• 身份证校验-----15位,18位后端

    用的是thinkphp5 + layui


     1     //添加志愿者
     2     public function add()
     3     {
     4         if($this->request->isAjax())
     5         {
     6             $request = new Request();     
     7             $params = $this->request->param();   
     8             $title = $params['title'];
     9             if(empty($title)){
    10                 $this->error('请输入志愿者名称!');
    11             } 
    12             $volun = $params['volun_no'];
    13             if(empty($volun)){
    14                 $this->error('请输入志愿者编号!');
    15             }   
    16             $identity = $params['identity'];
    17             if(empty($identity)){
    18                 $this->error('请输入您的身份证号或护照号!');
    19             } 
    20             $type = $params['identity_type'];
    21             if(empty($identity)){
    22                 $this->error('请选择您的证件类型!');
    23             } 
    24             //类型type=1身份证,type=2护照            
    25             if(15==strlen($identity)){ //检查15位                
    26                 $regx = "/^(d{6})+(d{2})+(d{2})+(d{2})+(d{3})$/";
    27                 $arr_split = array();
    28                 @preg_match($regx, $identity, $arr_split);
    29                 //检查生日日期是否正确
    30                 $dtm_birth = "19".$arr_split[2] . '/' . $arr_split[3]. '/' .$arr_split[4];
    31                 if(!strtotime($dtm_birth))
    32                 {
    33                     $this->error('您输入的身份证号码有误!');
    34                 } 
    35                 $result = Db::name('volunteers')->where(['identity'=>$identity])->find();
    36                 if($result){
    37                     $this->error('该志愿者身份证号已存在,请勿重复添加!');
    38                 }else{
    39                     $data = [
    40                         'title'          => isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : '',
    41                         'volun_no'       => isset($params['volun_no']) ? $params['volun_no'] : '',
    42                         'userid'         => isset($params['userid']) ? $params['userid'] : 0,
    43                         'createtime'     => time(),
    44                         'updatetime'     => time(),
    45                         'identity'       => $params['identity'],
    46                         'identity_type'  => isset($params['identity_type']) ? $params['identity_type'] : 1,
    47                     ]; 
    48                     if($result = Db::name('volunteers')->insert($data))
    49                     {
    50                         return $this->success('志愿者添加成功!');
    51                     }else{
    52                         return $this->error('志愿者添加失败!');
    53                     } 
    54                     return;
    55                 }  
    56             }
    57             if( strlen($identity ) != 18) {
    58                 $this->error('您输入的身份证号码有误!');
    59             }
    60             $crad_id_base = substr($identity , 0, 17);
    61             $crad_id_verify = substr($identity , -1);
    62             // 加权因子 
    63             $factor = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3);
    64             // 校验码对应值 
    65             $verify_number_list = array('1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2');
    66             $checksum = 0;
    67             for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($crad_id_base); $i++ ) {
    68                 $checksum += substr($crad_id_base, $i, 1) * $factor[$i % 10];
    69             }
    70             $mod = $checksum % 11;
    71             if( $crad_id_verify == $verify_number_list[$mod] ) {
    72                 $result = Db::name('volunteers')->where(['identity'=>$identity])->find();
    73                 if($result){
    74                     $this->error('该志愿者身份证号已存在,请勿重复添加!');
    75                 }else{
    76                     $data = [
    77                         'title'          => isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : '',
    78                         'volun_no'       => isset($params['volun_no']) ? $params['volun_no'] : '',
    79                         'userid'         => isset($params['userid']) ? $params['userid'] : 0,
    80                         'createtime'     => time(),
    81                         'updatetime'     => time(),
    82                         'identity'       => $params['identity'],
    83                         'identity_type'  => isset($params['identity_type']) ? $params['identity_type'] : 1,
    84                     ]; 
    85                     if($result = Db::name('volunteers')->insert($data))
    86                     {
    87                         return $this->success('志愿者添加成功!');
    88                     }else{
    89                         return $this->error('志愿者添加失败!');
    90                     } 
    91                     return;
    92                 }  
    93                 return;
    94             } 
    95         }                                                    
    96         return $this->fetch();
    97     }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/silen0119/p/11430942.html
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