declare @ProductName nvarchar(50) declare pcurr cursor for select ProductName from Products open pcurr fetch next from pcurr into @ProductName while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin print (@ProductName) fetch next from pcurr into @ProductName end close pcurr deallocate pcurr
--给空的sort进行赋值 从1开始按顺序排
declare @id int declare cursor1 cursor for
select ClassId from [content] group by ClassId
open cursor1
fetch next from cursor1 into @id
while @@fetch_status=0
select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by id) as pid,id into #ttttt from [content] where classid=@id;
update [content] set sort = pid from #ttttt where #ttttt.id = [content].id;
drop table #ttttt;
fetch next from cursor1 into @id
end close cursor1
- 如果能不用游标,尽量不要使用游标
- 用完用完之后一定要关闭和释放
- 尽量不要在大量数据上定义游标
- 尽量不要使用游标上更新数据
- 尽量不要使用insensitive, static和keyset这些参数定义游标
- 如果可以,尽量使用FAST_FORWARD关键字定义游标
- 如果只对数据进行读取,当读取时只用到FETCH NEXT选项,则最好使用FORWARD_ONLY参数
- 参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/moss_tan_jun/archive/2011/11/26/2263988.html
declare @ProductName nvarchar(50) declare @ProductID int select @ProductID=min(ProductID) from Products while @ProductID is not null begin select @ProductName=ProductName from Products where ProductID=@ProductID print(@ProductName); select @ProductID=min(ProductID) from Products where ProductID>@ProductID end
--删除临时表#Tmp create table #Tmp --创建临时表#Tmp ( ID int IDENTITY (1,1) not null, --创建列ID,并且每次新增一条记录就会加1 WokNo varchar(50), primary key (ID) --定义ID为临时表#Tmp的主键 ); --declare @temp table --( -- [id] int IDENTITY(1,1), -- [Name] varchar(10) --) Select * from #Tmp --查询临时表的数据 truncate table #Tmp --清空临时表的所有数据和约束 相关例子: Declare @Wokno Varchar(500) --用来记录职工号 Declare @Str NVarchar(4000) --用来存放查询语句 Declare @Count int --求出总记录数 Declare @i int Set @i = 0 Select @Count = Count(Distinct(Wokno)) from #Tmp While @i < @Count Begin Set @Str = 'Select top 1 @Wokno = WokNo from #Tmp Where id not in (Select top ' + Str(@i) + 'id from #Tmp)' Exec Sp_ExecuteSql @Str,N'@WokNo Varchar(500) OutPut',@WokNo Output Select @WokNo,@i --一行一行把职工号显示出来 Set @i = @i + 1 End --drop table #temp
USE Test_DBData; GO --修正表中REC_CreateBy,REC_ModifyBy CREATE TABLE #temp ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) , tablename NVARCHAR(100) ); DECLARE @tablename NVARCHAR(100); DECLARE @n INT; DECLARE @count INT; DECLARE @str NVARCHAR(4000); --用来存放查询语句 DECLARE @tableCreateBy NVARCHAR(150); DECLARE @tableModifyBy NVARCHAR(150); SELECT @n = 1; INSERT #temp ( tablename ) SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U '
AND (name <> 'Dim_Employee')
AND (name <> 'Fct_ChannelType')
AND (name <> 'Rel_TPOCommodityMessage')
AND (name LIKE 'Dim%' OR name LIKE 'Fct%' OR name LIKE 'Rel%');
SELECT @count = @@rowcount; WHILE @n <= @count BEGIN SELECT @tablename = ( SELECT tablename FROM #temp WHERE id = @n ); SET @tableCreateBy = @tablename + '.REC_CreateBy'; SET @tableModifyBy = @tablename + '.REC_ModifyBy'; SET @str = 'IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT '+@tableCreateBy+' FROM '+@tablename+' INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Employee ON '+@tableCreateBy+' = Dim_Employee.LoginName ) tb) BEGIN UPDATE '+@tablename+' SET REC_CreateBy = Dim_Employee.EmployeeId FROM '+@tablename+' INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Employee ON '+@tableCreateBy+' = Dim_Employee.LoginName; END; IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT '+@tableModifyBy+' FROM '+@tablename+' INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Employee ON '+@tableModifyBy+' = Dim_Employee.LoginName ) tb ) BEGIN UPDATE '+@tablename+' SET REC_ModifyBy = Dim_Employee.EmployeeId FROM '+@tablename+' INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Employee ON '+@tableModifyBy+' = Dim_Employee.LoginName; END; '; EXEC(@str); SELECT @n = @n + 1; DELETE FROM #temp WHERE tablename = @tablename; END; --删除临时表 IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#temp') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #temp; END
1.分批更新数据库 declare @x int set @x=1 while(@x<=51) begin begin tran update UserFavorite set UserFavorite.firstpublishtime = product.lastpublishtime from UserFavorite,product where UserFavorite.productid = product.id and UserFavorite.id between (@x-1)* 10000 and @x*10000 commit tran set @x=@x+1 WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'; --等待5秒 end