size=[batch, seq_len + 1, self.tag_num], dtype=torch.long) - 1)
     87         for i in range(1, seq_len):                      # from     to
     88             now_pred = y_pred[:, i:i+1, :]       # [batch, 1,       tag_num]
     89             pre_dp = torch.unsqueeze(pre_dp, 2)  # [batch, tag_num, 1      ]
     90             A = torch.unsqueeze(self.A, 0)       # [1,     tag_num, tag_num]
     91             dp, idx = torch.max(pre_dp + A + now_pred, dim=1) #  dp: [batch, tag_num]
     92             # print('dp:{}, idx:{}'.format(dp.size(), idx.size()))
     93             dp_best_idx[:, i, :] = idx
     94             pre_dp = dp.clone()
     96         best_value, last_tag = torch.max(pre_dp, dim=1)
     97         print('pre_dp:{}, pre_dp size:{}
    pointer:{}, last_tag size:{}'.format(pre_dp, pre_dp.size(), last_tag, last_tag.size()))
     98         last_tag = list(last_tag.cpu().detach().numpy())
     99         dp_best_idx = dp_best_idx.cpu().detach().numpy()
    100         print('last tag:', last_tag)
    101         ans = [last_tag] # [batch]
    102         i = seq_len - 1
    103         while i:
    104             tmp = dp_best_idx[:, i, :]
    105             pre_tag = []
    106             for j in range(batch):
    107                 pre_tag.append(tmp[j, last_tag[j]])
    108             last_tag = pre_tag.copy()
    109             ans = [pre_tag] + ans
    110             i -= 1
    111         ans = np.array(ans) #[seq_len, batch]
    112         ans = ans.transpose()
    113         print('ans:', ans)
    114         # while i:
    115         #     print('dp_best_idx[:, i, :] size:{}, pointer.unsqueeze(1) size:{}'.format(
    116         #         dp_best_idx[:, i, :].size(), pointer.unsqueeze(1).size()))
    117         #     print('dp_best_idx[:, i, :]:{}, pointer.unsqueeze(1):{}'.format(
    118         #         dp_best_idx[:, i, :], pointer.unsqueeze(1)))
    119         #     pointer = dp_best_idx[:, i, :][pointer.unsqueeze(1)]  # pointer.unsqueeze(1): [batch, 1]
    120         #     ans = [list(pointer)] + ans
    121         #     i = i - 1
    123         return ans
    125 if __name__=='__main__':
    126     batch = 1
    127     seq_len = 3
    128     tag_num = 2
    129     y_pred = torch.rand(size=[batch, seq_len, tag_num])
    130     y_true = torch.randint(0, tag_num, size=[batch, seq_len])
    131     # print(y_true)
    132     y_true = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(y_true, num_classes=tag_num)
    133     y_true = y_true.type(torch.float32)
    134     # print(y_true)
    135     # print(y_true.size())
    136     mask = []
    137     for _ in range(batch):
    138         tmp = np.random.randint(2, seq_len)
    139         mask.append([1] * tmp + [0] * (seq_len - tmp))
    140     mask = torch.Tensor(mask)
    141     # print(mask)
    142     model =CRF_zqx(tag_num=tag_num)
    146     # print('y_pred:{}
    '.format(y_pred, y_true, mask))
    147     # print(type(y_pred))
    148     # print(type(y_true))
    149     # print(type(mask))
    150     # print(y_pred.dtype)
    151     # print(y_true.dtype)
    152     # print(mask.dtype)
    154     print('y_pred=y_pred, y_true=y_true, mask=mask:', y_pred.size(), y_true.size(), mask.size())
    155     loss = model(y_pred=y_pred, y_true=y_true, mask=mask)
    156     print('loss: {}'.format(loss))
    159 '''
    160 y_pred:tensor([[[0.7576, 0.2793],
    161          [0.4031, 0.7347]]])
    162 y_true:tensor([[[0., 1.],
    163          [0., 1.]]])
    164 mask:tensor([[1., 0.]])
    166 '''
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    LDA 模型(具体请看LDA数学八卦)

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