• 【MicroPython】生成QSTR表的脚本 py\makeqstrdata.py

    • 转义非字母数字的字符,转义结果为预定义字符串codepoint2name[]
    def qstr_escape(qst):
        def esc_char(m):
            c = ord(m.group(0))
                name = codepoint2name[c]
            except KeyError:
                name = "0x%02x" % c
            return "_" + name + "_"
        return re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]", esc_char, qst)
    • 生成静态qstr列表
    def parse_input_headers(infiles):
        qcfgs = {}
        qstrs = {}
        # add static qstrs
        for qstr in static_qstr_list:
            # work out the corresponding qstr name
            ident = qstr_escape(qstr)
            # don't add duplicates
            assert ident not in qstrs
            # add the qstr to the list, with order number to retain original order in file
            order = len(qstrs) - 300000
            qstrs[ident] = (order, ident, qstr)


    • 生成输入文件的qstr列表,带去重机制
    # 主要做两件事:提取QCFG配置的长度字节数和哈希字节数,提取Q描述的qstr字符串
    # read the qstrs in from the input files
        for infile in infiles:
            with open(infile, "rt") as f:
                for line in f:
                    line = line.strip()
                    # is this a config line?
                    match = re.match(r"^QCFG\((.+), (.+)\)", line)
                    if match:
                        value = match.group(2)
                        if value[0] == "(" and value[-1] == ")":
                            # strip parenthesis from config value
                            value = value[1:-1]
                        qcfgs[match.group(1)] = value
                    # is this a QSTR line?
                    match = re.match(r"^Q\((.*)\)$", line)
                    if not match:
                    # get the qstr value
                    qstr = match.group(1)
                    # special cases to specify control characters
                    if qstr == "\\n":
                        qstr = "\n"
                    elif qstr == "\\r\\n":
                        qstr = "\r\n"
                    # work out the corresponding qstr name
                    ident = qstr_escape(qstr)
                    # don't add duplicates
                    if ident in qstrs:
                    # add the qstr to the list, with order number to retain original order in file
                    order = len(qstrs)
                    # but put special method names like __add__ at the top of list, so
                    # that their id's fit into a byte
                    if ident == "":
                        # Sort empty qstr above all still
                        order = -200000
                    elif ident == "__dir__":
                        # Put __dir__ after empty qstr for builtin dir() to work
                        order = -190000
                    elif ident.startswith("__"):
                        order -= 100000
                    qstrs[ident] = (order, ident, qstr)
    • 生成QSTR表的输入文件示例,即Q(string)

    • 将生成的QSTR表定位到文件

    上述问题解决:输入 bash 回车,然后再次执行生成

    • 修改脚本使输出格式符合代码运行要求
    def make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr):
        qbytes = bytes_cons(qstr, "utf8")
        qlen = len(qbytes)
        qhash = compute_hash(qbytes, cfg_bytes_hash)
        if qlen >= (1 << (8 * cfg_bytes_len)):
            print("qstr is too long:", qstr)
            assert False
        qdata = escape_bytes(qstr, qbytes)
        # return '%d, %d, "%s"' % (qhash, qlen, qdata)
        return '(const byte*)"\\x%02x\\x%02x\\x%02x" "%s"' % (qhash >> 8, qhash & 0xFF, qlen, qdata)
    def print_qstr_data(qcfgs, qstrs):
        # get config variables
        cfg_bytes_len = int(qcfgs["BYTES_IN_LEN"])
        cfg_bytes_hash = int(qcfgs["BYTES_IN_HASH"])
        # print out the starter of the generated C header file
        print("// This file was automatically generated by makeqstrdata.py")
        # add NULL qstr with no hash or data
        # print('QDEF(MP_QSTRnull, 0, 0, "")')
        print('QDEF(MP_QSTRnull, (const byte*)"\\x00\\x00\\x00" "")')
        # go through each qstr and print it out
        # sorted(object,  key=lambda  变量:变量[维数] ):对qstrs按第一维数据进行由小到大排序
        for order, ident, qstr in sorted(qstrs.values(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            qbytes = make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr)
            print("QDEF(MP_QSTR_%s, %s)" % (ident, qbytes))

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/skullboyer/p/16225214.html
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