• (转) 使用vivado创建工程 1

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    本人在vivado 2015.4版本测试!

    When we have completed lab 1, we will know how to do the following:

    • Create a new project in Vivado targeting the Zynq Zedboard
    • Add an embedded ARM source in Vivado integrator
    • Configure the embedded source
    • Enable and map a Zynq PS UART peripheral
    • Build the hardware platform and export to Vivado SDK
    • Create and run a Hello World application

    Let's launch Vivado.

    vivado &

    Start a new project

    To start a new project select "Create New Project

    Enter the project name LED_Controller and specify the project location. Don't forget to mark the "Create project subdirectory" tick box .

    Select project type. In this project we will add RTL source code, synthesize and implement. We will not add any source code at this time.

    We will add our design to the ZedBoard.

    Click Finish to start project creation. 
    The Vivado Cockpit window opens.

    Project settings

    Before we start designing the new project let's look at the project settings.

    Select Tools->Project Settings from the top menu.

    We will use Verilog as our target HDL language all other settings can be left with their default values.

    Vivado IP Integrator

    The current project is blank. To access the ARM processing system, we will create a Block Design in Vivado IP Integrator. Once the Block Design is created, we will add the ARM procesing system as an IP and configure it. 

    1. Click "Create Block Design" under IP Integrator in the Flow Navigator window.

    2. Type system for the Design name and click OK.

    3. The source system (system.bd) is created and added under Design Sources in the Sources pane to the left and the Diagram opens in the Block Design pane to the right. To get started select <Add IP> by clicking the highlighted text at the top.

    4. A pop-up window opens. Type zynq in the search fields and select ZYNQ7 Processing System followed by <ENTER>.

    5. ZYN7 Processing System is now added in the Diagram pane. Start to configure the block by double-clicking the IP.

    The Re-Customize IP window opens showing the ZYNQ Block Design. Since we specified the board, the ARM processing system is pre-configured with the I/O peripherals that are connected on that board.


    7. We will not connect anything from the programmable logic (PL) in our first design and hence we will get an error unless we remove the AXI interface to the PL. Select <PS-PL Configuration> in the Page Navigator pane and expand GP Master AXI Interface. Disable the M AXI GPIO Interface by clicking in the box to remove the check mark.

    In Vivado 2015.1 the M AXI GP0 interface can be found here.

    8. We will only use UART 1 as a peripheral in our first design and later on we will need SD 0 when we boot from SD card. All other unnecessary connections can be removed. Select <MIO Configuration> in the Page Navigator pane and expand Memory Interfaces, I/O Peripherals and Application Processor Unit. Deselect everything except SD 0  and UART 1. Verify that MIO 40..45 are selected for SD 0 and MIO 48..49 for UART 1.

    9. We will not connect anything from the programmable logic in our first design and we don't need to clock the PL. Select <Clock Configuration> in the Page Navigator pane and expand PL Fabric Clocks. Disable FCLK_CLK0.

    10. Click OK to close the Re-Customize IP widow. Back in the Diaagram tab we need to create external connections in order to hook up the memory interface and the UART to physical pins. This step can be automated. Start <Run Block Automation> by clicking on the highlighted text at the top of the window and select /processing_system7_0.

    11. A pop-up window appears, click OK to run block automation.

    12. Verify that the external connections for FIXED_IO (all peripherals connected through MIO) and DDR (the external memory interface) get added. Validate design by clicking on the icon to be found to the left (third from the bottom).

    13. A pop-up window appears, verify that there are no errors and click OK.

    In Vivado 2015.1 the finished design looks like this.

    14. Save the Block Design by typing Ctrl-S or clicking the Save Block Design icon in the top menu bar.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shuqingstudy/p/7448664.html
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